package basicElements import "image" import "" import "" import "" import "" // ListEntry is an item that can be added to a list. type ListEntry struct { drawer artist.TextDrawer bounds image.Rectangle textPoint image.Point text string forcedMinimumWidth int config config.Wrapped theme theme.Wrapped onSelect func () } func NewListEntry (text string, onSelect func ()) (entry ListEntry) { entry = ListEntry { text: text, onSelect: onSelect, } entry.theme.Case = theme.C("basic", "listEntry") entry.drawer.SetText([]rune(text)) entry.updateBounds() return } func (entry *ListEntry) Collapse (width int) { if entry.forcedMinimumWidth == width { return } entry.forcedMinimumWidth = width entry.updateBounds() } func (entry *ListEntry) SetTheme (new theme.Theme) { if new == entry.theme.Theme { return } entry.theme.Theme = new entry.drawer.SetFace (entry.theme.FontFace ( theme.FontStyleRegular, theme.FontSizeNormal)) entry.updateBounds() } func (entry *ListEntry) SetConfig (new config.Config) { if new == entry.config.Config { return } entry.config.Config = new } func (entry *ListEntry) updateBounds () { entry.bounds = image.Rectangle { } entry.bounds.Max.Y = entry.drawer.LineHeight().Round() if entry.forcedMinimumWidth > 0 { entry.bounds.Max.X = entry.forcedMinimumWidth } else { entry.bounds.Max.X = entry.drawer.LayoutBounds().Dx() } inset := entry.theme.Inset(theme.PatternRaised) entry.bounds.Max.Y += inset[0] + inset[2] entry.textPoint = image.Pt(inset[3], inset[0]). Sub(entry.drawer.LayoutBounds().Min) } func (entry *ListEntry) Draw ( destination canvas.Canvas, offset image.Point, focused bool, on bool, ) ( updatedRegion image.Rectangle, ) { state := theme.PatternState { Focused: focused, On: on, } pattern := entry.theme.Pattern (theme.PatternRaised, state) artist.FillRectangle ( destination, pattern, entry.Bounds().Add(offset)) foreground := entry.theme.Pattern (theme.PatternForeground, state) return entry.drawer.Draw ( destination, foreground, offset.Add(entry.textPoint)) } func (entry *ListEntry) RunSelect () { if entry.onSelect != nil { entry.onSelect() } } func (entry *ListEntry) Bounds () (bounds image.Rectangle) { return entry.bounds }