2016-02-03 17:43:49 -08:00

444 lines
9.9 KiB

// Copyright 2016 Zack Guo <gizak@icloud.com>. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT license that can
// be found in the LICENSE file.
package termui
import (
// only 16 possible combinations, why bother
var braillePatterns = map[[2]int]rune{
[2]int{0, 0}: '⣀',
[2]int{0, 1}: '⡠',
[2]int{0, 2}: '⡐',
[2]int{0, 3}: '⡈',
[2]int{1, 0}: '⢄',
[2]int{1, 1}: '⠤',
[2]int{1, 2}: '⠔',
[2]int{1, 3}: '⠌',
[2]int{2, 0}: '⢂',
[2]int{2, 1}: '⠢',
[2]int{2, 2}: '⠒',
[2]int{2, 3}: '⠊',
[2]int{3, 0}: '⢁',
[2]int{3, 1}: '⠡',
[2]int{3, 2}: '⠑',
[2]int{3, 3}: '⠉',
var lSingleBraille = [4]rune{'\u2840', '⠄', '⠂', '⠁'}
var rSingleBraille = [4]rune{'\u2880', '⠠', '⠐', '⠈'}
// set this filename to have debug logging written here
var DebugFilename string
var debugFile *os.File
func debugLog(str string) {
if DebugFilename == "" {
var err error
if debugFile == nil {
debugFile, err = os.OpenFile(DebugFilename, os.O_CREATE|os.O_TRUNC|os.O_WRONLY, 0666)
if err != nil {
stamp := time.Now().Format(time.StampMilli)
_, err = fmt.Fprintln(debugFile, stamp, str)
if err != nil {
func Debug(a ...interface{}) {
func Debugf(format string, a ...interface{}) {
debugLog(fmt.Sprintf(format, a...))
// LineChart has two modes: braille(default) and dot. Using braille gives 2x capicity as dot mode,
// because one braille char can represent two data points.
lc := termui.NewLineChart()
lc.Border.Label = "braille-mode Line Chart"
lc.Data["name'] = [1.2, 1.3, 1.5, 1.7, 1.5, 1.6, 1.8, 2.0]
lc.Width = 50
lc.Height = 12
lc.AxesColor = termui.ColorWhite
lc.LineColor = termui.ColorGreen | termui.AttrBold
// termui.Render(lc)...
type LineChart struct {
Data map[string][]float64
DataLabels []string // if unset, the data indices will be used
Mode string // braille | dot
DotStyle rune
LineColor map[string]Attribute
defaultLineColor Attribute
scale float64 // data span per cell on y-axis
AxesColor Attribute
drawingX int
drawingY int
axisYHeight int
axisXWidth int
axisYLebelGap int
axisXLebelGap int
topValue float64
bottomValue float64
labelX [][]rune
labelY [][]rune
labelYSpace int
maxY float64
minY float64
YPadding float64
YFloor float64
YCeil float64
// NewLineChart returns a new LineChart with current theme.
func NewLineChart() *LineChart {
lc := &LineChart{Block: *NewBlock()}
lc.AxesColor = ThemeAttr("linechart.axes.fg")
lc.defaultLineColor = ThemeAttr("linechart.line.fg")
lc.Mode = "braille"
lc.DotStyle = '•'
lc.Data = make(map[string][]float64)
lc.LineColor = make(map[string]Attribute)
lc.axisXLebelGap = 2
lc.axisYLebelGap = 1
lc.bottomValue = math.Inf(1)
lc.topValue = math.Inf(-1)
lc.YPadding = 0.2
lc.YFloor = math.Inf(-1)
lc.YCeil = math.Inf(1)
return lc
// one cell contains two data points, so capicity is 2x dot mode
func (lc *LineChart) renderBraille() Buffer {
buf := NewBuffer()
// return: b -> which cell should the point be in
// m -> in the cell, divided into 4 equal height levels, which subcell?
