package basic import "image" import "" import "" import "" import "" // Checkbox is a toggle-able checkbox with a label. type Checkbox struct { *core.Core core core.CoreControl pressed bool checked bool enabled bool selected bool onClick func () text string drawer artist.TextDrawer } // NewCheckbox creates a new cbeckbox with the specified label text. func NewCheckbox (text string, checked bool) (element *Checkbox) { element = &Checkbox { enabled: true, checked: checked } element.Core, element.core = core.NewCore(element) element.drawer.SetFace(theme.FontFaceRegular()) element.SetText(text) return } // Resize changes this element's size. func (element *Checkbox) Resize (width, height int) { element.core.AllocateCanvas(width, height) element.draw() } func (element *Checkbox) HandleMouseDown (x, y int, button tomo.Button) { element.Select() element.pressed = true if element.core.HasImage() { element.draw() element.core.PushAll() } } func (element *Checkbox) HandleMouseUp (x, y int, button tomo.Button) { if button != tomo.ButtonLeft { return } element.pressed = false within := image.Point { x, y }. In(element.Bounds()) if within { element.checked = !element.checked } if element.core.HasImage() { element.draw() element.core.PushAll() } if within && element.onClick != nil { element.onClick() } } func (element *Checkbox) HandleMouseMove (x, y int) { } func (element *Checkbox) HandleScroll (x, y int, deltaX, deltaY float64) { } func (element *Checkbox) HandleKeyDown ( key tomo.Key, modifiers tomo.Modifiers, repeated bool, ) { if key == tomo.KeyEnter { element.pressed = true if element.core.HasImage() { element.draw() element.core.PushAll() } } } func (element *Checkbox) HandleKeyUp (key tomo.Key, modifiers tomo.Modifiers) { if key == tomo.KeyEnter && element.pressed { element.pressed = false element.checked = !element.checked if element.core.HasImage() { element.draw() element.core.PushAll() } if element.onClick != nil { element.onClick() } } } // Selected returns whether or not this element is selected. func (element *Checkbox) Selected () (selected bool) { return element.selected } // Select requests that this element be selected. func (element *Checkbox) Select () { element.core.RequestSelection() } func (element *Checkbox) HandleSelection ( direction tomo.SelectionDirection, ) ( accepted bool, ) { direction = direction.Canon() if !element.enabled { return false } if element.selected && direction != tomo.SelectionDirectionNeutral { return false } element.selected = true if element.core.HasImage() { element.draw() element.core.PushAll() } return true } func (element *Checkbox) HandleDeselection () { element.selected = false if element.core.HasImage() { element.draw() element.core.PushAll() } } // OnClick sets the function to be called when the checkbox is toggled. func (element *Checkbox) OnClick (callback func ()) { element.onClick = callback } // Value reports whether or not the checkbox is currently checked. func (element *Checkbox) Value () (checked bool) { return element.checked } // SetEnabled sets whether this checkbox can be toggled or not. func (element *Checkbox) SetEnabled (enabled bool) { if element.enabled == enabled { return } element.enabled = enabled if element.core.HasImage () { element.draw() element.core.PushAll() } } // SetText sets the checkbox's label text. func (element *Checkbox) SetText (text string) { if element.text == text { return } element.text = text element.drawer.SetText([]rune(text)) textBounds := element.drawer.LayoutBounds() element.core.SetMinimumSize ( textBounds.Dy() + theme.Padding() + textBounds.Dx(), textBounds.Dy()) if element.core.HasImage () { element.draw() element.core.PushAll() } } func (element *Checkbox) draw () { bounds := element.core.Bounds() boxBounds := image.Rect(0, 0, bounds.Dy(), bounds.Dy()) artist.FillRectangle ( element.core, theme.BackgroundPattern(), bounds) artist.FillRectangle ( element.core, theme.ButtonPattern ( element.enabled, element.Selected(), element.pressed), boxBounds) innerBounds := bounds innerBounds.Min.X += theme.Padding() innerBounds.Min.Y += theme.Padding() innerBounds.Max.X -= theme.Padding() innerBounds.Max.Y -= theme.Padding() textBounds := element.drawer.LayoutBounds() offset := image.Point { X: bounds.Dy() + theme.Padding(), } offset.Y -= textBounds.Min.Y offset.X -= textBounds.Min.X foreground := theme.ForegroundPattern(element.enabled) element.drawer.Draw(element.core, foreground, offset) if element.checked { checkBounds := boxBounds.Inset(4) if element.pressed { checkBounds = checkBounds.Add(theme.SinkOffsetVector()) } artist.FillRectangle ( element.core, theme.ForegroundPattern(element.enabled), checkBounds) } }