DirectoryView uses File to display files

This commit is contained in:
Sasha Koshka 2023-03-21 18:03:31 -04:00
parent dcc672e2bc
commit 68341517f7
5 changed files with 364 additions and 51 deletions

View File

@ -219,7 +219,6 @@ func (element *DocumentContainer) NotifyFlexibleHeightChange (child elements.Fle
// SetTheme sets the element's theme.
func (element *DocumentContainer) SetTheme (new theme.Theme) {
if new == element.theme.Theme { return }

View File

@ -1,22 +1,44 @@
package fileElements
import "io/fs"
import "image"
import "path/filepath"
import ""
import ""
import ""
import ""
import ""
import ""
import ""
type ReadDirStatFS interface {
type fileLayoutEntry struct {
Bounds image.Rectangle
// DirectoryView displays a list of files within a particular directory and
// file system.
type DirectoryView struct {
core core.CoreControl
children []fileLayoutEntry
scroll image.Point
contentBounds image.Rectangle
config config.Wrapped
theme theme.Wrapped
onScrollBoundsChange func ()
filesystem ReadDirStatFS
location string
onChoose func (file string)
// NewDirectoryView creates a new directory view. If within is nil, it will use
// the OS file system.
func NewDirectoryView (
location string,
within ReadDirStatFS,
@ -24,17 +46,21 @@ func NewDirectoryView (
element *DirectoryView,
err error,
) {
element = &DirectoryView {
List: basicElements.NewList(),
element = &DirectoryView { }
element.theme.Case = theme.C("files", "directoryView")
element.Core, element.core = core.NewCore(element, element.redoAll)
element.Propagator = core.NewPropagator(element, element.core)
err = element.SetLocation(location, within)
// Location returns the directory's location and filesystem.
func (element *DirectoryView) Location () (string, fs.ReadDirFS) {
return element.location, element.filesystem
// SetLocation sets the directory's location and filesystem. If within is nil,
// it will use the OS file system.
func (element *DirectoryView) SetLocation (
location string,
within ReadDirStatFS,
@ -42,32 +68,231 @@ func (element *DirectoryView) SetLocation (
if within == nil {
within = defaultFS { }
element.scroll = image.Point { }
element.location = location
element.filesystem = within
return element.Update()
// Update refreshes the directory's contents.
func (element *DirectoryView) Update () error {
defer element.redoAll()
entries, err := element.filesystem.ReadDir(element.location)
listEntries := make([]basicElements.ListEntry, len(entries))
// disown all entries
for _, file := range element.children {
file.DrawTo(nil, image.Rectangle { }, nil)
if file.Focused() {
element.children = make([]fileLayoutEntry, len(entries))
for index, entry := range entries {
filePath := filepath.Join(element.location, entry.Name())
listEntries[index] = basicElements.NewListEntry (
func () {
filePath := filePath
if element.onChoose != nil {
file, err := NewFile (
if err != nil { return err }
element.children[index].File = file
element.children[index].DirEntry = entry
element.OnChoose (func (filepath string) {
if element.onChoose != nil {
return err
// OnChoose sets a function to be called when the user double-clicks a file or
// sub-directory within the directory view.
func (element *DirectoryView) OnChoose (callback func (file string)) {
element.onChoose = callback
// CountChildren returns the amount of children contained within this element.
func (element *DirectoryView) CountChildren () (count int) {
return len(element.children)
// Child returns the child at the specified index. If the index is out of
// bounds, this method will return nil.
func (element *DirectoryView) Child (index int) (child elements.Element) {
if index < 0 || index > len(element.children) { return }
return element.children[index].File
func (element *DirectoryView) redoAll () {
if !element.core.HasImage() { return }
// do a layout
maxScrollHeight := element.maxScrollHeight()
if element.scroll.Y > maxScrollHeight {
