Blank window background should be transparent (perhaps black without a compositor) #2

opened 2024-05-15 05:31:06 +00:00 by sashakoshka · 0 comments

Ideally, the window's background should be transparent. As of now, it doesn't even clear out junk frame data.

  • Need doDraw, drawBackgroundPart etc. methods on Window which draw a transparent color
  • Need to tell the X server that our window is transparent
  • Perhaps in the future add a SetColor to Window in the Tomo API?
Ideally, the window's background should be transparent. As of now, it doesn't even clear out junk frame data. - Need doDraw, drawBackgroundPart etc. methods on Window which draw a transparent color - Need to tell the X server that our window is transparent - Perhaps in the future add a SetColor to Window in the Tomo API?
sashakoshka changed title from Blank window background be transparent, perhaps black without a compositor to Blank window background be transparent (perhaps black without a compositor) 2024-05-15 05:31:22 +00:00
sashakoshka changed title from Blank window background be transparent (perhaps black without a compositor) to Blank window background should be transparent (perhaps black without a compositor) 2024-05-18 03:23:09 +00:00
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Reference: tomo/x#2
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