Hi, I'm Deven Blake.
translations of my name include:
ديفين بلايك
バレイク デビン (BLAKE Deven)
My pronouns are they/them
I'm TestOut PC Pro certified (which doesn't mean much, but I earned 2000 of the 2000 possible points on the certification exam). I have a functional knowledge of Python and almost grasp C.
I have a somewhat barren itch.io page.
I also have a 1mb site.
You can contact me at
- (preferably) blakedevendesu@gmail.com
- deven@waifu.club
These following are left for completion's sake but are rarely checked:
- RandomGuyDTB@protonmail.com
- RandomGuyDTB@tutanota.com
- deven@kittymail.com
dblake@asia.com and devenblake@mail.com are aliases for that account.
Proprietary services I'm on include
- Discord, I'm deven#3756
- Instagram, I'm deven.blake
check out a web browser landing page i made
here are my opinions on text editing
The following buttons use JavaScript to modify the page title.