getPos := func(d float64) (b, m int) {
cnt4 := int((d-lc.bottomValue)/(lc.scale/4) + 0.5)
b = cnt4 / 4
m = cnt4 % 4
// Sort the series so that overlapping data will overlap the same way each time
seriesList := make([]string, len(lc.Data))
i := 0
for seriesName := range lc.Data {
seriesList[i] = seriesName
// plot points
for _, seriesName := range seriesList {
seriesData := lc.Data[seriesName]
if len(seriesData) == 0 {
thisLineColor, ok := lc.LineColor[seriesName]
if !ok {
thisLineColor = lc.defaultLineColor
minCell := lc.innerArea.Min.X + lc.labelYSpace
cellPos := lc.innerArea.Max.X - 1
for dataPos := len(seriesData) - 1; dataPos >= 0 && cellPos > minCell; {
b0, m0 := getPos(seriesData[dataPos])
var b1, m1 int
if dataPos > 0 {
b1, m1 = getPos(seriesData[dataPos-1])
if b0 == b1 {
c := Cell{
Ch: braillePatterns[[2]int{m1, m0}],
Bg: lc.Bg,
Fg: thisLineColor,
y := lc.innerArea.Min.Y + lc.innerArea.Dy() - 3 - b0
buf.Set(cellPos, y, c)
} else {
c0 := Cell{
Ch: rSingleBraille[m0],
Fg: thisLineColor,
Bg: lc.Bg,
y0 := lc.innerArea.Min.Y + lc.innerArea.Dy() - 3 - b0
buf.Set(cellPos, y0, c0)
c1 := Cell{
Ch: lSingleBraille[m1],
Fg: thisLineColor,
Bg: lc.Bg,
y1 := lc.innerArea.Min.Y + lc.innerArea.Dy() - 3 - b1
buf.Set(cellPos, y1, c1)
} else {
c0 := Cell{
Ch: rSingleBraille[m0],
Fg: thisLineColor,
Bg: lc.Bg,
x0 := cellPos
y0 := lc.innerArea.Min.Y + lc.innerArea.Dy() - 3 - b0
buf.Set(x0, y0, c0)
dataPos -= 2
return buf
func (lc *LineChart) renderDot() Buffer {
buf := NewBuffer()
for seriesName, seriesData := range lc.Data {
thisLineColor, ok := lc.LineColor[seriesName]
if !ok {
thisLineColor = lc.defaultLineColor
minCell := lc.innerArea.Min.X + lc.labelYSpace
cellPos := lc.innerArea.Max.X - 1
for dataPos := len(seriesData) - 1; dataPos >= 0 && cellPos > minCell; {
Debug(seriesName, " ", dataPos, cellPos, seriesData[dataPos])
c := Cell{
Ch: lc.DotStyle,
Fg: thisLineColor,
Bg: lc.Bg,
x := cellPos
y := lc.innerArea.Min.Y + lc.innerArea.Dy() - 3 - int((seriesData[dataPos]-lc.bottomValue)/lc.scale+0.5)
buf.Set(x, y, c)
return buf
func (lc *LineChart) calcLabelX() {
lc.labelX = [][]rune{}
for i, l := 0, 0; i < len(lc.DataLabels) && l < lc.axisXWidth; i++ {
if lc.Mode == "dot" {
if l >= len(lc.DataLabels) {
s := str2runes(lc.DataLabels[l])
w := strWidth(lc.DataLabels[l])
if l+w <= lc.axisXWidth {
lc.labelX = append(lc.labelX, s)
l += w + lc.axisXLebelGap
} else { // braille
if 2*l >= len(lc.DataLabels) {
s := str2runes(lc.DataLabels[2*l])
w := strWidth(lc.DataLabels[2*l])
if l+w <= lc.axisXWidth {
lc.labelX = append(lc.labelX, s)
l += w + lc.axisXLebelGap
func shortenFloatVal(x float64) string {
s := fmt.Sprintf("%.2f", x)
if len(s)-3 > 3 {
s = fmt.Sprintf("%.2e", x)
if x < 0 {
s = fmt.Sprintf("%.2f", x)
return s
func (lc *LineChart) calcLabelY() {
span := lc.topValue - lc.bottomValue
