# devenblake/dotfiles Pretty config stuff. ![This is a screenshot of my desktop.](https://web.archive.org/web/20200926155417if_/https://i.redd.it/jwhsmokcfcp51.png) For this configuration, [posted on r/unixporn on 2020-09-25](https://www.reddit.com/r/unixporn/comments/izpvwp/i3gaps_basic_but_it_works/), refer to the [state of the repository around 2020-09-26](https://git.sr.ht/~trinity/dotfiles/tree/7d0a35b6d06c2bb46990087c6a6c4b2a2685d49c) or so. My setup has changed drastically since then. My shell aliases are in `.aliases` and my general shell configuration is in `.env`. I use `dash` as my shell. I sort of miss tab-completion but it's worth it so I know everything I do is reproducible. Refer to `scripts/` for scripts that help me keep everything organized, except for `clone.sh` (which clones all my dotfiles to `~/src/dotfiles/`, where I keep my local copy of this repo). A list of all the packages I use is available in `scripts/packages/`, organized by repository availability. ## License See `LICENSE` for the repository license if you want but basically all code, unless otherwise stated, is released unencumbered into the public domain. A notable exception to this is `src/dmenu/config.h` which is licensed under the MIT/X Consortium license as is dmenu; this license can be found in `licenses/DMENU`.