2024-08-21 22:43:29 -06:00
bonsai Merge branch 'linux-fix' (closes #158) 2024-08-21 22:43:29 -06:00

The testing suite contains two trees: the Bonsai tree and the POSIX tree:

├── bonsai/
│   ├── dj.mk
│   ├── false.mk
│   ├── fop.mk
│   └── ...
├── posix/
└── tests.mk

The Bonsai tree tests the functionality of Harakit utilities for regressions and
other issues relating to compliance to our standards of practice.

The POSIX tests are currently a work-in-progress. Their status in this
repository is uncertain.

Both sets of tests also inherit the environment set by the top-level Makefile,
which sets the BIN variable to the build/bin directory at the root of the
project; therefore, each binary is located at $(BIN)/tool for idiomatic access.

Each test contains a set of PHONY targets which are prefixed with the name of
the tool being tested and an underscore. The first target is tests, which
depends on all the other targets in the test file. These test files are each
included in the top Makefile, so they can be called from the root of the
repository. This also means that BIN can be set manually so that tests can be
run using make(1) inside of the tests directory:

	$ make -f tests.mk BIN=../build/bin dj_tests

Copyright © 2024 Emma Tebibyte <emma@tebibyte.media>

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