2024-07-10 23:59:13 -06:00
package xgbsel
import "io"
import "bytes"
import "errors"
import "github.com/jezek/xgb"
import "github.com/jezek/xgbutil"
import "github.com/jezek/xgb/xproto"
import "github.com/jezek/xgbutil/xprop"
import "github.com/jezek/xgbutil/xevent"
import "github.com/jezek/xgbutil/xwindow"
type selReqState int; const (
selReqStateClosed selReqState = iota
// Requestor provices details about the request such as the window that is
// requesting the selection data, and what targets it accepts.
type Requestor interface {
// Window returns the window that is requesting the selection data.
Window () *xwindow.Window
// Choose picks target from a slice of available targets and returns
// (target, true). If no target was picket, it returns ("", false).
Choose (available []Target) (target Target, ok bool)
// Success is called once the owner responds with data. The data must be
// closed once it has been read.
Success (Target, io.ReadCloser)
// Failure is called if the transfer fails at any point, or if there
// isn't any data to begin with. In the first case, an error is given.
// In the second case, the error will be nil.
Failure (error)
// Request represents an ongoing request for the selection contents.
type Request struct {
state selReqState
requestor Requestor
source xproto.Atom
destination xproto.Atom
incrBuffer []byte
incrTarget Target
// NewRequest sends a new selection request.
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func NewRequest (requestor Requestor, source, destination xproto.Atom) (*Request, error) {
2024-07-10 23:59:13 -06:00
request := &Request {
source: source,
destination: destination,
requestor: requestor,
targets, err := xprop.Atm(requestor.Window().X, "TARGETS")
2024-07-11 00:12:53 -06:00
if err != nil { return nil, err }
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request.convertSelection(targets, selReqStateAwaitTargets)
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return request, nil
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func (request *Request) convertSelection (target xproto.Atom, switchTo selReqState) {
// The requestor should set the property argument to the name of a
// property that the owner can use to report the value of the selection.
// Requestors should ensure that the named property does not exist on
// the window before issuing the ConvertSelection. The exception to this
// rule is when the requestor intends to pass parameters with the
// request. Some targets may be defined such that requestors can pass
// parameters along with the request. If the requestor wishes to provide
// parameters to a request, they should be placed in the specified
// property on the requestor window before the requestor issues the
// ConvertSelection request, and this property should be named in the
// request.
err := xproto.DeletePropertyChecked (
if err != nil { request.die(err); return }
// The selection argument specifies the particular selection involved,
// and the target argument specifies the required form of the
// information. For information about the choice of suitable atoms to
// use, see section 2.6. The requestor should set the requestor argument
// to a window that it created; the owner will place the reply property
// there. The requestor should set the time argument to the timestamp on
// the event that triggered the request for the selection value. Note
// that clients should not specify CurrentTime*.
err = xproto.ConvertSelectionChecked (
// TODO: *possibly replace this zero with an actual timestamp
// received from the server. this is non-trivial as we cannot
// rely on the timestamp of the last received event.
if err != nil { request.die(err); return }
request.state = switchTo
func (request *Request) die (err error) {
request.state = selReqStateClosed
func (request *Request) finalize (target Target, reader io.ReadCloser) {
request.requestor.Success(target, reader)
request.state = selReqStateClosed
func (request *Request) open () bool {
return request.state != selReqStateClosed
// While the selection request is active, HandleSelectionNotify should be called
// when the requesting window recieves a SelectionNotify event. This must be
// registered as an event handler manually.
func (request *Request) HandleSelectionNotify (
connection *xgbutil.XUtil,
event xevent.SelectionNotifyEvent,
) {
// the only valid states that we can process a SelectionNotify event in
invalidState :=
request.state != selReqStateAwaitValue &&
request.state != selReqStateAwaitTargets
if invalidState { return }
// Follow:
// https://tronche.com/gui/x/icccm/sec-2.html#s-2.4
// If the property argument is None, the conversion has been refused.
