This repository has been archived on 2023-08-08. You can view files and clone it, but cannot push or open issues or pull requests.
Sasha Koshka 6ede0d0770 Added the BackgroundParent interface
Parents are now able to draw backgrounds for their children. This
means we can now have elements inside other elements that aren't
restricted to one background color.
2023-04-02 22:02:55 -04:00

318 lines
9.6 KiB

package theme
import "image"
import "bytes"
import _ "embed"
import _ "image/png"
import "image/color"
import ""
import ""
import ""
import ""
import ""
import defaultfont ""
import ""
//go:embed assets/wintergreen.png
var defaultAtlasBytes []byte
var defaultAtlas canvas.Canvas
var defaultTextures [16][9]artist.Pattern
//go:embed assets/wintergreen-icons-small.png
var defaultIconsSmallAtlasBytes []byte
var defaultIconsSmall [640]binaryIcon
//go:embed assets/wintergreen-icons-large.png
var defaultIconsLargeAtlasBytes []byte
var defaultIconsLarge [640]binaryIcon
func atlasCell (col, row int, border artist.Inset) {
bounds := image.Rect(0, 0, 16, 16).Add(image.Pt(col, row).Mul(16))
defaultTextures[col][row] = patterns.Border {
Canvas: canvas.Cut(defaultAtlas, bounds),
Inset: border,
func atlasCol (col int, border artist.Inset) {
for index, _ := range defaultTextures[col] {
atlasCell(col, index, border)
type binaryIcon struct {
data []bool
stride int
func (icon binaryIcon) Draw (destination canvas.Canvas, color color.RGBA, at image.Point) {
bounds := icon.Bounds().Add(at).Intersect(destination.Bounds())
point := image.Point { }
data, stride := destination.Buffer()
for point.Y = bounds.Min.Y; point.Y < bounds.Max.Y; point.Y ++ {
for point.X = bounds.Min.X; point.X < bounds.Max.X; point.X ++ {
srcPoint := point.Sub(at)
srcIndex := srcPoint.X + srcPoint.Y * icon.stride
dstIndex := point.X + point.Y * stride
if[srcIndex] {
data[dstIndex] = color
func (icon binaryIcon) Bounds () image.Rectangle {
return image.Rect(0, 0, icon.stride, len( / icon.stride)
func binaryIconFrom (source image.Image, clip image.Rectangle) (icon binaryIcon) {
bounds := source.Bounds().Intersect(clip)
if bounds.Empty() { return }
icon.stride = bounds.Dx() = make([]bool, bounds.Dx() * bounds.Dy())
point := image.Point { }
dstIndex := 0
for point.Y = bounds.Min.Y; point.Y < bounds.Max.Y; point.Y ++ {
for point.X = bounds.Min.X; point.X < bounds.Max.X; point.X ++ {
r, g, b, a := source.At(point.X, point.Y).RGBA()
if a > 0x8000 && (r + g + b) / 3 < 0x8000 {[dstIndex] = true
dstIndex ++
func init () {
defaultAtlasImage, _, _ := image.Decode(bytes.NewReader(defaultAtlasBytes))
defaultAtlas = canvas.FromImage(defaultAtlasImage)
// PatternDead
atlasCol(0, artist.Inset { })
// PatternRaised
atlasCol(1, artist.Inset { 6, 6, 6, 6 })
// PatternSunken
atlasCol(2, artist.Inset { 4, 4, 4, 4 })
// PatternPinboard
atlasCol(3, artist.Inset { 2, 2, 2, 2 })
// PatternButton
atlasCol(4, artist.Inset { 6, 6, 6, 6 })
// PatternInput
atlasCol(5, artist.Inset { 4, 4, 4, 4 })
// PatternGutter
atlasCol(6, artist.Inset { 7, 7, 7, 7 })
// PatternHandle
atlasCol(7, artist.Inset { 3, 3, 3, 3 })
// PatternLine
atlasCol(8, artist.Inset { 1, 1, 1, 1 })
// PatternMercury
atlasCol(13, artist.Inset { 2, 2, 2, 2 })
// PatternTableHead:
atlasCol(14, artist.Inset { 4, 4, 4, 4 })
// PatternTableCell:
atlasCol(15, artist.Inset { 4, 4, 4, 4 })
// PatternButton: basic.checkbox
atlasCol(9, artist.Inset { 3, 3, 3, 3 })
// PatternRaised: basic.listEntry
atlasCol(10, artist.Inset { 3, 3, 3, 3 })
// PatternRaised: fun.flatKey
atlasCol(11, artist.Inset { 3, 3, 5, 3 })
// PatternRaised: fun.sharpKey
atlasCol(12, artist.Inset { 3, 3, 4, 3 })
// set up small icons
defaultIconsSmallAtlasImage, _, _ := image.Decode (
point := image.Point { }
iconIndex := 0
for point.Y = 0; point.Y < 20; point.Y ++ {
for point.X = 0; point.X < 32; point.X ++ {
defaultIconsSmall[iconIndex] = binaryIconFrom (
image.Rect(0, 0, 16, 16).Add(point.Mul(16)))
iconIndex ++
// set up large icons
defaultIconsLargeAtlasImage, _, _ := image.Decode (
point = image.Point { }
iconIndex = 0
for point.Y = 0; point.Y < 8; point.Y ++ {
for point.X = 0; point.X < 32; point.X ++ {
defaultIconsLarge[iconIndex] = binaryIconFrom (
image.Rect(0, 0, 32, 32).Add(point.Mul(32)))
iconIndex ++
iconIndex = 384
for point.Y = 8; point.Y < 12; point.Y ++ {
for point.X = 0; point.X < 32; point.X ++ {
defaultIconsLarge[iconIndex] = binaryIconFrom (
image.Rect(0, 0, 32, 32).Add(point.Mul(32)))
iconIndex ++
// Default is the default theme.
