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2023-03-21 10:26:48 -06:00
package fileElements
import "io/fs"
import "image"
2023-03-21 10:26:48 -06:00
import "path/filepath"
2023-03-30 23:06:29 -06:00
import ""
import ""
import ""
import ""
import ""
import ""
2023-03-30 23:06:29 -06:00
import ""
import ""
2023-03-21 10:26:48 -06:00
type fileLayoutEntry struct {
Bounds image.Rectangle
Drawer textdraw.Drawer
TextPoint image.Point
2023-03-21 10:26:48 -06:00
type historyEntry struct {
location string
filesystem ReadDirStatFS
2023-03-23 13:56:56 -06:00
// Directory displays a list of files within a particular directory and
// file system.
2023-03-23 13:56:56 -06:00
type Directory struct {
core core.CoreControl
children []fileLayoutEntry
scroll image.Point
contentBounds image.Rectangle
config config.Wrapped
theme theme.Wrapped
onScrollBoundsChange func ()
2023-03-21 10:26:48 -06:00
history []historyEntry
historyIndex int
2023-03-21 10:26:48 -06:00
onChoose func (file string)
2023-03-23 13:56:56 -06:00
// NewDirectory creates a new directory view. If within is nil, it will use
// the OS file system.
2023-03-23 13:56:56 -06:00
func NewDirectory (
2023-03-21 10:26:48 -06:00
location string,
within ReadDirStatFS,
) (
2023-03-23 13:56:56 -06:00
element *Directory,
2023-03-21 10:26:48 -06:00
err error,
) {
2023-03-23 13:56:56 -06:00
element = &Directory { }
2023-03-30 23:06:29 -06:00
element.theme.Case = tomo.C("files", "directory")
element.Core, element.core = core.NewCore(element, element.redoAll)
element.Propagator = core.NewPropagator(element, element.core)
2023-03-21 10:26:48 -06:00
err = element.SetLocation(location, within)
// Location returns the directory's location and filesystem.
2023-03-23 13:56:56 -06:00
func (element *Directory) Location () (string, ReadDirStatFS) {
if len(element.history) < 1 { return "", nil }
current := element.history[element.historyIndex]
return current.location, current.filesystem
2023-03-21 10:26:48 -06:00
// SetLocation sets the directory's location and filesystem. If within is nil,
// it will use the OS file system.
2023-03-23 13:56:56 -06:00
func (element *Directory) SetLocation (
2023-03-21 10:26:48 -06:00
location string,
within ReadDirStatFS,
) error {
if within == nil {
within = defaultFS { }
element.scroll = image.Point { }
if element.history != nil {
element.historyIndex ++
element.history = append (
historyEntry { location, within })
2023-03-21 10:26:48 -06:00
return element.Update()
// Backward goes back a directory in history
2023-03-23 13:56:56 -06:00
func (element *Directory) Backward () (bool, error) {
if element.historyIndex > 1 {
element.historyIndex --
return true, element.Update()
} else {
return false, nil
// Forward goes forward a directory in history
2023-03-23 13:56:56 -06:00
func (element *Directory) Forward () (bool, error) {
if element.historyIndex < len(element.history) - 1 {
element.historyIndex ++
return true, element.Update()
} else {
return false, nil
// Update refreshes the directory's contents.
2023-03-23 13:56:56 -06:00
func (element *Directory) Update () error {
location, filesystem := element.Location()
entries, err := filesystem.ReadDir(location)
2023-03-21 10:26:48 -06:00
// disown all entries
for _, file := range element.children {
file.DrawTo(nil, image.Rectangle { }, nil)
if file.Focused() {
element.children = make([]fileLayoutEntry, len(entries))
2023-03-21 10:26:48 -06:00
for index, entry := range entries {
filePath := filepath.Join(location, entry.Name())
file, _ := NewFile(filePath, filesystem)
file.OnChoose (func () {
if element.onChoose != nil {
element.children[index].File = file
element.children[index].DirEntry = entry
element.children[index].Drawer.SetFace (element.theme.FontFace(
2023-03-30 23:06:29 -06:00
2023-03-21 10:26:48 -06:00
if element.core.HasImage() {
2023-03-21 10:26:48 -06:00
return err
// OnChoose sets a function to be called when the user double-clicks a file or
// sub-directory within the directory view.
2023-03-23 13:56:56 -06:00
func (element *Directory) OnChoose (callback func (file string)) {
2023-03-21 10:26:48 -06:00
element.onChoose = callback
// CountChildren returns the amount of children contained within this element.
2023-03-23 13:56:56 -06:00
func (element *Directory) CountChildren () (count int) {
return len(element.children)
// Child returns the child at the specified index. If the index is out of
// bounds, this method will return nil.
2023-03-30 23:06:29 -06:00
func (element *Directory) Child (index int) (child tomo.Element) {
if index < 0 || index > len(element.children) { return }
return element.children[index].File
2023-03-23 13:56:56 -06:00
func (element *Directory) HandleMouseDown (x, y int, button input.Button) {
2023-03-23 13:55:18 -06:00
if button == input.ButtonLeft {
var file *File
for _, entry := range element.children {
if image.Pt(x, y).In(entry.Bounds) {
file = entry.File
if file != nil {
element.Propagator.HandleMouseDown(x, y, button)
2023-03-23 13:56:56 -06:00
func (element *Directory) redoAll () {
if !element.core.HasImage() { return }
// do a layout
maxScrollHeight := element.maxScrollHeight()
if element.scroll.Y > maxScrollHeight {
element.scroll.Y = maxScrollHeight
// draw a background
rocks := make([]image.Rectangle, len(element.children))
for index, entry := range element.children {
rocks[index] = entry.Bounds
pattern := element.theme.Pattern (
2023-03-30 23:06:29 -06:00
tomo.State { })
artist.DrawShatter(element.core, pattern, element.Bounds(), rocks...)