element.scroll.Y = maxScrollHeight
// draw a background
rocks := make([]image.Rectangle, len(element.children))
for index, entry := range element.children {
rocks[index] = entry.Bounds
pattern := element.theme.Pattern (
theme.State { })
artist.DrawShatter(element.core, pattern, element.Bounds(), rocks...)
if parent, ok := element.core.Parent().(elements.ScrollableParent); ok {
if element.onScrollBoundsChange != nil {
func (element *DirectoryView) partition () {
for _, entry := range element.children {
entry.DrawTo(nil, entry.Bounds, nil)
// cut our canvas up and give peices to child elements
for _, entry := range element.children {
if entry.Bounds.Overlaps(element.Bounds()) {
entry.DrawTo (
canvas.Cut(element.core, entry.Bounds),
entry.Bounds, func (region image.Rectangle) {
// NotifyMinimumSizeChange notifies the container that the minimum size of a
// child element has changed.
func (element *DirectoryView) NotifyMinimumSizeChange (child elements.Element) {
// SetTheme sets the element's theme.
func (element *DirectoryView) SetTheme (new theme.Theme) {
if new == element.theme.Theme { return }
element.theme.Theme = new
// SetConfig sets the element's configuration.
func (element *DirectoryView) SetConfig (new config.Config) {
if new == element.config.Config { return }
// ScrollContentBounds returns the full content size of the element.
func (element *DirectoryView) ScrollContentBounds () image.Rectangle {
return element.contentBounds
// ScrollViewportBounds returns the size and position of the element's
// viewport relative to ScrollBounds.
func (element *DirectoryView) ScrollViewportBounds () image.Rectangle {
padding := element.theme.Padding(theme.PatternPinboard)
bounds := padding.Apply(element.Bounds())
bounds = bounds.Sub(bounds.Min).Add(element.scroll)
return bounds
// ScrollTo scrolls the viewport to the specified point relative to
// ScrollBounds.
func (element *DirectoryView) ScrollTo (position image.Point) {
if position.Y < 0 {
position.Y = 0
maxScrollHeight := element.maxScrollHeight()
if position.Y > maxScrollHeight {
position.Y = maxScrollHeight
element.scroll = position
if element.core.HasImage() {
// OnScrollBoundsChange sets a function to be called when the element's viewport
// bounds, content bounds, or scroll axes change.
func (element *DirectoryView) OnScrollBoundsChange (callback func ()) {
element.onScrollBoundsChange = callback
// ScrollAxes returns the supported axes for scrolling.
func (element *DirectoryView) ScrollAxes () (horizontal, vertical bool) {
return false, true
func (element *DirectoryView) maxScrollHeight () (height int) {
padding := element.theme.Padding(theme.PatternSunken)
viewportHeight := element.Bounds().Dy() - padding.Vertical()
height = element.contentBounds.Dy() - viewportHeight
if height < 0 { height = 0 }
func (element *DirectoryView) doLayout () {
margin := element.theme.Margin(theme.PatternPinboard)
padding := element.theme.Padding(theme.PatternPinboard)
bounds := padding.Apply(element.Bounds())
element.contentBounds = image.Rectangle { }
beginningOfRow := true
dot := bounds.Min.Sub(element.scroll)
for index, entry := range element.children {
width, height := entry.MinimumSize()
if dot.X + width > bounds.Max.X {
dot.X = bounds.Min.Sub(element.scroll).X
dot.Y += height
if index > 1 {
dot.Y += margin.Y
beginningOfRow = true
if beginningOfRow {
beginningOfRow = false
} else {
dot.X += margin.X
entry.Bounds.Min = dot
entry.Bounds.Max = image.Pt(dot.X + width, dot.Y + height)
element.children[index] = entry
element.contentBounds = element.contentBounds.Union(entry.Bounds)
dot.X += width
element.contentBounds =
func (element *DirectoryView) updateMinimumSize () {
padding := element.theme.Padding(theme.PatternPinboard)
minimumWidth := 0
for _, entry := range element.children {
width, _ := entry.MinimumSize()
if width > minimumWidth {
minimumWidth = width
element.core.SetMinimumSize (
minimumWidth + padding.Horizontal(),

