Hi, I'm Deven Trinity Blake. I'm just your normal everyday nerd.

translations of my name include:
ديفين بلايك
バレイク デビン (BLAKE Deven)

You can use they/them, she/her, or E/Em pronouns to refer to me, or whatever genderless pronoun set you prefer to use. If this confuses you just say things like "they walked", or "I saw them walking". I won't get offended if you use he/him but I'll probably be a bit confused.

This website is currently hosted on GitHub in a git repository. See something wack? File an issue.

The canonical URL for this page is http://www.trinity.moe/. You can also use the lengthened URL if need be.

I'm vaccinated against COVID-19. Are you?

Click to jump or navigate to... living: /bookmarks, #contact, #control, /devenzone, /faq, #harmful, /pasta/, #playground, /politics, #praise, #services, /shitlist, #trinitisms, #zelda; ephemeral: #extensions, /highschoolsenioryear, #htmlbeliefs, #kinlist, #now, #privacy, /thegame; knowledge: cat(1); NetBSD; true(1); shilling: #stickers

You can contact me at...

trinity@trinity.moe (preferably, redirects to a Google mail account)


Set site theme

The following inputs use JavaScript to change this page's stylesheet:

This input lets you summon an external stylesheet. For instance, you can enter in "/css/windowsclassic.css" to manually use that theme rather than pushing a button. (update as of 2021-04-05: CSS has been moved to /css/). Any stylesheet from any on-line source will work. Be careful because there's surely someone out there that will inject a virus into a stylesheet and get some poor sap to plug that in here.

The following button manipulates the site cookie. This setting is the only use of cookies anywhere on this website.

The following button would change the alignment of this page's text if it worked.

JavaScript playground

Software I hate

Previously this section had counters for the amount of times I have had problems with PulseAudio and SystemD. I have now, however, jumped ship to NetBSD, so I need to use neither.

Praise for www.trinity.moe's bold approach to the web

Services I'm on include...

All Things Weezer, deven; ArchWiki, deven; Bandcamp, devenblake; CodeWalrus, deven; Discord, trinity#3756; GitHub, devenblake; itch.io, devenblake; last.fm, trn1ty; Okuna, 333; Reddit, u/devenblake; Soundcloud, devenblake; Sourcehut, trinity; SpaceHey, dtb; Substack, trn1ty; TikTok, trn1ty; Wikipedia, DTB

(I also have a Discord "server")

None of these are guaranteed to still be on-line and italicized entries are ones I rarely use. I would much rather talk to you via Signal instead of using something like Discord.


ism - A distinctive doctrine, system, or theory. (From the American Heritage(R) Dictionary of the English Language, 5th ed, according to Wordnik.)

Trinitisms are decrees I make or terms I coin with no necessary reason. Or terms I use often that people don't know. Some I coined, some I didn't; when in doubt, assume I didn't.

Trinitism when not used as a proper noun can refer to any given person's own trinitisms.

Play the Zelda theme song in your terminal

curl http://www.trinity.moe/zelda.sh | sudo sh

Browser extensions I use

updated 2021-05-15

These are browser extensions I usually install and use. These are Mozilla Firefox extensions that work in the latest versions of Mozilla Firefox. If you use Google Chrome, please stop.

Other Art

What makes good HTML

updated 2021-06-16

Here's a list in arbitrary order of things I think make good HTML

Here's my kinlist

updated 2021-05-04

I should say that what I mean by "kin" is just that I identify with, or have a kinship with, these characters. I don't believe I am these characters. I've heard that's a thing.

What I'm doing right now

updated 2021-08-02

Living the dream. Modifying my X200 Tablet and accumulating useful hardware. I've ordered a Pinephone which has since shipped but not yet arrived.

Site privacy policy:

updated 2021-03-14

This site uses Cloudflare for DNS but shouldn't have any Cloudflare tracking or anything like that. There's no proxying. Nor do I (currently) log visitor IP addresses - this may change. I like knowing from where my visitors are. But I don't know if I'd ever really do something invasive like that.

The only cookie used in this site is to establish the user's preference when it comes to the site theme. This can be set using the control panel on the site index and isn't set at all until "save theme settings" is clicked. If you never save the settings there will be no cookies on this site. But if there are there's nothing I can do about that unless I borked the JS.

trinity.moe is served through GitHub Pages as a static site. You see the same code I do. No JavaScript is minified or obfuscated. You're free to plaigarize, pilfer, copy, whatever of this website you'd like, just don't put my name on something I didn't say. Seriously. The code is yours. Take all the JS without crediting me. Hotlink the CSS. It's yours. You're free.


trinity.moe. Hypertext on port 80. Click here. <A HREF="http://www.trinity.moe"><IMG
ALT="trinity.moe. Hypertext on port 80. Click here."
trinity.moe! <A HREF="http://www.trinity.moe"><IMG

Check out some other people's stickers, too

This site is written in (most usually to least usually) ed, vi, vim, ne, nano, Kate, and MS Notepad. This site is usually tested in the latest Firefox, a random version of NCSA Mosaic I found, Mothra on plan9front, and Lynx. No rights reserved, all rights exercised, rights turned to lefts, left in this corner of the web.