package elements import "io" import "time" import "image" import "" import "" import "" import "" import "" import "" import "" import "" import "" import "" import "" type textBoxEntity interface { tomo.FocusableEntity tomo.ScrollableEntity tomo.LayoutEntity } // TextBox is a single-line text input. type TextBox struct { entity textBoxEntity enabled bool lastClick time.Time dragging int dot textmanip.Dot scroll int placeholder string text []rune placeholderDrawer textdraw.Drawer valueDrawer textdraw.Drawer config config.Wrapped theme theme.Wrapped onKeyDown func (key input.Key, modifiers input.Modifiers) (handled bool) onChange func () onEnter func () onScrollBoundsChange func () } // NewTextBox creates a new text box with the specified placeholder text, and // a value. When the value is empty, the placeholder will be displayed in gray // text. func NewTextBox (placeholder, value string) (element *TextBox) { element = &TextBox { enabled: true } element.theme.Case = tomo.C("tomo", "textBox") element.entity = tomo.NewEntity(element).(textBoxEntity) element.placeholder = placeholder element.placeholderDrawer.SetFace (element.theme.FontFace ( tomo.FontStyleRegular, tomo.FontSizeNormal)) element.valueDrawer.SetFace (element.theme.FontFace ( tomo.FontStyleRegular, tomo.FontSizeNormal)) element.placeholderDrawer.SetText([]rune(placeholder)) element.updateMinimumSize() element.SetValue(value) return } // Entity returns this element's entity. func (element *TextBox) Entity () tomo.Entity { return element.entity } // Draw causes the element to draw to the specified destination canvas. func (element *TextBox) Draw (destination canvas.Canvas) { bounds := element.entity.Bounds() state := element.state() pattern := element.theme.Pattern(tomo.PatternInput, state) padding := element.theme.Padding(tomo.PatternInput) innerCanvas := canvas.Cut(destination, padding.Apply(bounds)) pattern.Draw(destination, bounds) offset := element.textOffset() if element.entity.Focused() && ! { // draw selection bounds accent := element.theme.Color(tomo.ColorAccent, state) canon := foff := fixedutil.Pt(offset) start := element.valueDrawer.PositionAt(canon.Start).Add(foff) end := element.valueDrawer.PositionAt(canon.End).Add(foff) end.Y += element.valueDrawer.LineHeight() shapes.FillColorRectangle ( innerCanvas, accent, image.Rectangle { fixedutil.RoundPt(start), fixedutil.RoundPt(end), }) } if len(element.text) == 0 { // draw placeholder textBounds := element.placeholderDrawer.LayoutBounds() foreground := element.theme.Color ( tomo.ColorForeground, tomo.State { Disabled: true }) element.placeholderDrawer.Draw ( innerCanvas, foreground, offset.Sub(textBounds.Min)) } else { // draw input value textBounds := element.valueDrawer.LayoutBounds() foreground := element.theme.Color(tomo.ColorForeground, state) element.valueDrawer.Draw ( innerCanvas, foreground, offset.Sub(textBounds.Min)) } if element.entity.Focused() && { // draw cursor foreground := element.theme.Color(tomo.ColorForeground, state) cursorPosition := fixedutil.RoundPt ( element.valueDrawer.PositionAt( shapes.ColorLine ( innerCanvas, foreground, 1, cursorPosition.Add(offset), image.Pt ( cursorPosition.X, cursorPosition.Y + element.valueDrawer. LineHeight().Round()).Add(offset)) } } // Layout causes the element to perform a layout operation. func (element *TextBox) Layout () { element.scrollToCursor() } func (element *TextBox) HandleFocusChange () { element.entity.Invalidate() } func (element *TextBox) HandleMouseDown ( position image.Point, button input.Button, modifiers input.Modifiers, ) { if !element.Enabled() { return } element.Focus() switch button { case input.ButtonLeft: runeIndex := element.atPosition(position) if runeIndex == -1 { return } if time.Since(element.lastClick) < element.config.DoubleClickDelay() { element.dragging = 2 = textmanip.WordAround(element.text, runeIndex) } else { element.dragging = 1 = textmanip.EmptyDot(runeIndex) element.lastClick = time.Now() } element.entity.Invalidate() case input.ButtonRight: element.contextMenu(position) } } func (element *TextBox) HandleMouseUp ( position image.Point, button input.Button, modifiers input.Modifiers, ) { if button == input.ButtonLeft { element.dragging = 0 } } func (element *TextBox) HandleMotion (position image.Point) { if !element.Enabled() { return } switch element.dragging { case 1: runeIndex := element.atPosition(position) if runeIndex > -1 { = runeIndex element.entity.Invalidate() } case 2: runeIndex := element.atPosition(position) if runeIndex > -1 { if runeIndex < { = runeIndex - textmanip.WordToLeft ( element.text, runeIndex) } else { = runeIndex + textmanip.WordToRight ( element.text, runeIndex) } element.entity.Invalidate() } } } func (element *TextBox) textOffset () image.Point { padding := element.theme.Padding(tomo.PatternInput) bounds := element.entity.Bounds() innerBounds := padding.Apply(bounds) textHeight := element.valueDrawer.LineHeight().Round() return bounds.Min.Add (image.Pt ( padding[artist.SideLeft] - element.scroll, padding[artist.SideTop] + (innerBounds.Dy() - textHeight) / 2)) } func (element *TextBox) atPosition (position image.Point) int { offset := element.textOffset() textBoundsMin := element.valueDrawer.LayoutBounds().Min return element.valueDrawer.AtPosition ( fixedutil.Pt(position.Sub(offset).Add(textBoundsMin))) } func (element *TextBox) HandleKeyDown(key input.Key, modifiers input.Modifiers) { if element.onKeyDown != nil && element.onKeyDown(key, modifiers) { return } scrollMemory := element.scroll textChanged := false switch { case key == input.KeyEnter: if element.onEnter != nil { element.onEnter() } case key == input.KeyBackspace: if len(element.text) < 1 { break } element.text, = textmanip.Backspace ( element.text,, modifiers.Control) textChanged = true case key == input.KeyDelete: if len(element.text) < 1 { break } element.text, = textmanip.Delete ( element.text,, modifiers.Control) textChanged = true case key == input.KeyLeft: if modifiers.Shift { = textmanip.SelectLeft ( element.text,, modifiers.Control) } else { = textmanip.MoveLeft ( element.text,, modifiers.Control) } element.scrollToCursor() element.entity.Invalidate() case key == input.KeyRight: if modifiers.Shift { = textmanip.SelectRight ( element.text,, modifiers.Control) } else { = textmanip.MoveRight ( element.text,, modifiers.Control) } element.scrollToCursor() element.entity.Invalidate() case key == 'a' && modifiers.Control: = 0 = len(element.text) element.scrollToCursor() element.entity.Invalidate() case key == 'x' && modifiers.Control: element.Cut() case key == 'c' && modifiers.Control: element.Copy() case key == 'v' && modifiers.Control: element.Paste() case key == input.KeyMenu: pos := fixedutil.RoundPt(element.valueDrawer.PositionAt( Add(element.textOffset()) pos.Y += element.valueDrawer.LineHeight().Round() element.contextMenu(pos) case key.Printable(): element.text, = textmanip.Type ( element.text,, rune(key)) textChanged = true } if textChanged { element.runOnChange() element.valueDrawer.SetText(element.text) element.scrollToCursor() element.entity.Invalidate() } if (textChanged || scrollMemory != element.scroll) { element.entity.NotifyScrollBoundsChange() } } // Cut cuts the selected text in the text box and places it in the clipboard. func (element *TextBox) Cut () { var lifted []rune element.text,, lifted = textmanip.Lift ( element.text, if lifted != nil { element.clipboardPut(lifted) element.notifyAsyncTextChange() } } // Copy copies the selected text in the text box and places it in the clipboard. func (element *TextBox) Copy () { element.clipboardPut( } // Paste pastes text data from the clipboard into the text box. func (element *TextBox) Paste () { window := element.entity.Window() if window == nil { return } window.Paste (func (d data.Data, err error) { if err != nil { return } reader, ok := d[data.MimePlain] if !ok { return } bytes, _ := io.ReadAll(reader) element.text, = textmanip.Type ( element.text,, []rune(string(bytes))...) element.notifyAsyncTextChange() }) } func (element *TextBox) HandleKeyUp(key input.Key, modifiers input.Modifiers) { } // SetPlaceholder sets the element's placeholder text. func (element *TextBox) SetPlaceholder (placeholder string) { if element.placeholder == placeholder { return } element.placeholder = placeholder element.placeholderDrawer.SetText([]rune(placeholder)) element.updateMinimumSize() element.entity.Invalidate() } // SetValue sets the input's value. func (element *TextBox) SetValue (text string) { // if element.text == text { return } element.text = []rune(text) element.runOnChange() element.valueDrawer.SetText(element.text) if > element.valueDrawer.Length() { = textmanip.EmptyDot(element.valueDrawer.Length()) } element.scrollToCursor() element.entity.Invalidate() } // Value returns the input's value. func (element *TextBox) Value () (value string) { return string(element.text) } // Filled returns whether or not this element has a value. func (element *TextBox) Filled () (filled bool) { return len(element.text) > 0 } // OnKeyDown specifies a function to be called when a key is pressed within the // text input. func (element *TextBox) OnKeyDown ( callback func (key input.Key, modifiers input.Modifiers) (handled bool), ) { element.onKeyDown = callback } // OnEnter specifies a function to be called when the enter key is pressed // within this input. func (element *TextBox) OnEnter (callback func ()) { element.onEnter = callback } // OnChange specifies a function to be called when the value of this input // changes. func (element *TextBox) OnChange (callback func ()) { element.onChange = callback } // OnScrollBoundsChange sets a function to be called when the element's viewport // bounds, content bounds, or scroll axes change. func (element *TextBox) OnScrollBoundsChange (callback func ()) { element.onScrollBoundsChange = callback } // Focus gives this element input focus. func (element *TextBox) Focus () { if !element.entity.Focused() { element.entity.Focus() } } // Enabled returns whether this label can be edited or not. func (element *TextBox) Enabled () bool { return element.enabled } // SetEnabled sets whether this label can be edited or not. func (element *TextBox) SetEnabled (enabled bool) { if element.enabled == enabled { return } element.enabled = enabled element.entity.Invalidate() } // ScrollContentBounds returns the full content size of the element. func (element *TextBox) ScrollContentBounds () (bounds image.Rectangle) { bounds = element.valueDrawer.LayoutBounds() return bounds.Sub(bounds.Min) } // ScrollViewportBounds returns the size and position of the element's viewport // relative to ScrollBounds. func (element *TextBox) ScrollViewportBounds () (bounds image.Rectangle) { return image.Rect ( element.scroll, 0, element.scroll + element.scrollViewportWidth(), 0) } // ScrollTo scrolls the viewport to the specified point relative to // ScrollBounds. func (element *TextBox) ScrollTo (position image.Point) { // constrain to minimum element.scroll = position.X if element.scroll < 0 { element.scroll = 0 } // constrain to maximum contentBounds := element.ScrollContentBounds() maxPosition := contentBounds.Max.X - element.scrollViewportWidth() if element.scroll > maxPosition { element.scroll = maxPosition } element.entity.Invalidate() element.entity.NotifyScrollBoundsChange() } // ScrollAxes returns the supported axes for scrolling. func (element *TextBox) ScrollAxes () (horizontal, vertical bool) { return true, false } // SetTheme sets the element's theme. func (element *TextBox) SetTheme (new tomo.Theme) { if new == element.theme.Theme { return } element.theme.Theme = new face := element.theme.FontFace ( tomo.FontStyleRegular, tomo.FontSizeNormal) element.placeholderDrawer.SetFace(face) element.valueDrawer.SetFace(face) element.updateMinimumSize() element.entity.Invalidate() } // SetConfig sets the element's configuration. func (element *TextBox) SetConfig (new tomo.Config) { if new == element.config.Config { return } element.config.Config = new element.updateMinimumSize() element.entity.Invalidate() } func (element *TextBox) contextMenu (position image.Point) { window := element.entity.Window() menu, err := window.NewMenu(image.Rectangle { position, position }) if err != nil { return } closeAnd := func (callback func ()) func () { return func () { callback(); menu.Close() } } cutButton := NewButton("Cut") cutButton.ShowText(false) cutButton.SetIcon(tomo.IconCut) cutButton.SetEnabled(! cutButton.OnClick(closeAnd(element.Cut)) copyButton := NewButton("Copy") copyButton.ShowText(false) copyButton.SetIcon(tomo.IconCopy) copyButton.SetEnabled(! copyButton.OnClick(closeAnd(element.Copy)) pasteButton := NewButton("Paste") pasteButton.ShowText(false) pasteButton.SetIcon(tomo.IconPaste) pasteButton.OnClick(closeAnd(element.Paste)) menu.Adopt (NewHBox ( SpaceNone, pasteButton, copyButton, cutButton, )) pasteButton.Focus() menu.Show() } func (element *TextBox) runOnChange () { if element.onChange != nil { element.onChange() } } func (element *TextBox) scrollViewportWidth () (width int) { padding := element.theme.Padding(tomo.PatternInput) return padding.Apply(element.entity.Bounds()).Dx() } func (element *TextBox) scrollToCursor () { padding := element.theme.Padding(tomo.PatternInput) bounds := padding.Apply(element.entity.Bounds()) bounds = bounds.Sub(bounds.Min) bounds.Max.X -= element.valueDrawer.Em().Round() cursorPosition := fixedutil.RoundPt ( element.valueDrawer.PositionAt( cursorPosition.X -= element.scroll maxX := bounds.Max.X minX := maxX if cursorPosition.X > maxX { element.scroll += cursorPosition.X - maxX element.entity.NotifyScrollBoundsChange() element.entity.Invalidate() } else if cursorPosition.X < minX { element.scroll -= minX - cursorPosition.X if element.scroll < 0 { element.scroll = 0 } element.entity.NotifyScrollBoundsChange() element.entity.Invalidate() } } func (element *TextBox) updateMinimumSize () { textBounds := element.placeholderDrawer.LayoutBounds() padding := element.theme.Padding(tomo.PatternInput) element.entity.SetMinimumSize ( padding.Horizontal() + textBounds.Dx(), padding.Vertical() + element.placeholderDrawer.LineHeight().Round()) } func (element *TextBox) notifyAsyncTextChange () { element.runOnChange() element.valueDrawer.SetText(element.text) element.scrollToCursor() element.entity.Invalidate() } func (element *TextBox) clipboardPut (text []rune) { window := element.entity.Window() if window != nil { window.Copy(data.Bytes(data.MimePlain, []byte(string(text)))) } } func (element *TextBox) state () tomo.State { return tomo.State { Disabled: !element.Enabled(), Focused: element.entity.Focused(), } }