type Default struct { }
// FontFace returns the default font face.
func (Default) FontFace (style tomo.FontStyle, size tomo.FontSize, c tomo.Case) font.Face {
switch style {
case tomo.FontStyleBold:
return defaultfont.FaceBold
case tomo.FontStyleItalic:
return defaultfont.FaceItalic
case tomo.FontStyleBoldItalic:
return defaultfont.FaceBoldItalic
return defaultfont.FaceRegular
// Icon returns an icon from the default set corresponding to the given name.
func (Default) Icon (id tomo.Icon, size tomo.IconSize, c tomo.Case) artist.Icon {
if size == tomo.IconSizeLarge {
if id < 0 || int(id) >= len(defaultIconsLarge) {
return nil
} else {
return defaultIconsLarge[id]
} else {
if id < 0 || int(id) >= len(defaultIconsSmall) {
return nil
} else {
return defaultIconsSmall[id]
// MimeIcon returns an icon from the default set corresponding to the given mime.
// type.
func (Default) MimeIcon (data.Mime, tomo.IconSize, tomo.Case) artist.Icon {
return nil
// Pattern returns a pattern from the default theme corresponding to the given
// pattern ID.
func (Default) Pattern (id tomo.Pattern, state tomo.State, c tomo.Case) artist.Pattern {
offset := 0; switch {
case state.Disabled: offset = 1
case state.Pressed && state.On: offset = 4
case state.Focused && state.On: offset = 6
case state.On: offset = 2
case state.Pressed: offset = 3
case state.Focused: offset = 5
switch id {
case tomo.PatternBackground: return patterns.Uhex(0xaaaaaaFF)
case tomo.PatternDead: return defaultTextures[0][offset]
case tomo.PatternRaised:
if c.Match("tomo", "listEntry", "") {
return defaultTextures[10][offset]
} else {
return defaultTextures[1][offset]
case tomo.PatternSunken: return defaultTextures[2][offset]
case tomo.PatternPinboard: return defaultTextures[3][offset]
case tomo.PatternButton:
switch {
case c.Match("tomo", "checkbox", ""):
return defaultTextures[9][offset]
case c.Match("tomo", "piano", "flatKey"):
return defaultTextures[11][offset]
case c.Match("tomo", "piano", "sharpKey"):
return defaultTextures[12][offset]
return defaultTextures[4][offset]
case tomo.PatternInput: return defaultTextures[5][offset]
case tomo.PatternGutter: return defaultTextures[6][offset]
case tomo.PatternHandle: return defaultTextures[7][offset]
case tomo.PatternLine: return defaultTextures[8][offset]
case tomo.PatternMercury: return defaultTextures[13][offset]
case tomo.PatternTableHead: return defaultTextures[14][offset]
case tomo.PatternTableCell: return defaultTextures[15][offset]
default: return patterns.Uhex(0xFF00FFFF)
func (Default) Color (id tomo.Color, state tomo.State, c tomo.Case) color.RGBA {
if state.Disabled { return artist.Hex(0x444444FF) }
return artist.Hex (map[tomo.Color] uint32 {
tomo.ColorBlack: 0x000000FF,
tomo.ColorRed: 0x880000FF,
tomo.ColorGreen: 0x008800FF,
tomo.ColorYellow: 0x888800FF,
tomo.ColorBlue: 0x000088FF,
tomo.ColorPurple: 0x880088FF,
tomo.ColorCyan: 0x008888FF,
tomo.ColorWhite: 0x888888FF,
tomo.ColorBrightBlack: 0x888888FF,
tomo.ColorBrightRed: 0xFF0000FF,
tomo.ColorBrightGreen: 0x00FF00FF,
tomo.ColorBrightYellow: 0xFFFF00FF,
tomo.ColorBrightBlue: 0x0000FFFF,
tomo.ColorBrightPurple: 0xFF00FFFF,
tomo.ColorBrightCyan: 0x00FFFFFF,
tomo.ColorBrightWhite: 0xFFFFFFFF,
tomo.ColorForeground: 0x000000FF,
tomo.ColorBackground: 0xAAAAAAFF,
tomo.ColorAccent: 0x408090FF,
} [id])
// Padding returns the default padding value for the given pattern.
func (Default) Padding (id tomo.Pattern, c tomo.Case) artist.Inset {
switch id {
case tomo.PatternRaised:
if c.Match("tomo", "listEntry", "") {
return artist.I(4, 8)
} else {
return artist.I(8)
case tomo.PatternSunken:
if c.Match("tomo", "list", "") {
return artist.I(4, 0, 3)
} else if c.Match("basic", "progressBar", "") {
return artist.I(2, 1, 1, 2)
} else {
return artist.I(8)
case tomo.PatternPinboard:
if c.Match("tomo", "piano", "") {
return artist.I(2)
} else {
return artist.I(8)
case tomo.PatternGutter: return artist.I(0)
case tomo.PatternLine: return artist.I(1)
case tomo.PatternMercury: return artist.I(5)
default: return artist.I(8)
// Margin returns the default margin value for the given pattern.
func (Default) Margin (id tomo.Pattern, c tomo.Case) image.Point {
return image.Pt(8, 8)
// Hints returns rendering optimization hints for a particular pattern.
// These are optional, but following them may result in improved
// performance.
func (Default) Hints (pattern tomo.Pattern, c tomo.Case) (hints tomo.Hints) {
// Sink returns the default sink vector for the given pattern.
func (Default) Sink (pattern tomo.Pattern, c tomo.Case) image.Point {
return image.Point { 1, 1 }