lc.scale = span / float64(lc.axisYHeight)
n := (1 + lc.axisYHeight) / (lc.axisYLebelGap + 1)
lc.labelY = make([][]rune, n)
maxLen := 0
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
s := str2runes(shortenFloatVal(lc.bottomValue + float64(i)*span/float64(n)))
if len(s) > maxLen {
maxLen = len(s)
lc.labelY[i] = s
lc.labelYSpace = maxLen
func (lc *LineChart) calcLayout() {
for _, seriesData := range lc.Data {
if seriesData == nil || len(seriesData) == 0 {
// set datalabels if not provided
if lc.DataLabels == nil || len(lc.DataLabels) == 0 {
lc.DataLabels = make([]string, len(seriesData))
for i := range seriesData {
lc.DataLabels[i] = fmt.Sprint(i)
// lazy increase, to avoid y shaking frequently
lc.minY = seriesData[0]
lc.maxY = seriesData[0]
// valid visible range
vrange := lc.innerArea.Dx()
if lc.Mode == "braille" {
vrange = 2 * lc.innerArea.Dx()
if vrange > len(seriesData) {
vrange = len(seriesData)
for _, v := range seriesData[:vrange] {
if v > lc.maxY {
lc.maxY = v
if v < lc.minY {
lc.minY = v
span := lc.maxY - lc.minY
// allow some padding unless we are beyond the flor/ceil
if lc.minY <= lc.bottomValue {
lc.bottomValue = lc.minY - lc.YPadding*span
if lc.bottomValue < lc.YFloor {
lc.bottomValue = lc.YFloor
if lc.maxY >= lc.topValue {
lc.topValue = lc.maxY + lc.YPadding*span
if lc.topValue > lc.YCeil {
lc.topValue = lc.YCeil
lc.axisYHeight = lc.innerArea.Dy() - 2
lc.axisXWidth = lc.innerArea.Dx() - 1 - lc.labelYSpace
lc.drawingX = lc.innerArea.Min.X + 1 + lc.labelYSpace
lc.drawingY = lc.innerArea.Min.Y
Debugf("calcLayout bottom=%f top=%f min=%f max=%f axisYHeight=%d", lc.bottomValue, lc.topValue, lc.minY, lc.maxY, lc.axisYHeight)
func (lc *LineChart) plotAxes() Buffer {
buf := NewBuffer()
origY := lc.innerArea.Min.Y + lc.innerArea.Dy() - 2
origX := lc.innerArea.Min.X + lc.labelYSpace
buf.Set(origX, origY, Cell{Ch: ORIGIN, Fg: lc.AxesColor, Bg: lc.Bg})
for x := origX + 1; x < origX+lc.axisXWidth; x++ {
buf.Set(x, origY, Cell{Ch: HDASH, Fg: lc.AxesColor, Bg: lc.Bg})
for dy := 1; dy <= lc.axisYHeight; dy++ {
buf.Set(origX, origY-dy, Cell{Ch: VDASH, Fg: lc.AxesColor, Bg: lc.Bg})
// x label
oft := 0
for _, rs := range lc.labelX {
if oft+len(rs) > lc.axisXWidth {
for j, r := range rs {
c := Cell{
Ch: r,
Fg: lc.AxesColor,
Bg: lc.Bg,
x := origX + oft + j
y := lc.innerArea.Min.Y + lc.innerArea.Dy() - 1
buf.Set(x, y, c)
oft += len(rs) + lc.axisXLebelGap
// y labels
for i, rs := range lc.labelY {
for j, r := range rs {
Cell{Ch: r, Fg: lc.AxesColor, Bg: lc.Bg})
return buf
// Buffer implements Bufferer interface.
func (lc *LineChart) Buffer() Buffer {
buf := lc.Block.Buffer()
seriesCount := 0
for _, data := range lc.Data {
if len(data) > 0 {
if seriesCount == 0 {
Debug("lc render no data")
return buf
if lc.Mode == "dot" {
Debug("lc render start dot")
} else {
Debug("lc render start braille")
return buf