Remove application framework stuff

This commit is contained in:
Sasha Koshka 2024-04-29 00:39:17 -04:00
parent a2a5c16e38
commit 9a9e546b37
4 changed files with 3 additions and 313 deletions

View File

@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
package tomo
import "image"
// Application represents an application object.
type Application interface {
// Describe returns a description of the application.
Describe () ApplicationDescription
// Init performs the initial setup of the application.
Init ()
// ApplicationDescription describes the name and type of an application.
type ApplicationDescription struct {
// The name or ID of the application.
Name string
// Role describes what the application does.
Role ApplicationRole
// String satisfies the fmt.Stringer interface.
func (application ApplicationDescription) String () string {
if application.Name == "" {
return application.Role.String()
} else {
return application.Name
// ApplicationRole describes what an application does.
type ApplicationRole int; const (
RoleUnknown ApplicationRole = iota
// String satisfies the fmt.Stringer interface.
func (role ApplicationRole) String () string {
switch role {
case RoleWebBrowser: return "Web Browser"
case RoleMesssanger: return "Messsanger"
case RolePhone: return "Phone"
case RoleMail: return "Mail"
case RoleTerminalEmulator: return "Terminal Emulator"
case RoleFileBrowser: return "File Browser"
case RoleTextEditor: return "Text Editor"
case RoleDocumentViewer: return "Document Viewer"
case RoleWordProcessor: return "Word Processor"
case RoleSpreadsheet: return "Spreadsheet"
case RoleSlideshow: return "Slideshow"
case RoleCalculator: return "Calculator"
case RolePreferences: return "Preferences"
case RoleProcessManager: return "Process Manager"
case RoleSystemInformation: return "System Information"
case RoleManual: return "Manual"
case RoleCamera: return "Camera"
case RoleImageViewer: return "Image Viewer"
case RoleMediaPlayer: return "Media Player"
case RoleImageEditor: return "Image Editor"
case RoleAudioEditor: return "Audio Editor"
case RoleVideoEditor: return "Video Editor"
case RoleClock: return "Clock"
case RoleCalendar: return "Calendar"
case RoleChecklist: return "Checklist"
default: return "unknown"
// RunApplication is like Run, but runs an application.
func RunApplication (application Application) error {
return Run(application.Init)
// NewApplicationWindow creates a window for an application. It will
// automatically set window information to signal to the OS that the window is
// owned by the application.
func NewApplicationWindow (application Application, bounds image.Rectangle) (MainWindow, error) {
window, err := NewWindow(bounds)
if err != nil { return nil, err }
return window, nil

