package testing import "fmt" import "time" import "image" import "image/color" import "" import "" import "" // Artist is an element that displays shapes and patterns drawn by the artist // package in order to test it. type Artist struct { *core.Core core core.CoreControl cellBounds image.Rectangle } // NewArtist creates a new artist test element. func NewArtist () (element *Artist) { element = &Artist { } element.Core, element.core = core.NewCore(element) element.core.SetMinimumSize(400, 480) return } func (element *Artist) Resize (width, height int) { element.core.AllocateCanvas(width, height) bounds := element.Bounds() element.cellBounds.Max.X = bounds.Dx() / 4 element.cellBounds.Max.Y = (bounds.Dy() - 48) / 6 drawStart := time.Now() // 0, 0 artist.FillRectangle ( element, artist.Beveled { artist.NewUniform(hex(0xFF0000FF)), artist.NewUniform(hex(0x0000FFFF)), }, element.cellAt(0, 0)) // 1, 0 artist.StrokeRectangle ( element, artist.NewUniform(hex(0x00FF00FF)), 3, element.cellAt(1, 0)) // 2, 0 artist.FillRectangle ( element, artist.NewMultiBordered ( artist.Stroke { Pattern: uhex(0xFF0000FF), Weight: 1 }, artist.Stroke { Pattern: uhex(0x888800FF), Weight: 2 }, artist.Stroke { Pattern: uhex(0x00FF00FF), Weight: 3 }, artist.Stroke { Pattern: uhex(0x008888FF), Weight: 4 }, artist.Stroke { Pattern: uhex(0x0000FFFF), Weight: 5 }, ), element.cellAt(2, 0)) // 3, 0 artist.FillRectangle ( element, artist.Bordered { Stroke: artist.Stroke { Pattern: uhex(0x0000FFFF), Weight: 5 }, Fill: uhex(0xFF0000FF), }, element.cellAt(3, 0)) // 0, 1 - 3, 1 for x := 0; x < 4; x ++ { artist.FillRectangle ( element, artist.Striped { First: artist.Stroke { Pattern: uhex(0xFF8800FF), Weight: 7 }, Second: artist.Stroke { Pattern: uhex(0x0088FFFF), Weight: 2 }, Orientation: artist.Orientation(x), }, element.cellAt(x, 1)) } // 0, 2 - 3, 2 for x := 0; x < 4; x ++ { element.lines(x + 1, element.cellAt(x, 2)) } // 0, 3 artist.StrokeRectangle ( element,uhex(0x888888FF), 1, element.cellAt(0, 3)) artist.FillEllipse(element, uhex(0x00FF00FF), element.cellAt(0, 3)) // 1, 3 - 3, 3 for x := 1; x < 4; x ++ { artist.StrokeRectangle ( element,uhex(0x888888FF), 1, element.cellAt(x, 3)) artist.StrokeEllipse ( element, []artist.Pattern { uhex(0xFF0000FF), uhex(0x00FF00FF), uhex(0xFF00FFFF), } [x - 1], x, element.cellAt(x, 3)) } // 0, 4 - 3, 4 for x := 0; x < 4; x ++ { artist.FillEllipse ( element, artist.Split { First: artist.NewUniform(hex(0xFF0000FF)), Second: artist.NewUniform(hex(0x0000FFFF)), Orientation: artist.Orientation(x), }, element.cellAt(x, 4)) } // how long did that take to render? drawTime := time.Since(drawStart) textDrawer := artist.TextDrawer { } textDrawer.SetFace(defaultfont.FaceRegular) textDrawer.SetText ([]rune (fmt.Sprintf ( "%dms\n%dus", drawTime.Milliseconds(), drawTime.Microseconds()))) textDrawer.Draw(element, uhex(0xFFFFFFFF), image.Pt(8, bounds.Max.Y - 24)) // 0, 5 artist.FillRectangle ( element, artist.QuadBeveled { artist.NewUniform(hex(0x880000FF)), artist.NewUniform(hex(0x00FF00FF)), artist.NewUniform(hex(0x0000FFFF)), artist.NewUniform(hex(0xFF00FFFF)), }, element.cellAt(0, 5)) } func (element *Artist) lines (weight int, bounds image.Rectangle) { bounds = bounds.Inset(4) c := uhex(0xFFFFFFFF) artist.Line(element, c, weight, bounds.Min, bounds.Max) artist.Line ( element, c, weight, image.Pt(bounds.Max.X, bounds.Min.Y), image.Pt(bounds.Min.X, bounds.Max.Y)) artist.Line ( element, c, weight, image.Pt(bounds.Max.X, bounds.Min.Y + 16), image.Pt(bounds.Min.X, bounds.Max.Y - 16)) artist.Line ( element, c, weight, image.Pt(bounds.Min.X, bounds.Min.Y + 16), image.Pt(bounds.Max.X, bounds.Max.Y - 16)) artist.Line ( element, c, weight, image.Pt(bounds.Min.X + 20, bounds.Min.Y), image.Pt(bounds.Max.X - 20, bounds.Max.Y)) artist.Line ( element, c, weight, image.Pt(bounds.Max.X - 20, bounds.Min.Y), image.Pt(bounds.Min.X + 20, bounds.Max.Y)) artist.Line ( element, c, weight, image.Pt(bounds.Min.X, bounds.Min.Y + bounds.Dy() / 2), image.Pt(bounds.Max.X, bounds.Min.Y + bounds.Dy() / 2)) artist.Line ( element, c, weight, image.Pt(bounds.Min.X + bounds.Dx() / 2, bounds.Min.Y), image.Pt(bounds.Min.X + bounds.Dx() / 2, bounds.Max.Y)) } func (element *Artist) cellAt (x, y int) (image.Rectangle) { return element.cellBounds.Add (image.Pt ( x * element.cellBounds.Dx(), y * element.cellBounds.Dy())) } func hex (n uint32) (c color.RGBA) { c.A = uint8(n) c.B = uint8(n >> 8) c.G = uint8(n >> 16) c.R = uint8(n >> 24) return } func uhex (n uint32) (artist.Pattern) { return artist.NewUniform (color.RGBA { A: uint8(n), B: uint8(n >> 8), G: uint8(n >> 16), R: uint8(n >> 24), }) }