package fun import "image" import "" import "" import "" import "" import "" // Octave represents a MIDI octave. type Octave int // Note returns the note at the specified scale degree in the chromatic scale. func (octave Octave) Note (degree int) Note { return Note(int(octave + 1) * 12 + degree) } // Note represents a MIDI note. type Note int // Octave returns the octave of the note func (note Note) Octave () int { return int(note / 12 - 1) } // Degree returns the scale degree of the note in the chromatic scale. func (note Note) Degree () int { mod := note % 12 if mod < 0 { mod += 12 } return int(mod) } // IsSharp returns whether or not the note is a sharp. func (note Note) IsSharp () bool { degree := note.Degree() return degree == 1 || degree == 3 || degree == 6 || degree == 8 || degree == 10 } const pianoKeyWidth = 18 type pianoKey struct { image.Rectangle Note } type Piano struct { *core.Core core core.CoreControl low, high Octave config config.Wrapped theme theme.Wrapped flatKeys []pianoKey sharpKeys []pianoKey pressed *pianoKey onPress func (Note) onRelease func (Note) } func NewPiano (low, high Octave) (element *Piano) { element = &Piano { low: low, high: high, } element.theme.Case = theme.C("fun", "piano") element.Core, element.core = core.NewCore (func () { element.recalculate() element.draw() }) element.updateMinimumSize() return } // OnPress sets a function to be called when a key is pressed. func (element *Piano) OnPress (callback func (note Note)) { element.onPress = callback } // OnRelease sets a function to be called when a key is released. func (element *Piano) OnRelease (callback func (note Note)) { element.onRelease = callback } func (element *Piano) HandleMouseDown (x, y int, button input.Button) { if button != input.ButtonLeft { return } element.pressUnderMouseCursor(image.Pt(x, y)) } func (element *Piano) HandleMouseUp (x, y int, button input.Button) { if button != input.ButtonLeft { return } if element.onRelease != nil { element.onRelease((*element.pressed).Note) } element.pressed = nil element.redo() } func (element *Piano) HandleMouseMove (x, y int) { if element.pressed == nil { return } element.pressUnderMouseCursor(image.Pt(x, y)) } func (element *Piano) HandleMouseScroll (x, y int, deltaX, deltaY float64) { } func (element *Piano) pressUnderMouseCursor (point image.Point) { // release previous note if element.pressed != nil && element.onRelease != nil { element.onRelease((*element.pressed).Note) } // find out which note is being pressed newKey := (*pianoKey)(nil) for index, key := range element.flatKeys { if point.In(key.Rectangle) { newKey = &element.flatKeys[index] break } } for index, key := range element.sharpKeys { if point.In(key.Rectangle) { newKey = &element.sharpKeys[index] break } } if newKey == nil { return } if newKey != element.pressed { // press new note element.pressed = newKey if element.onPress != nil { element.onPress((*element.pressed).Note) } element.redo() } } // SetTheme sets the element's theme. func (element *Piano) SetTheme (new theme.Theme) { if new == element.theme.Theme { return } element.theme.Theme = new element.updateMinimumSize() element.recalculate() element.redo() } // SetConfig sets the element's configuration. func (element *Piano) SetConfig (new config.Config) { if new == element.config.Config { return } element.config.Config = new element.updateMinimumSize() element.recalculate() element.redo() } func (element *Piano) updateMinimumSize () { element.core.SetMinimumSize ( pianoKeyWidth * 7 * element.countOctaves(), 64) } func (element *Piano) countOctaves () int { return int(element.high - element.low + 1) } func (element *Piano) countFlats () int { return element.countOctaves() * 8 } func (element *Piano) countSharps () int { return element.countOctaves() * 5 } func (element *Piano) redo () { if element.core.HasImage() { element.draw() element.core.DamageAll() } } func (element *Piano) recalculate () { element.flatKeys = make([]pianoKey, element.countFlats()) element.sharpKeys = make([]pianoKey, element.countSharps()) bounds := element.Bounds() dot := bounds.Min note := element.low.Note(0) limit := element.high.Note(12) flatIndex := 0 sharpIndex := 0 for note < limit { if note.IsSharp() { element.sharpKeys[sharpIndex].Rectangle = image.Rect ( -(pianoKeyWidth * 3) / 7, 0, (pianoKeyWidth * 3) / 7, bounds.Dy() / 2).Add(dot) element.sharpKeys[sharpIndex].Note = note sharpIndex ++ } else { element.flatKeys[flatIndex].Rectangle = image.Rect ( 0, 0, pianoKeyWidth, bounds.Dy()).Add(dot) dot.X += pianoKeyWidth element.flatKeys[flatIndex].Note = note flatIndex ++ } note ++ } } func (element *Piano) draw () { for _, key := range element.flatKeys { element.drawFlat ( key.Rectangle, element.pressed != nil && (*element.pressed).Note == key.Note) } for _, key := range element.sharpKeys { element.drawSharp ( key.Rectangle, element.pressed != nil && (*element.pressed).Note == key.Note) } } func (element *Piano) drawFlat (bounds image.Rectangle, pressed bool) { state := theme.PatternState { Pressed: pressed, } pattern := element.theme.Pattern(theme.PatternButton, state) artist.FillRectangle(element, pattern, bounds) } func (element *Piano) drawSharp (bounds image.Rectangle, pressed bool) { state := theme.PatternState { Pressed: pressed, } pattern := element.theme.Pattern(theme.PatternButton, state) artist.FillRectangle(element, pattern, bounds) }