package textdraw

import "unicode"
import ""
import ""

// Align specifies a text alignment method.
type Align int

const (
	// AlignLeft aligns the start of each line to the beginning point
	// of each dot.
	AlignLeft Align = iota

// RuneLayout contains layout information for a single rune relative to its
// word.
type RuneLayout struct {
	X     fixed.Int26_6
	Width fixed.Int26_6
	Rune  rune

// WordLayout contains layout information for a single word relative to its
// line.
type WordLayout struct {
	X          fixed.Int26_6
	Width      fixed.Int26_6
	SpaceAfter fixed.Int26_6
	Runes      []RuneLayout

// DoWord consumes exactly one word from the given string, and produces a word
// layout according to the given font. It returns the remaining text as well.
func DoWord (text []rune, face font.Face) (word WordLayout, remaining []rune) {
	remaining     = text
	gettingSpace := false
	x := fixed.Int26_6(0)
	lastRune     := rune(-1)
	for _, char := range text {
		// if we run into a line break, we must break out immediately
		// because it is not DoWord's job to handle that.
		if char == '\n' { break }
		// if we suddenly run into spaces, and then run into a word
		// again, we must break out immediately.
		if unicode.IsSpace(char) {
			gettingSpace = true
		} else if gettingSpace {

		// apply kerning
		if lastRune >= 0 { x += face.Kern(lastRune, char) }
		lastRune = char
		// consume and process the rune
		remaining = remaining[1:]
		_, advance, ok := face.GlyphBounds(char)
		if !ok { continue }
		word.Runes = append (word.Runes, RuneLayout {
			X:     x,
			Width: advance,
			Rune:  char,

		// advance
		if gettingSpace {
			word.SpaceAfter += advance
		} else {
			word.Width += advance
		x += advance

// LastRune returns the last rune in the word.
func (word WordLayout) LastRune () rune {
	if word.Runes == nil {
		return -1
	} else {
		return word.Runes[len(word.Runes) - 1].Rune

// FirstRune returns the last rune in the word.
func (word WordLayout) FirstRune () rune {
	if word.Runes == nil {
		return -1
	} else {
		return word.Runes[0].Rune

// LineLayout contains layout information for a single line.
type LineLayout struct {
	Y          fixed.Int26_6
	Width      fixed.Int26_6
	SpaceAfter fixed.Int26_6
	Words      []WordLayout
	BreakAfter bool

// DoLine consumes exactly one line from the given string, and produces a line
// layout according to the given font. It returns the remaining text as well. If
// maxWidth is greater than zero, this function will stop processing words once
// the limit is crossed. The word which would have crossed over the limit will
// not be processed.
func DoLine (text []rune, face font.Face, maxWidth fixed.Int26_6) (line LineLayout, remaining []rune) {
	remaining    = text
	x           := fixed.Int26_6(0)
	lastWord    := WordLayout { }
	isFirstWord := true
	for {
		// process one word
		word, remainingFromWord := DoWord(remaining, face)
		word.X = x
		x += word.Width

		// if we have gone over the maximum width, stop processing
		// words (if maxWidth is even specified)
		if !isFirstWord && maxWidth > 0 && x > maxWidth {

		x += word.SpaceAfter
		remaining = remainingFromWord

		// if the word actually has contents, add it
		if word.Runes != nil {
			lastWord   = word
			line.Words = append(line.Words, word)

		// if we have hit the end of the line, stop processing words
		if len(remaining) == 0 { break }
		if remaining[0] == '\n' {
			line.BreakAfter = true
			remaining = remaining[1:]

		isFirstWord = false

	// set the line's width. this is subject to be overridden by the
	// TypeSetter to match the longest line.
	if maxWidth > 0 {
		line.Width = maxWidth
	} else {
		line.Width      = lastWord.X + lastWord.Width
		line.SpaceAfter = lastWord.SpaceAfter

// Align aligns the text in the line according to the specified alignment
// method.
func (line *LineLayout) Align (align Align) {
	// TODO