package elements import "" import "" import "" import "" import "" // Label is a simple text box. type Label struct { *core.Core core core.CoreControl align textdraw.Align wrap bool text string drawer textdraw.Drawer forcedColumns int forcedRows int config config.Wrapped theme theme.Wrapped onFlexibleHeightChange func () } // NewLabel creates a new label. If wrap is set to true, the text inside will be // wrapped. func NewLabel (text string, wrap bool) (element *Label) { element = &Label { } element.theme.Case = theme.C("tomo", "label") element.Core, element.core = core.NewCore(element, element.handleResize) element.SetWrap(wrap) element.SetText(text) return } func (element *Label) redo () { face := element.theme.FontFace ( theme.FontStyleRegular, theme.FontSizeNormal) element.drawer.SetFace(face) element.updateMinimumSize() bounds := element.Bounds() if element.wrap { element.drawer.SetMaxWidth(bounds.Dx()) element.drawer.SetMaxHeight(bounds.Dy()) } element.draw() element.core.DamageAll() } func (element *Label) handleResize () { bounds := element.Bounds() if element.wrap { element.drawer.SetMaxWidth(bounds.Dx()) element.drawer.SetMaxHeight(bounds.Dy()) } element.draw() return } // EmCollapse forces a minimum width and height upon the label. The width is // measured in emspaces, and the height is measured in lines. If a zero value is // given for a dimension, its minimum will be determined by the label's content. // If the label's content is greater than these dimensions, it will be truncated // to fit. func (element *Label) EmCollapse (columns int, rows int) { element.forcedColumns = columns element.forcedRows = rows element.updateMinimumSize() } // FlexibleHeightFor returns the reccomended height for this element based on // the given width in order to allow the text to wrap properly. func (element *Label) FlexibleHeightFor (width int) (height int) { if element.wrap { return element.drawer.ReccomendedHeightFor(width) } else { _, height = element.MinimumSize() return } } // OnFlexibleHeightChange sets a function to be called when the parameters // affecting this element's flexible height are changed. func (element *Label) OnFlexibleHeightChange (callback func ()) { element.onFlexibleHeightChange = callback } // SetText sets the label's text. func (element *Label) SetText (text string) { if element.text == text { return } element.text = text element.drawer.SetText([]rune(text)) element.updateMinimumSize() if element.core.HasImage () { element.draw() element.core.DamageAll() } } // SetWrap sets wether or not the label's text wraps. If the text is set to // wrap, the element will have a minimum size of a single character and // automatically wrap its text. If the text is set to not wrap, the element will // have a minimum size that fits its text. func (element *Label) SetWrap (wrap bool) { if wrap == element.wrap { return } if !wrap { element.drawer.SetMaxWidth(0) element.drawer.SetMaxHeight(0) } element.wrap = wrap element.updateMinimumSize() if element.core.HasImage () { element.draw() element.core.DamageAll() } } // SetAlign sets the alignment method of the label. func (element *Label) SetAlign (align textdraw.Align) { if align == element.align { return } element.align = align element.drawer.SetAlign(align) element.updateMinimumSize() if element.core.HasImage () { element.draw() element.core.DamageAll() } } // SetTheme sets the element's theme. func (element *Label) SetTheme (new theme.Theme) { if new == element.theme.Theme { return } element.theme.Theme = new element.drawer.SetFace (element.theme.FontFace ( theme.FontStyleRegular, theme.FontSizeNormal)) element.updateMinimumSize() if element.core.HasImage () { element.draw() element.core.DamageAll() } } // SetConfig sets the element's configuration. func (element *Label) SetConfig (new config.Config) { if new == element.config.Config { return } element.config.Config = new element.updateMinimumSize() if element.core.HasImage () { element.draw() element.core.DamageAll() } } func (element *Label) updateMinimumSize () { var width, height int if element.wrap { em := element.drawer.Em().Round() if em < 1 { em = element.theme.Padding(theme.PatternBackground)[0] } width, height = em, element.drawer.LineHeight().Round() if element.onFlexibleHeightChange != nil { element.onFlexibleHeightChange() } } else { bounds := element.drawer.LayoutBounds() width, height = bounds.Dx(), bounds.Dy() } if element.forcedColumns > 0 { width = element.drawer.Em(). Mul(fixed.I(element.forcedColumns)).Floor() } if element.forcedRows > 0 { height = element.drawer.LineHeight(). Mul(fixed.I(element.forcedRows)).Floor() } element.core.SetMinimumSize(width, height) } func (element *Label) draw () { bounds := element.Bounds() pattern := element.theme.Pattern ( theme.PatternBackground, theme.State { }) pattern.Draw(element.core, bounds) textBounds := element.drawer.LayoutBounds() foreground := element.theme.Color ( theme.ColorForeground, theme.State { }) element.drawer.Draw(element.core, foreground, bounds.Min.Sub(textBounds.Min)) }