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// Package input defines keyboard and mouse code constants.
package input
import "unicode"
// Key represents a keyboard key.
type Key int
const (
KeyNone Key = 0
KeyInsert Key = 1
KeyMenu Key = 2
KeyPrintScreen Key = 3
KeyPause Key = 4
KeyCapsLock Key = 5
KeyScrollLock Key = 6
KeyNumLock Key = 7
KeyBackspace Key = 8
KeyTab Key = 9
KeyEnter Key = 10
KeyEscape Key = 11
KeyUp Key = 12
KeyDown Key = 13
KeyLeft Key = 14
KeyRight Key = 15
KeyPageUp Key = 16
KeyPageDown Key = 17
KeyHome Key = 18
KeyEnd Key = 19
KeyLeftShift Key = 20
KeyRightShift Key = 21
KeyLeftControl Key = 22
KeyRightControl Key = 23
KeyLeftAlt Key = 24
KeyRightAlt Key = 25
KeyLeftMeta Key = 26
KeyRightMeta Key = 27
KeyLeftSuper Key = 28
KeyRightSuper Key = 29
KeyLeftHyper Key = 30
KeyRightHyper Key = 31
KeyDelete Key = 127
KeyDead Key = 128
KeyF1 Key = 129
KeyF2 Key = 130
KeyF3 Key = 131
KeyF4 Key = 132
KeyF5 Key = 133
KeyF6 Key = 134
KeyF7 Key = 135
KeyF8 Key = 136
KeyF9 Key = 137
KeyF10 Key = 138
KeyF11 Key = 139
KeyF12 Key = 140
// Button represents a mouse button.
type Button int
const (
ButtonNone Button = iota
ButtonLeft Button = Button1
ButtonMiddle Button = Button2
ButtonRight Button = Button3
ButtonBack Button = Button8
ButtonForward Button = Button9
// Printable returns whether or not the key's character could show up on screen.
// If this function returns true, the key can be cast to a rune and used as
// such.
func (key Key) Printable () (printable bool) {
printable = unicode.IsPrint(rune(key))
// Modifiers lists what modifier keys are being pressed. This is used in
// conjunction with a Key code in a Key press event. These should be used
// instead of attempting to track the state of the modifier keys, because there
// is no guarantee that one press event will be coupled with one release event.
type Modifiers struct {
Shift bool
Control bool
Alt bool
Meta bool
Super bool
Hyper bool
// NumberPad does not represent a key, but it behaves like one. If it is
// set to true, the Key was pressed on the number pad. It is treated
// as a modifier key because if you don't care whether a key was pressed
// on the number pad or not, you can just ignore this value.
NumberPad bool
// KeynavDirection represents a keyboard navigation direction.
type KeynavDirection int
const (
KeynavDirectionNeutral KeynavDirection = 0
KeynavDirectionBackward KeynavDirection = -1
KeynavDirectionForward KeynavDirection = 1
// Canon returns a well-formed direction.
func (direction KeynavDirection) Canon () (canon KeynavDirection) {
if direction > 0 {
return KeynavDirectionForward
} else if direction == 0 {
return KeynavDirectionNeutral
} else {
return KeynavDirectionBackward