package x import "bytes" import "image" import "errors" import "" import "" import "" import "" import "" import "" type scrollSum struct { x, y int } const scrollDistance = 16 func (sum *scrollSum) add (button xproto.Button, window *window, state uint16) { shift := (state & xproto.ModMaskShift) > 0 || (state & window.backend.modifierMasks.shiftLock) > 0 if shift { switch button { case 4: sum.x -= scrollDistance case 5: sum.x += scrollDistance case 6: sum.y -= scrollDistance case 7: sum.y += scrollDistance } } else { switch button { case 4: sum.y -= scrollDistance case 5: sum.y += scrollDistance case 6: sum.x -= scrollDistance case 7: sum.x += scrollDistance } } } func (window *window) handleExpose ( connection *xgbutil.XUtil, event xevent.ExposeEvent, ) { _, region := window.compressExpose(*event.ExposeEvent) window.pushRegion(region) } func (window *window) handleConfigureNotify ( connection *xgbutil.XUtil, event xevent.ConfigureNotifyEvent, ) { if window.child == nil { return } configureEvent := *event.ConfigureNotifyEvent newWidth := int(configureEvent.Width) newHeight := int(configureEvent.Height) sizeChanged := window.metrics.width != newWidth || window.metrics.height != newHeight window.metrics.width = newWidth window.metrics.height = newHeight if sizeChanged { configureEvent = window.compressConfigureNotify(configureEvent) window.metrics.width = int(configureEvent.Width) window.metrics.height = int(configureEvent.Height) window.reallocateCanvas() window.resizeChildToFit() if !window.exposeEventFollows(configureEvent) { window.redrawChildEntirely() } } } func (window *window) exposeEventFollows (event xproto.ConfigureNotifyEvent) (found bool) { nextEvents := xevent.Peek(window.backend.connection) if len(nextEvents) > 0 { untypedEvent := nextEvents[0] if untypedEvent.Err == nil { typedEvent, ok := untypedEvent.Event.(xproto.ConfigureNotifyEvent) if ok && typedEvent.Window == event.Window { return true } } } return false } func (window *window) modifiersFromState ( state uint16, ) ( modifiers input.Modifiers, ) { return input.Modifiers { Shift: (state & xproto.ModMaskShift) > 0 || (state & window.backend.modifierMasks.shiftLock) > 0, Control: (state & xproto.ModMaskControl) > 0, Alt: (state & window.backend.modifierMasks.alt) > 0, Meta: (state & window.backend.modifierMasks.meta) > 0, Super: (state & window.backend.modifierMasks.super) > 0, Hyper: (state & window.backend.modifierMasks.hyper) > 0, } } func (window *window) handleKeyPress ( connection *xgbutil.XUtil, event xevent.KeyPressEvent, ) { if window.child == nil { return } if window.hasModal { return } keyEvent := *event.KeyPressEvent key, numberPad := window.backend.keycodeToKey(keyEvent.Detail, keyEvent.State) modifiers := window.modifiersFromState(keyEvent.State) modifiers.NumberPad = numberPad if key == input.KeyTab && modifiers.Alt { if child, ok := window.child.(elements.Focusable); ok { direction := input.KeynavDirectionForward if modifiers.Shift { direction = input.KeynavDirectionBackward } if !child.HandleFocus(direction) { child.HandleUnfocus() } } } else if child, ok := window.child.(elements.KeyboardTarget); ok { child.HandleKeyDown(key, modifiers) } } func (window *window) handleKeyRelease ( connection *xgbutil.XUtil, event xevent.KeyReleaseEvent, ) { if window.child == nil { return } keyEvent := *event.KeyReleaseEvent // do not process this event if it was generated from a key repeat nextEvents := xevent.Peek(window.backend.connection) if len(nextEvents) > 0 { untypedEvent := nextEvents[0] if untypedEvent.Err == nil { typedEvent, ok := untypedEvent.Event.(xproto.KeyPressEvent) if ok && typedEvent.Detail == keyEvent.Detail && typedEvent.Event == keyEvent.Event && typedEvent.State == keyEvent.State { return } } } key, numberPad := window.backend.keycodeToKey(keyEvent.Detail, keyEvent.State) modifiers := window.modifiersFromState(keyEvent.State) modifiers.NumberPad = numberPad if child, ok := window.child.(elements.KeyboardTarget); ok { child.HandleKeyUp(key, modifiers) } } func (window *window) handleButtonPress ( connection *xgbutil.XUtil, event xevent.ButtonPressEvent, ) { if window.child == nil { return } if window.hasModal { return } buttonEvent := *event.ButtonPressEvent if buttonEvent.Detail >= 4 && buttonEvent.Detail <= 7 { if child, ok := window.child.(elements.ScrollTarget); ok { sum := scrollSum { } sum.add(buttonEvent.Detail, window, buttonEvent.State) window.compressScrollSum(buttonEvent, &sum) child.HandleScroll ( int(buttonEvent.EventX), int(buttonEvent.EventY), float64(sum.x), float64(sum.y)) } } else { if child, ok := window.child.(elements.MouseTarget); ok { child.HandleMouseDown ( int(buttonEvent.EventX), int(buttonEvent.EventY), input.Button(buttonEvent.Detail)) } } } func (window *window) handleButtonRelease ( connection *xgbutil.XUtil, event xevent.ButtonReleaseEvent, ) { if window.child == nil { return } if child, ok := window.child.