View File

@ -1,188 +0,0 @@
package tomo
import "io"
import "os"
import "io/fs"
import "strings"
import "path/filepath"
// FS is Tomo's implementation of fs.FS. It provides access to a specific part
// of the filesystem.
type FS struct {
path string
// FileWriter is a writable version of fs.File.
type FileWriter interface {
// ApplicationUserDataFS returns an FS that an application can use to store user
// data files.
func ApplicationUserDataFS (app ApplicationDescription) (*FS, error) {
return appFs(userDataDir, app)
// ApplicationUserConfigFS returns an FS that an application can use to store
// user configuration files.
func ApplicationUserConfigFS (app ApplicationDescription) (*FS, error) {
configDir, err := os.UserConfigDir()
if err != nil { return nil, err }
return appFs(configDir, app)
// ApplicationUserCacheFS returns an FS that an application can use to store
// user cache files.
func ApplicationUserCacheFS (app ApplicationDescription) (*FS, error) {
cacheDir, err := os.UserCacheDir()
if err != nil { return nil, err }
return appFs(cacheDir, app)
func pathErr (op, path string, err error) error {
return &fs.PathError {
Op: op,
Path: path,
Err: err,
func appFs (root string, app ApplicationDescription) (*FS, error) {
// remove slashes
appname := app.String()
appname = strings.ReplaceAll(appname, "/", "-")
appname = strings.ReplaceAll(appname, "\\", "-")
path := filepath.Join(root, appname)
// ensure the directory actually exists
err := os.MkdirAll(path, 755)
if err != nil { return nil, err }
return &FS { path: path }, nil
func (this FS) subPath (name string) (string, error) {
if !fs.ValidPath(name) { return "", fs.ErrInvalid }
if strings.Contains(name, "/") { return "", fs.ErrInvalid }
return filepath.Join(this.path, name), nil
// Open opens the named file.
func (this FS) Open (name string) (fs.File, error) {
path, err := this.subPath(name)
if err != nil {
return nil, pathErr("open", name, err)
return os.Open(path)
// Create creates or truncates the named file.
func (this FS) Create (name string) (FileWriter, error) {
path, err := this.subPath(name)
if err != nil {
return nil, pathErr("create", name, err)
return os.Create(path)
// OpenFile is the generalized open call; most users will use Open or Create
// instead.
func (this FS) OpenFile (
name string,
flag int,
perm os.FileMode,
) (
) {
path, err := this.subPath(name)
if err != nil {
return nil, pathErr("open", name, err)
return os.OpenFile(path, flag, perm)
// ReadDir reads the named directory and returns a list of directory entries
// sorted by filename.
func (this FS) ReadDir (name string) ([]fs.DirEntry, error) {
path, err := this.subPath(name)
if err != nil {
return nil, pathErr("readdir", name, err)
return os.ReadDir(path)
// ReadFile reads the named file and returns its contents.
// A successful call returns a nil error, not io.EOF.
// (Because ReadFile reads the whole file, the expected EOF
// from the final Read is not treated as an error to be reported.)
// The caller is permitted to modify the returned byte slice.
func (this FS) ReadFile (name string) ([]byte, error) {
path, err := this.subPath(name)
if err != nil {
return nil, pathErr("readfile", name, err)
return os.ReadFile(path)
// WriteFile writes data to the named file, creating it if necessary.
func (this FS) WriteFile (name string, data []byte, perm os.FileMode) error {
path, err := this.subPath(name)
if err != nil {
return pathErr("writefile", name, err)
return os.WriteFile(path, data, perm)
// Stat returns a FileInfo describing the file.
func (this FS) Stat (name string) (fs.FileInfo, error) {
path, err := this.subPath(name)
if err != nil {
return nil, pathErr("stat", name, err)
return os.Stat(path)
// Remove removes the named file or (empty) directory.
func (this FS) Remove (name string) error {
path, err := this.subPath(name)
if err != nil {
return pathErr("remove", name, err)
return os.Remove(path)
// RemoveAll removes name and any children it contains.
func (this FS) RemoveAll (name string) error {
path, err := this.subPath(name)
if err != nil {
return pathErr("removeall", name, err)
return os.RemoveAll(path)
// Rename renames (moves) oldname to newname.
func (this FS) Rename (oldname, newname string) error {
oldpath, err := this.subPath(oldname)
if err != nil {
return pathErr("rename", oldname, err)
newpath, err := this.subPath(newname)
if err != nil {
return pathErr("rename", newname, err)
return os.Rename(oldpath, newpath)

View File

@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
package theme
import ""
import ""
import ""
@ -430,12 +429,3 @@ func MimeIcon (mime data.Mime, size IconSize) canvas.Texture {
if current == nil { return nil }
return current.MimeIcon(mime, size)
// ApplicationIcon describes the icon of the application.
type ApplicationIcon tomo.ApplicationDescription
// Texture returns a texture of the corresponding icon ID.
func (icon ApplicationIcon) Texture (size IconSize) canvas.Texture {
if current == nil { return nil }
return current.ApplicationIcon(icon, size)

View File

@ -92,8 +92,9 @@ type Theme interface {
// MimeIcon returns an icon corresponding to a MIME type.
MimeIcon (data.Mime, IconSize) canvas.Texture
// ApplicationIcon returns an icon corresponding to an application.
ApplicationIcon (ApplicationIcon, IconSize) canvas.Texture
// ApplicationIcon returns an icon corresponding to an application's
// name. This may return nil if there is no icon for that application.
ApplicationIcon (string, IconSize) canvas.Texture
var current Theme