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package nasin
import "os"
// TODO: possibly fork the official plugin module and add support for other
// operating systems? perhaps enhance the Lookup function with
// the generic extract function we have here for extra type safety goodness.
import "plugin"
import "path/filepath"
import ""
type expectsFunc func () tomo.Version
type nameFunc func () string
type descriptionFunc func () string
type backendFactory func () (tomo.Backend, error)
type themeFactory func () tomo.Theme
var factories []backendFactory
var theme tomo.Theme
var pluginPaths []string
func loadPlugins () {
for _, dir := range pluginPaths {
func loadPluginsFrom (dir string) {
entries, err := os.ReadDir(dir)
// its no big deal if one of the dirs doesn't exist
if err != nil { return }
for _, entry := range entries {
if entry.IsDir() { continue }
if filepath.Ext(entry.Name()) != ".so" { continue }
pluginPath := filepath.Join(dir, entry.Name())
func loadPlugin (path string) {
die := func (reason string) {
println (
"nasin: could not load plugin at ",
path + ":", reason)
plugin, err := plugin.Open(path)
if err != nil {
// check for and obtain basic plugin functions
expects, ok := extract[expectsFunc](plugin, "Expects")
if !ok { die("does not implement Expects() tomo.Version"); return }
name, ok := extract[nameFunc](plugin, "Name")
if !ok { die("does not implement Name() string"); return }
_, ok = extract[descriptionFunc](plugin, "Description")
if !ok { die("does not implement Description() string"); return }
// check for version compatibility
pluginVersion := expects()
currentVersion := tomo.CurrentVersion()
if !pluginVersion.CompatibleABI(currentVersion) {
die (
"plugin (" + pluginVersion.String() +
") incompatible with tomo/nasin version (" +
currentVersion.String() + ")")
// if it's a backend plugin...
newBackend, ok := extract[backendFactory](plugin, "NewBackend")
if ok { factories = append(factories, newBackend) }
// if it's a theme plugin...
newTheme, ok := extract[themeFactory](plugin, "NewTheme")
if ok { theme = newTheme() }
println("nasin: loaded plugin", name())
func extract[T any] (plugin *plugin.Plugin, name string) (value T, ok bool) {
symbol, err := plugin.Lookup(name)
if err != nil { return }
value, ok = symbol.(T)