2 Functions and Methods
Sasha Koshka edited this page 2022-08-24 16:35:09 +00:00


func ro someFunction
	@ reciever:SomeObject
	> input:Int
	< output:Int:mut 

Function sections are divided in two. The first part can contain inputs, outputs, and a method reciever. Inputs are preceded by a '>', outputs are preceded by a '<', and the method reciever is preceded by a '@'. Function outputs can have default values, whether they be simple or complex.

The latter part contains the actual code of the function, which is composed of phrases.


A function may have any number of inputs and outputs, and they act as local variables. Function inputs must always be immutable, and function outputs must always be mutable.

The second part is the actual code of the function. It is separated from the first part of the function with a separator token, and contains an indented block of phrases.

To return data from a function, its outputs must be set as you would a normal variable.

A function can be a method of an object if it lists the method receiver. If it doesn't, it is just a regular function

Method receivers, like inputs, must be immutable. They also must be pointers. It is important to note that if a pointer is immutable, the pointer cannot "move", but the data it points to can still be altered.

Method receivers can be of any type defined in the same module except interface types.