package main import "math" import "time" import "errors" import "" import "" import "" import "" import "" import "" import "" import _ "" import _ "net/http/pprof" import "net/http" const sampleRate = 44100 const bufferSize = 256 var tuning = music.EqualTemparment { A4: 440 } var waveform = 0 var playing = map[music.Note] *toneStreamer { } var adsr = ADSR { Attack: 5 * time.Millisecond, Decay: 400 * time.Millisecond, Sustain: 0.7, Release: 500 * time.Millisecond, } var gain = 0.3 func main () { speaker.Init(sampleRate, bufferSize) tomo.Run(run) } func run () { window, _ := tomo.NewWindow(2, 2) window.SetTitle("Piano") container := basicElements.NewContainer(basicLayouts.Vertical { true, true }) controlBar := basicElements.NewContainer(basicLayouts.Horizontal { true, false }) waveformColumn := basicElements.NewContainer(basicLayouts.Vertical { true, false }) waveformList := basicElements.NewList ( basicElements.NewListEntry("Sine", func(){ waveform = 0 }), basicElements.NewListEntry("Triangle", func(){ waveform = 3 }), basicElements.NewListEntry("Square", func(){ waveform = 1 }), basicElements.NewListEntry("Saw", func(){ waveform = 2 }), basicElements.NewListEntry("Supersaw", func(){ waveform = 4 }), ) waveformList.OnNoEntrySelected (func(){waveformList.Select(0)}) waveformList.Select(0) adsrColumn := basicElements.NewContainer(basicLayouts.Vertical { true, false }) adsrGroup := basicElements.NewContainer(basicLayouts.Horizontal { true, false }) attackSlider := basicElements.NewLerpSlider(0, 3 * time.Second, adsr.Attack, true) decaySlider := basicElements.NewLerpSlider(0, 3 * time.Second, adsr.Decay, true) sustainSlider := basicElements.NewSlider(adsr.Sustain, true) releaseSlider := basicElements.NewLerpSlider(0, 3 * time.Second, adsr.Release, true) gainSlider := basicElements.NewSlider(math.Sqrt(gain), false) attackSlider.OnRelease (func () { adsr.Attack = attackSlider.Value() }) decaySlider.OnRelease (func () { adsr.Decay = decaySlider.Value() }) sustainSlider.OnRelease (func () { adsr.Sustain = sustainSlider.Value() }) releaseSlider.OnRelease (func () { adsr.Release = releaseSlider.Value() }) gainSlider.OnRelease (func () { gain = math.Pow(gainSlider.Value(), 2) }) patchColumn := basicElements.NewContainer(basicLayouts.Vertical { true, false }) patch := func (w int, a, d time.Duration, s float64, r time.Duration) func () { return func () { waveform = w adsr = ADSR { a * time.Millisecond, d * time.Millisecond, s, r * time.Millisecond, } waveformList.Select(w) attackSlider .SetValue(adsr.Attack) decaySlider .SetValue(adsr.Decay) sustainSlider.SetValue(adsr.Sustain) releaseSlider.SetValue(adsr.Release) } } patchList := basicElements.NewList ( basicElements.NewListEntry ("Bones", patch ( 0, 0, 100, 0.0, 0)), basicElements.NewListEntry ("Staccato", patch ( 4, 70, 500, 0, 0)), basicElements.NewListEntry ("Sustain", patch ( 4, 70, 200, 0.8, 500)), basicElements.NewListEntry ("Upright", patch ( 1, 0, 500, 0.4, 70)), basicElements.NewListEntry ("Space Pad", patch ( 4, 1500, 0, 1.0, 3000)), basicElements.NewListEntry ("Popcorn", patch ( 2, 0, 40, 0.0, 0)), basicElements.NewListEntry ("Racer", patch ( 3, 70, 0, 0.7, 400)), basicElements.NewListEntry ("Reverse", patch ( 2, 3000, 60, 0, 0)), ) patchList.Collapse(0, 32) patchScrollBox := basicElements.NewScrollContainer(false, true) piano := fun.NewPiano(2, 5) piano.OnPress(playNote) piano.OnRelease(stopNote) // honestly, if you were doing something like this for real, i'd // encourage you to build a custom layout because this is a bit cursed. // i need to add more