(elements.MouseTarget); ok { buttonEvent := *event.ButtonReleaseEvent if buttonEvent.Detail >= 4 && buttonEvent.Detail <= 7 { return } child.HandleMouseUp ( int(buttonEvent.EventX), int(buttonEvent.EventY), input.Button(buttonEvent.Detail)) } } func (window *window) handleMotionNotify ( connection *xgbutil.XUtil, event xevent.MotionNotifyEvent, ) { if window.child == nil { return } if child, ok := window.child.(elements.MotionTarget); ok { motionEvent := window.compressMotionNotify(*event.MotionNotifyEvent) child.HandleMotion ( int(motionEvent.EventX), int(motionEvent.EventY)) } } func (window *window) handleSelectionNotify ( connection *xgbutil.XUtil, event xevent.SelectionNotifyEvent, ) { // Follow: // if window.selectionRequest == nil { return } die := func (err error) { window.selectionRequest(nil, err) } // When using GetProperty to retrieve the value of a selection, the // property argument should be set to the corresponding value in the // SelectionNotify event. Because the requestor has no way of knowing // beforehand what type the selection owner will use, the type argument // should be set to AnyPropertyType. Several GetProperty requests may be // needed to retrieve all the data in the selection; each should set the // long-offset argument to the amount of data received so far, and the // size argument to some reasonable buffer size (see section 2.5). If // the returned value of bytes-after is zero, the whole property has // been transferred. reply, err := xproto.GetProperty ( connection.Conn(), false, window.xWindow.Id, event.Property, xproto.GetPropertyTypeAny, 0, (1 << 32) - 1).Reply() if err != nil { die(err); return } if reply.Format == 0 { die(errors.New("x: missing selection property")) return } // Once all the data in the selection has been retrieved (which may // require getting the values of several properties &emdash; see section // 2.7), the requestor should delete the property in the SelectionNotify // request by using a GetProperty request with the delete argument set // to True. As previously discussed, the owner has no way of knowing // when the data has been transferred to the requestor unless the // property is removed. propertyAtom, err := xprop.Atm(window.backend.connection, "TOMO_SELECTION") if err != nil { die(err); return } err = xproto.DeletePropertyChecked ( window.backend.connection.Conn(), window.xWindow.Id, propertyAtom).Check() if err != nil { die(err); return } // TODO: possibly do some conversion here? window.selectionRequest(bytes.NewReader(reply.Value), nil) window.selectionRequest = nil } func (window *window) compressExpose ( firstEvent xproto.ExposeEvent, ) ( lastEvent xproto.ExposeEvent, region image.Rectangle, ) { region = image.Rect ( int(firstEvent.X), int(firstEvent.Y), int(firstEvent.X + firstEvent.Width), int(firstEvent.Y + firstEvent.Height)) window.backend.connection.Sync() xevent.Read(window.backend.connection, false) lastEvent = firstEvent for index, untypedEvent := range xevent.Peek(window.backend.connection) { if untypedEvent.Err != nil { continue } typedEvent, ok := untypedEvent.Event.(xproto.ExposeEvent) if !ok { continue } if firstEvent.Window == typedEvent.Window { region = region.Union (image.Rect ( int(typedEvent.X), int(typedEvent.Y), int(typedEvent.X + typedEvent.Width), int(typedEvent.Y + typedEvent.Height))) lastEvent = typedEvent defer func (index int) { xevent.DequeueAt(window.backend.connection, index) } (index) } } return } func (window *window) compressConfigureNotify ( firstEvent xproto.ConfigureNotifyEvent, ) ( lastEvent xproto.ConfigureNotifyEvent, ) { window.backend.connection.Sync() xevent.Read(window.backend.connection, false) lastEvent = firstEvent for index, untypedEvent := range xevent.Peek(window.backend.connection) { if untypedEvent.Err != nil { continue } typedEvent, ok := untypedEvent.Event.(xproto.ConfigureNotifyEvent) if !ok { continue } if firstEvent.Event == typedEvent.Event && firstEvent.Window == typedEvent.Window { lastEvent = typedEvent defer func (index int) { xevent.DequeueAt(window.backend.connection, index) } (index) } } return } func (window *window) compressScrollSum ( firstEvent xproto.ButtonPressEvent, sum *scrollSum, ) { window.backend.connection.Sync() xevent.Read(window.backend.connection, false) for index, untypedEvent := range xevent.Peek(window.backend.connection) { if untypedEvent.Err != nil { continue } typedEvent, ok := untypedEvent.Event.(xproto.ButtonPressEvent) if !ok { continue } if firstEvent.Event == typedEvent.Event && typedEvent.Detail >= 4 && typedEvent.Detail <= 7 { sum.add(typedEvent.Detail, window, typedEvent.State) defer func (index int) { xevent.DequeueAt(window.backend.connection, index) } (index) } } return } func (window *window) compressMotionNotify ( firstEvent xproto.MotionNotifyEvent, ) ( lastEvent xproto.MotionNotifyEvent, ) { window.backend.connection.Sync() xevent.Read(window.backend.connection, false) lastEvent = firstEvent for index, untypedEvent := range xevent.Peek(window.backend.connection) { if untypedEvent.Err != nil { continue } typedEvent, ok := untypedEvent.Event.(xproto.MotionNotifyEvent) if !ok { continue } if firstEvent.Event == typedEvent.Event { lastEvent = typedEvent defer func (index int) { xevent.DequeueAt(window.backend.connection, index) } (index) } } return }