2019-07-17 09:13:28 +03:00

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# KISS Package System
## Index
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* [Adding packages to this repository](#adding-packages-to-this-repository)
* [Committing changes](#committing-changes)
* [Pull requests](#pull-requests)
* [Linting](#linting)
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## Adding packages to this repository
Unless for a good reason, new packages go in `public`. The `core`, `extra` and `xorg` repositories are updated on a case by case basis.
- `core`: Contains just enough to rebuild itself and any additional packages.
- `extra`: Contains essential packages which do not belong in `core`.
- `xorg`: Contains everything `xorg` related for a working `xorg-server`.
- `public`: Everything else.
When a package is added to `public` it is assumed that the committer is now the maintainer of said package. The other three repositories are maintained by the KISS developers themselves.
## Committing changes
One package per commit unless the packages are very closely related (`linux` and `linux-headers`).
Commit rules:
* For new packages: `<package>: new package at <version>`
* For updating an existing package: `<package>: update to <version>`, `<package>: bump to <version>` is also acceptable.
* Any other changes: `<package>: <changes>`
* Merges: GitHub's default format is acceptable, or just `Merge #<PR number>` should suffice.
* Misc: We leave that to the discretion of the author and/or committer.
## Pull requests
Ensure that the package builds successfully on your system before creating a pull request. If for some reason it **does not**, open an issue if assistance is needed.
Pull requests should only contain the new package and any dependencies which do not yet exist in any of the repositories.
## Linting
All package `build` and `post-install` scripts are subject to checks using `shellcheck`. Packages must pass the linter to be accepted into the repository. Exceptions can be made using `shellcheck disable=SCXXXX` with good reason.