View File

@ -1,24 +1,31 @@
package fileElements
import "io/fs"
import "image"
import ""
import ""
import ""
import ""
import ""
// File is a
// File displays an interactive visual representation of a file within any
// file system.
type File struct {
core core.CoreControl
focusableControl core.FocusableCoreControl
// we inherit from Icon directly because it is not our responsibility
// to draw text. this will be the responsibility of the directory that
// contains the file. we don't handle mouse events on the file label
// text either because when the user clicks on that we want to rename
// the file.
config config.Wrapped
theme theme.Wrapped
iconID theme.Icon
filesystem fs.StatFS
location string
onChoose func ()
location string
onChoose func ()
// NewFile creates a new file element. If within is nil, it will use the OS file
// system
func NewFile (
location string,
within fs.StatFS,
@ -26,17 +33,22 @@ func NewFile (
element *File,
err error,
) {
element = &File {
Icon: basicElements.NewIcon(theme.IconFile, theme.IconSizeLarge),
element = &File { }
element.theme.Case = theme.C("files", "file")
element.Core, element.core = core.NewCore(element, element.drawAll)
element.focusableControl = core.NewFocusableCore(element.core, element.drawAndPush)
err = element.SetLocation(location, within)
// Location returns the file's location and filesystem.
func (element *File) Location () (string, fs.StatFS) {
return element.location, element.filesystem
// SetLocation sets the file's location and filesystem. If within is nil, it
// will use the OS file system.
func (element *File) SetLocation (
location string,
within fs.StatFS,
@ -49,19 +61,79 @@ func (element *File) SetLocation (
return element.Update()
// Update refreshes the element to match the file it represents.
func (element *File) Update () error {
element.iconID = theme.IconError
info, err := element.filesystem.Stat(element.location)
if err != nil { return err }
// TODO: choose icon based on file mime type
if info.IsDir() {
element.SetIcon(theme.IconDirectory, theme.IconSizeLarge)
element.iconID = theme.IconDirectory
} else {
element.SetIcon(theme.IconFile, theme.IconSizeLarge)
element.iconID = theme.IconFile
return err
func (element *File) OnChoose (callback func ()) {
element.onChoose = callback
func (element *File) state () theme.State {
return theme.State {
Disabled: !element.Enabled(),
Focused: element.Focused(),
// Pressed: element.pressed,
func (element *File) icon () artist.Icon {
return element.theme.Icon(element.iconID, theme.IconSizeLarge)
func (element *File) updateMinimumSize () {
padding := element.theme.Padding(theme.PatternButton)
icon := element.icon()
if icon == nil {
element.core.SetMinimumSize (
} else {
bounds := padding.Inverse().Apply(icon.Bounds())
element.core.SetMinimumSize(bounds.Dx(), bounds.Dy())
func (element *File) drawAndPush () {
if element.core.HasImage() {
func (element *File) drawAll () {
// background
state := element.state()
bounds := element.Bounds()
Pattern(theme.PatternButton, state).
Draw(element.core, bounds)
// icon
icon := element.icon()
if icon != nil {
iconBounds := icon.Bounds()
offset := image.Pt (
(bounds.Dx() - iconBounds.Dx()) / 2,
(bounds.Dy() - iconBounds.Dy()) / 2)
icon.Draw (
element.theme.Color (
theme.ColorForeground, state),

View File

@ -3,16 +3,23 @@ package fileElements
import "os"
import "io/fs"
// ReadDirStatFS is a combination of fs.ReadDirFS and fs.StatFS. It is the
// minimum filesystem needed to satisfy a directory view.
type ReadDirStatFS interface {
type defaultFS struct { }
func (defaultFS) Open (name string) (fs.File, error) {
return os.Open(name)
func (defaultFS) ReadDir (name string) ([]DirEntry, error) {
func (defaultFS) ReadDir (name string) ([]fs.DirEntry, error) {
return os.ReadDir(name)
func (defaultFS) Stat (name string) (FileInfo, error) {
func (defaultFS) Stat (name string) (fs.FileInfo, error) {
return os.Stat(name)

View File

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
package main
import "os"
import "path/filepath"
import ""
import ""
import ""
@ -18,6 +19,7 @@ func run () {
window.SetTitle("File browser")
container := containers.NewContainer(basicLayouts.Vertical { true, true })
homeDir, _ := os.UserHomeDir()
controlBar := containers.NewContainer(basicLayouts.Horizontal { })
backButton := basicElements.NewButton("Back")
@ -34,13 +36,17 @@ func run () {
locationInput := basicElements.NewTextBox("Location", "")
scrollContainer := containers.NewScrollContainer(false, true)
homeDir,_ := os.UserHomeDir()
directoryView, _ := fileElements.NewDirectoryView(homeDir)
directoryView.Collapse(0, 8)
statusBar := containers.NewContainer(basicLayouts.Horizontal { true, false })
directory, _ := fileElements.NewFile(homeDir, nil)
baseName := basicElements.NewLabel(filepath.Base(homeDir), false)
scrollContainer := containers.NewScrollContainer(false, true)
directoryView, _ := fileElements.NewDirectoryView(homeDir, nil)
choose := func (filePath string) {
directoryView.SetLocation(filePath, nil)
directory.SetLocation(filePath, nil)
locationInput.OnEnter (func () {
@ -48,14 +54,18 @@ func run () {
controlBar.Adopt(backButton, false)
controlBar.Adopt(forwardButton, false)
controlBar.Adopt(refreshButton, false)
controlBar.Adopt(upwardButton, false)
controlBar.Adopt(locationInput, true)
controlBar.Adopt(backButton, false)
controlBar.Adopt(forwardButton, false)
controlBar.Adopt(refreshButton, false)
controlBar.Adopt(upwardButton, false)
controlBar.Adopt(locationInput, true)
statusBar.Adopt(directory, false)
statusBar.Adopt(baseName, false)
container.Adopt(controlBar, false)
container.Adopt(scrollContainer, true)
container.Adopt(statusBar, false)