layouts... window.Adopt(container) controlBar.Adopt(patchColumn, true) patchColumn.Adopt(basicElements.NewLabel("Presets", false), false) patchColumn.Adopt(patchScrollBox, true) patchScrollBox.Adopt(patchList) controlBar.Adopt(basicElements.NewSpacer(true), false) controlBar.Adopt(waveformColumn, false) waveformColumn.Adopt(basicElements.NewLabel("Waveform", false), false) waveformColumn.Adopt(waveformList, true) controlBar.Adopt(basicElements.NewSpacer(true), false) adsrColumn.Adopt(basicElements.NewLabel("ADSR", false), false) adsrGroup.Adopt(attackSlider, false) adsrGroup.Adopt(decaySlider, false) adsrGroup.Adopt(sustainSlider, false) adsrGroup.Adopt(releaseSlider, false) adsrColumn.Adopt(adsrGroup, true) adsrColumn.Adopt(gainSlider, false) controlBar.Adopt(adsrColumn, false) container.Adopt(controlBar, true) container.Adopt(piano, false) piano.Focus() window.OnClose(tomo.Stop) window.Show() go func () { http.ListenAndServe("localhost:6060", nil) } () } type Patch struct { ADSR Waveform int } func stopNote (note music.Note) { if _, is := playing[note]; !is { return } speaker.Lock() playing[note].Release() delete(playing, note) speaker.Unlock() } func playNote (note music.Note) { streamer, _ := Tone ( sampleRate, int(tuning.Tune(note)), waveform, gain, adsr) stopNote(note) speaker.Lock() playing[note] = streamer speaker.Unlock() speaker.Play(playing[note]) } // // Adapted to be a bit more versatile. type toneStreamer struct { position float64 cycles uint64 delta float64 waveform int gain float64 adsr ADSR released bool complete bool adsrPhase int adsrPosition float64 adsrDeltas [4]float64 } type ADSR struct { Attack time.Duration Decay time.Duration Sustain float64 Release time.Duration } func Tone ( sampleRate beep.SampleRate, frequency int, waveform int, gain float64, adsr ADSR, ) ( *toneStreamer, error, ) { if int(sampleRate) / frequency < 2 { return nil, errors.New ( "tone generator: samplerate must be at least " + "2 times greater then frequency") } tone := new(toneStreamer) tone.waveform = waveform tone.position = 0.0 steps := float64(sampleRate) / float64(frequency) = 1.0 / steps tone.gain = gain if adsr.Attack < time.Millisecond { adsr.Attack = time.Millisecond } if adsr.Decay < time.Millisecond { adsr.Decay = time.Millisecond } if adsr.Release < time.Millisecond { adsr.Release = time.Millisecond } tone.adsr = adsr attackSteps := adsr.Attack.Seconds() * float64(sampleRate) decaySteps := adsr.Decay.Seconds() * float64(sampleRate) releaseSteps := adsr.Release.Seconds() * float64(sampleRate) tone.adsrDeltas[0] = 1 / attackSteps tone.adsrDeltas[1] = 1 / decaySteps tone.adsrDeltas[2] = 0 tone.adsrDeltas[3] = 1 / releaseSteps return tone, nil } func (tone *toneStreamer) nextSample () (sample float64) { switch tone.waveform { case 0: sample = math.Sin(tone.position * 2.0 * math.Pi) case 1: if tone.position > 0.5 { sample = 1 } else { sample = -1 } case 2: sample = (tone.position - 0.5) * 2 case 3: sample = 1 - math.Abs(tone.position - 0.5) * 4 case 4: unison := 5 detuneDelta := 0.00005 detune := 0.0 - (float64(unison) / 2) * detuneDelta for i := 0; i < unison; i ++ { _, offset := math.Modf(detune * float64(tone.cycles) + tone.position) sample += (offset - 0.5) * 2 detune += detuneDelta } sample /= float64(unison) } adsrGain := 0.0 switch tone.adsrPhase { case 0: adsrGain = tone.adsrPosition if tone.adsrPosition > 1 { tone.adsrPosition = 0 tone.adsrPhase = 1 } case 1: adsrGain = 1 + tone.adsrPosition * (tone.adsr.Sustain - 1) if tone.adsrPosition > 1 { tone.adsrPosition = 0 tone.adsrPhase = 2 } case 2: adsrGain = tone.adsr.Sustain if tone.released { tone.adsrPhase = 3 } case 3: adsrGain = (1 - tone.adsrPosition) * tone.adsr.Sustain if tone.adsrPosition > 1 { tone.adsrPosition = 0 tone.complete = true } } sample *= adsrGain * adsrGain tone.adsrPosition += tone.adsrDeltas[tone.adsrPhase] _, tone.position = math.Modf(tone.position + tone.cycles ++ return } func (tone *toneStreamer) Stream (buf [][2]float64) (int, bool) { if tone.complete { return 0, false } for i := 0; i < len(buf); i++ { sample := 0.0 if !tone.complete { sample = tone.nextSample() * tone.gain } buf[i] = [2]float64{sample, sample} } return len(buf), true } func (tone *toneStreamer) Err () error { return nil } func (tone *toneStreamer) Release () { tone.released = true }