// This can mean either that there is no owner for the selection, that
// the owner does not support the conversion implied by the target, or
// that the server did not have sufficient space to accommodate the
// data.
if event.Property == 0 { request.die(nil); return }
// When using GetProperty to retrieve the value of a selection, the
// property argument should be set to the corresponding value in the
// SelectionNotify event. Because the requestor has no way of knowing
// beforehand what type the selection owner will use, the type argument
// should be set to AnyPropertyType. Several GetProperty requests may be
// needed to retrieve all the data in the selection; each should set the
// long-offset argument to the amount of data received so far, and the
// size argument to some reasonable buffer size (see section 2.5). If
// the returned value of bytes-after is zero, the whole property has
// been transferred.
reply, err := xproto.GetProperty (
connection.Conn(), false, request.requestor.Window().Id,
event.Property, xproto.GetPropertyTypeAny,
0, (1 << 32) - 1).Reply()
if err != nil { request.die(err); return }
if reply.Format == 0 {
request.die(errors.New("x: missing selection property"))
// https://tronche.com/gui/x/icccm/sec-2.html#s-2.7.2
// Requestors may receive a property of type INCR9 in response to any
// target that results in selection data. This indicates that the owner
// will send the actual data incrementally. The contents of the INCR
// property will be an integer, which represents a lower bound on the
// number of bytes of data in the selection. The requestor and the
// selection owner transfer the data in the selection in the following
// manner. The selection requestor starts the transfer process by
// deleting the (type==INCR) property forming the reply to the
// selection.
incr, err := xprop.Atm(request.requestor.Window().X, "INCR")
if err != nil { request.die(err); return }
if reply.Type == incr {
// reply to the INCR selection
err = xproto.DeletePropertyChecked (
if err != nil { request.die(err); return }
// await the first chunk
request.state = selReqStateAwaitChunk
// Once all the data in the selection has been retrieved (which may
// require getting the values of several properties &emdash; see section
// 2.7), the requestor should delete the property in the SelectionNotify
// request by using a GetProperty request with the delete argument set
// to True. As previously discussed, the owner has no way of knowing
// when the data has been transferred to the requestor unless the
// property is removed.
err = xproto.DeletePropertyChecked (
if err != nil { request.die(err); return }
// depending on which state the selection request is in, do something
// different with the property's value
switch request.state {
case selReqStateAwaitValue:
// get the type from the property and convert that to the mime
// value to pass to the application.
targetName, err := xprop.AtomName (
request.requestor.Window().X, reply.Type)
if err != nil { request.die(err); return }
// we now have the full selection data in the property, so we
// finalize the request and are done.
reader := io.NopCloser(bytes.NewReader(reply.Value))
request.finalize(Target(targetName), reader)
case selReqStateAwaitTargets:
// make a list of the targets we got
buffer := reply.Value
atoms := make([]xproto.Atom, len(buffer) / 4)
for index := range atoms {
atoms[index] = xproto.Atom(xgb.Get32(buffer[index * 4:]))
targets := make([]Target, len(atoms))
for index, atom := range atoms {
targetName, err := xprop.AtomName (
request.requestor.Window().X, atom)
if err != nil { request.die(err); return }
targets[index] = Target(targetName)
// choose the best target
var chosenAtom xproto.Atom
chosenTarget, ok := request.requestor.Choose(targets)
if ok {
for index, target := range targets {
if target == chosenTarget {
chosenAtom = atoms[index]
if chosenAtom == 0 {
// await the selection value
request.convertSelection(chosenAtom, selReqStateAwaitValue)
// While the selection request is active, HandlePropertyNotify should be called
// when the requesting window recieves a PropertyNotify event. This must be
// registered as an event handler manually.
func (request *Request) HandlePropertyNotify (
connection *xgbutil.XUtil,
event xevent.PropertyNotifyEvent,
) {
2024-07-11 14:22:48 -06:00
// ignore events that don't apply to our window's destination property
if event.Window != request.requestor.Window().Id { return }
if event.Atom != request.destination { return }
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// the only valid state that we can process a PropertyNotify event in
if request.state != selReqStateAwaitChunk { return }
if event.State != xproto.PropertyNewValue { return }
func (request *Request) handleINCRProperty (property xproto.Atom) {
// Retrieving data using GetProperty with the delete argument True.
reply, err := xproto.GetProperty (
request.requestor.Window().X.Conn(), true,
request.requestor.Window().Id, property, xproto.GetPropertyTypeAny,
0, (1 << 32) - 1).Reply()
if err != nil { request.die(err); return }
if len(reply.Value) == 0 {
// a zero length property means the transfer has finished. we
// finalize the request with the data we have, and don't wait
// for more.
reader := io.NopCloser(bytes.NewReader(request.incrBuffer))
request.finalize(request.incrTarget, reader)
// we want to be extra sure we aren't holding onto this memory
request.incrBuffer = nil
} else {
// a property with content means the transfer is still ongoing.
// we append the data we got and wait for more.
request.state = selReqStateAwaitChunk
request.incrBuffer = append(request.incrBuffer, reply.Value...)
targetName, err := xprop.AtomName (
request.requestor.Window().X, reply.Type)
if err != nil { request.die(err); return }
request.incrTarget = Target(targetName)