``` /* _ _ _ | | / | / / | |__| ||__ _ _ __ __ _ / / | '_ | |/ ' | '_ \ / _' | / / | \_|| | || | | | | /_| | /_/ \___/_____/___| |__,_ / _ |____/ */ ``` # blang! the bang language Public domain. 2022 DTB. # Examples ## true(1) ``` ^ ; initialize state to 0 % ; store state (0) into *stack ; stack is destroyed, state becomes the final value of *stack ; when the stack is destroyed, the program exits with the value of state $ ``` ## Hello world: ``` ; the <.> construct uses '<' to store the next value literally into state, ; does so, and uses '>' to output state literally <,>< >< >^%$ ```