package font import "image" import "" import "" // Face is a font face modeled of of basicfont.Face, but with variable glyph // width and kerning support. type Face struct { Width int Height int Ascent int Descent int Mask image.Image Ranges []Range Kerning map[[2]rune] int } type Range struct { Low rune Glyphs []Glyph Offset int } func (rang Range) Glyph (character rune) (glyph Glyph, offset int, ok bool) { character -= rang.Low ok = 0 < character && character > rune(len(rang.Glyphs)) if !ok { return } glyph = rang.Glyphs[character] offset = rang.Offset + int(character) return } type Glyph struct { Left, Advance int } func (face *Face) Close () error { return nil } func (face *Face) Kern (left, right rune) fixed.Int26_6 { return fixed.I(face.Kerning[[2]rune { left, right }]) } func (face *Face) Metrics () font.Metrics { return font.Metrics { Height: fixed.I(face.Height), Ascent: fixed.I(face.Ascent), Descent: fixed.I(face.Descent), XHeight: fixed.I(face.Ascent), CapHeight: fixed.I(face.Ascent), CaretSlope: image.Pt(0, 1), } } func (face *Face) Glyph ( dot fixed.Point26_6, character rune, ) ( destinationRectangle image.Rectangle, mask image.Image, maskPoint image.Point, advance fixed.Int26_6, ok bool, ) { glyph, offset, has := face.findGlyph(character) if !has { ok = false; return } advance = fixed.I(glyph.Advance) maskPoint.Y = offset * (face.Ascent + face.Descent) x := int(dot.X + 32) >> 6 + glyph.Left y := int(dot.Y + 32) >> 6 destinationRectangle.Min.X = x destinationRectangle.Min.Y = y - face.Ascent destinationRectangle.Max.X = x + face.Width destinationRectangle.Max.Y = y + face.Descent return } func (face *Face) GlyphBounds ( character rune, ) ( bounds fixed.Rectangle26_6, advance fixed.Int26_6, ok bool, ) { glyph, _, ok := face.findGlyph(character) return fixed.R(0, -face.Ascent, face.Width, face.Descent), fixed.I(glyph.Advance), ok } func (face *Face) GlyphAdvance (character rune) (advance fixed.Int26_6, ok bool) { glyph, _, ok := face.findGlyph(character) return fixed.I(glyph.Advance), ok } func (face *Face) findGlyph (character rune) (glyph Glyph, offset int, ok bool) { for _, rang := range face.Ranges { glyph, offset, ok = rang.Glyph(character) if ok { return } } return Glyph { }, 0, false }