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package containers
import "image"
import ""
import ""
import ""
import ""
type scratchEntry struct {
expand bool
minSize float64
minBreadth float64
// Box is a container that lays out its children horizontally or vertically.
// Child elements can be set to contract to their minimum size, or expand to
// fill remaining space. Boxes can be nested and used together to create more
// complex layouts.
type Box struct {
entity tomo.ContainerEntity
scratch map[tomo.Element] scratchEntry
theme theme.Wrapped
padding bool
margin bool
vertical bool
// NewHBox creates a new horizontal box.
func NewHBox (padding, margin bool) (element *Box) {
element = &Box { padding: padding, margin: margin }
element.scratch = make(map[tomo.Element] scratchEntry)
element.theme.Case = tomo.C("tomo", "box")
element.entity = tomo.NewEntity(element).(tomo.ContainerEntity)
// NewHBox creates a new vertical box.
func NewVBox (padding, margin bool) (element *Box) {
element = NewHBox(padding, margin)
element.vertical = true
func (element *Box) Entity () tomo.Entity {
return element.entity
func (element *Box) Draw (destination canvas.Canvas) {
rocks := make([]image.Rectangle, element.entity.CountChildren())
for index := 0; index < element.entity.CountChildren(); index ++ {
rocks[index] = element.entity.Child(index).Entity().Bounds()
tiles := shatter.Shatter(element.entity.Bounds(), rocks...)
for _, tile := range tiles {
element.entity.DrawBackground(canvas.Cut(destination, tile))
func (element *Box) Layout () {
margin := element.theme.Margin(tomo.PatternBackground)
padding := element.theme.Padding(tomo.PatternBackground)
bounds := element.entity.Bounds()
if element.padding { bounds = padding.Apply(bounds) }
var marginSize float64; if element.vertical {
marginSize = float64(margin.Y)
} else {
marginSize = float64(margin.X)
freeSpace, nExpanding := element.freeSpace()
expandingElementSize := freeSpace / nExpanding
// set the size and position of each element
x := float64(bounds.Min.X)
y := float64(bounds.Min.Y)
for index := 0; index < element.entity.CountChildren(); index ++ {
entry := element.scratch[element.entity.Child(index)]
var size float64; if entry.expand {
size = expandingElementSize
} else {
size = entry.minSize
var childBounds image.Rectangle; if element.vertical {
childBounds = tomo.Bounds(int(x), int(y), bounds.Dx(), int(size))
} else {
childBounds = tomo.Bounds(int(x), int(y), int(size), bounds.Dy())
element.entity.PlaceChild(index, childBounds)
if element.vertical {
y += size
if element.margin { y += marginSize }
} else {
x += size
if element.margin { x += marginSize }
func (element *Box) Adopt (child tomo.Element, expand bool) {
element.scratch[child] = scratchEntry { expand: expand }
func (element *Box) Disown (child tomo.Element) {
index := element.entity.IndexOf(child)
if index < 0 { return }
delete(element.scratch, child)
func (element *Box) DisownAll () {
func () {
for index := 0; index < element.entity.CountChildren(); index ++ {
index := index
defer element.entity.Disown(index)
} ()
element.scratch = make(map[tomo.Element] scratchEntry)
func (element *Box) HandleChildMinimumSizeChange (child tomo.Element) {
func (element *Box) DrawBackground (destination canvas.Canvas) {
// SetTheme sets the element's theme.
func (element *Box) SetTheme (theme tomo.Theme) {
if theme == element.theme.Theme { return }
element.theme.Theme = theme
func (element *Box) freeSpace () (space float64, nExpanding float64) {
margin := element.theme.Margin(tomo.PatternBackground)
padding := element.theme.Padding(tomo.PatternBackground)
var marginSize int; if element.vertical {
marginSize = margin.Y
} else {
marginSize = margin.X
if element.vertical {
space = float64(element.entity.Bounds().Dy())
} else {
space = float64(element.entity.Bounds().Dx())
for _, entry := range element.scratch {
if entry.expand {
nExpanding ++;
} else {
space -= float64(entry.minSize)
if element.padding {
space -= float64(padding.Vertical())
if element.margin {
space -= float64(marginSize * (len(element.scratch) - 1))
func (element *Box) updateMinimumSize () {
margin := element.theme.Margin(tomo.PatternBackground)
padding := element.theme.Padding(tomo.PatternBackground)
var breadth, size int
var marginSize int; if element.vertical {
marginSize = margin.Y
} else {
marginSize = margin.X
for index := 0; index < element.entity.CountChildren(); index ++ {
childWidth, childHeight := element.entity.ChildMinimumSize(index)
var childBreadth, childSize int; if element.vertical {
childBreadth, childSize = childWidth, childHeight
} else {
childBreadth, childSize = childHeight, childWidth
key := element.entity.Child(index)
entry := element.scratch[key]
entry.minSize = float64(childSize)
element.scratch[key] = entry
if childBreadth > breadth {
breadth = childBreadth
size += childSize
if element.margin && index > 0 {
size += marginSize
var width, height int; if element.vertical {
width, height = breadth, size
} else {
width, height = size, breadth
if element.padding {
width += padding.Horizontal()
height += padding.Vertical()
element.entity.SetMinimumSize(width, height)