2023-03-30 23:06:29 -06:00
if parent, ok := element.core.Parent().(tomo.ScrollableParent); ok {
if element.onScrollBoundsChange != nil {
// draw labels
2023-03-30 23:06:29 -06:00
foreground := element.theme.Color(tomo.ColorForeground, tomo.State { })
for _, entry := range element.children {
entry.Drawer.Draw(element.core, foreground, entry.TextPoint)
2023-03-23 13:56:56 -06:00
func (element *Directory) partition () {
for _, entry := range element.children {
entry.DrawTo(nil, entry.Bounds, nil)
// cut our canvas up and give peices to child elements
for _, entry := range element.children {
if entry.Bounds.Overlaps(element.Bounds()) {
entry.DrawTo (
canvas.Cut(element.core, entry.Bounds),
entry.Bounds, func (region image.Rectangle) {
2023-03-31 12:02:56 -06:00
func (element *Directory) Window () tomo.Window {
return element.core.Window()
// NotifyMinimumSizeChange notifies the container that the minimum size of a
// child element has changed.
2023-03-30 23:06:29 -06:00
func (element *Directory) NotifyMinimumSizeChange (child tomo.Element) {
// SetTheme sets the element's theme.
2023-03-30 23:06:29 -06:00
func (element *Directory) SetTheme (new tomo.Theme) {
if new == element.theme.Theme { return }
element.theme.Theme = new
// SetConfig sets the element's configuration.
2023-03-30 23:06:29 -06:00
func (element *Directory) SetConfig (new tomo.Config) {
if new == element.config.Config { return }
// ScrollContentBounds returns the full content size of the element.
2023-03-23 13:56:56 -06:00
func (element *Directory) ScrollContentBounds () image.Rectangle {
return element.contentBounds
// ScrollViewportBounds returns the size and position of the element's
// viewport relative to ScrollBounds.
2023-03-23 13:56:56 -06:00
func (element *Directory) ScrollViewportBounds () image.Rectangle {
2023-03-30 23:06:29 -06:00
padding := element.theme.Padding(tomo.PatternPinboard)
bounds := padding.Apply(element.Bounds())
bounds = bounds.Sub(bounds.Min).Add(element.scroll)
return bounds
// ScrollTo scrolls the viewport to the specified point relative to
// ScrollBounds.
2023-03-23 13:56:56 -06:00
func (element *Directory) ScrollTo (position image.Point) {
if position.Y < 0 {
position.Y = 0
maxScrollHeight := element.maxScrollHeight()
if position.Y > maxScrollHeight {
position.Y = maxScrollHeight
element.scroll = position
if element.core.HasImage() {
// OnScrollBoundsChange sets a function to be called when the element's viewport
// bounds, content bounds, or scroll axes change.
2023-03-23 13:56:56 -06:00
func (element *Directory) OnScrollBoundsChange (callback func ()) {
element.onScrollBoundsChange = callback
// ScrollAxes returns the supported axes for scrolling.
2023-03-23 13:56:56 -06:00
func (element *Directory) ScrollAxes () (horizontal, vertical bool) {
return false, true
2023-03-23 13:56:56 -06:00
func (element *Directory) maxScrollHeight () (height int) {
2023-03-30 23:06:29 -06:00
padding := element.theme.Padding(tomo.PatternSunken)
viewportHeight := element.Bounds().Dy() - padding.Vertical()
height = element.contentBounds.Dy() - viewportHeight
if height < 0 { height = 0 }
2023-03-23 13:56:56 -06:00
func (element *Directory) doLayout () {
2023-03-30 23:06:29 -06:00
margin := element.theme.Margin(tomo.PatternPinboard)
padding := element.theme.Padding(tomo.PatternPinboard)
bounds := padding.Apply(element.Bounds())
element.contentBounds = image.Rectangle { }
beginningOfRow := true
dot := bounds.Min.Sub(element.scroll)
rowHeight := 0
for index, entry := range element.children {
width, height := entry.MinimumSize()
if dot.X + width > bounds.Max.X {
dot.X = bounds.Min.Sub(element.scroll).X
dot.Y += rowHeight
if index > 1 {
dot.Y += margin.Y
beginningOfRow = true
if beginningOfRow {
beginningOfRow = false
} else {
dot.X += margin.X
bounds := image.Rect(dot.X, dot.Y, dot.X + width, dot.Y + height)
entry.Bounds = bounds
drawerHeight := entry.Drawer.ReccomendedHeightFor(width)
entry.TextPoint =
image.Pt(bounds.Min.X, bounds.Max.Y + margin.Y).
bounds.Max.Y += margin.Y + drawerHeight
height += margin.Y + drawerHeight
if rowHeight < height {
rowHeight = height
element.contentBounds = element.contentBounds.Union(bounds)
element.children[index] = entry
dot.X += width
element.contentBounds =
2023-03-23 13:56:56 -06:00
func (element *Directory) updateMinimumSize () {
2023-03-30 23:06:29 -06:00
padding := element.theme.Padding(tomo.PatternPinboard)
minimumWidth := 0
for _, entry := range element.children {
width, _ := entry.MinimumSize()
if width > minimumWidth {
minimumWidth = width
element.core.SetMinimumSize (
minimumWidth + padding.Horizontal(),