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2023-01-08 23:03:19 -07:00
package artist
// import "fmt"
import "image"
import "unicode"
2023-01-14 10:41:51 -07:00
import "image/draw"
2023-01-08 23:03:19 -07:00
import ""
import ""
import ""
type characterLayout struct {
x int
character rune
type wordLayout struct {
position image.Point
width int
spaceAfter int
breaksAfter int
text []characterLayout
2023-01-17 22:38:58 -07:00
whitespace []characterLayout
2023-01-08 23:03:19 -07:00
// Align specifies a text alignment method.
type Align int
const (
// AlignLeft aligns the start of each line to the beginning point
// of each dot.
AlignLeft Align = iota
// TextDrawer is a struct that is capable of efficient rendering of wrapped
// text, and calculating text bounds. It avoids doing redundant work
// automatically.
type TextDrawer struct {
runes []rune
face font.Face
width int
height int
align Align
wrap bool
cut bool
layout []wordLayout
layoutClean bool
layoutBounds image.Rectangle
// SetText sets the text of the text drawer.
func (drawer *TextDrawer) SetText (runes []rune) {
// if drawer.runes == runes { return }
drawer.runes = runes
2023-01-08 23:03:19 -07:00
drawer.layoutClean = false
// SetFace sets the font face of the text drawer.
func (drawer *TextDrawer) SetFace (face font.Face) {
if drawer.face == face { return }
drawer.face = face
drawer.layoutClean = false
// SetMaxWidth sets a maximum width for the text drawer, and recalculates the
// layout if needed. If zero is given, there will be no width limit and the text
// will not wrap.
func (drawer *TextDrawer) SetMaxWidth (width int) {
if drawer.width == width { return }
drawer.width = width
drawer.wrap = width != 0
drawer.layoutClean = false
// SetMaxHeight sets a maximum height for the text drawer. Lines that are
// entirely below this height will not be drawn, and lines that are on the cusp
// of this maximum height will be clipped at the point that they cross it.
func (drawer *TextDrawer) SetMaxHeight (height int) {
if drawer.height == height { return }
drawer.height = height
drawer.cut = height != 0
drawer.layoutClean = false
// SetAlignment specifies how the drawer should align its text. For this to have
// an effect, a maximum width must have been set.
func (drawer *TextDrawer) SetAlignment (align Align) {
if drawer.align == align { return }
drawer.align = align
drawer.layoutClean = false
// Draw draws the drawer's text onto the specified canvas at the given offset.
func (drawer *TextDrawer) Draw (
destination tomo.Canvas,
source Pattern,
2023-01-08 23:03:19 -07:00
offset image.Point,
) (
updatedRegion image.Rectangle,
) {
2023-01-14 10:41:51 -07:00
wrappedSource := WrappedPattern {
Pattern: source,
Width: 0,
Height: 0, // TODO: choose a better width and height
2023-01-08 23:03:19 -07:00
if !drawer.layoutClean { drawer.recalculate() }
2023-01-14 11:40:05 -07:00
// TODO: reimplement a version of draw mask that takes in a pattern and
// only draws to a tomo.Canvas.
2023-01-14 10:41:51 -07:00
for _, word := range drawer.layout {
for _, character := range word.text {
mask, maskPoint, _, ok := drawer.face.Glyph (
fixed.P (
offset.X + word.position.X + character.x,
offset.Y + word.position.Y),
if !ok { continue }
2023-01-08 23:03:19 -07:00
// FIXME: clip destination rectangle if we are on the cusp of
// the maximum height.
2023-01-14 10:41:51 -07:00
draw.DrawMask (
wrappedSource, image.Point { },
mask, maskPoint,
2023-01-08 23:03:19 -07:00
2023-01-14 10:41:51 -07:00
updatedRegion = updatedRegion.Union(destinationRectangle)
2023-01-08 23:03:19 -07:00
// LayoutBounds returns a semantic bounding box for text to be used to determine
// an offset for drawing. If a maximum width or height has been set, those will
// be used as the width and height of the bounds respectively. The origin point
// (0, 0) of the returned bounds will be equivalent to the baseline at the start
// of the first line. As such, the minimum of the bounds will be negative.
func (drawer *TextDrawer) LayoutBounds () (bounds image.Rectangle) {
if !drawer.layoutClean { drawer.recalculate() }
bounds = drawer.layoutBounds
// Em returns the width of an emspace.
func (drawer *TextDrawer) Em () (width fixed.Int26_6) {
if drawer.face == nil { return }
width, _ = drawer.face.GlyphAdvance('M')
// LineHeight returns the height of one line.
func (drawer *TextDrawer) LineHeight () (height fixed.Int26_6) {
if drawer.face == nil { return }
metrics := drawer.face.Metrics()
height = metrics.Height
// ReccomendedHeightFor returns the reccomended max height if the text were to
// have its maximum width set to the given width. This does not alter the
// drawer's state.
func (drawer *TextDrawer) ReccomendedHeightFor (width int) (height int) {
if !drawer.layoutClean { drawer.recalculate() }
metrics := drawer.face.Metrics()
dot := fixed.Point26_6 { 0, metrics.Height }
for _, word := range drawer.layout {
if word.width + dot.X.Round() > width {
dot.Y += metrics.Height
dot.X = 0
dot.X += fixed.I(word.width + word.spaceAfter)
if word.breaksAfter > 0 {
dot.Y += fixed.I(word.breaksAfter).Mul(metrics.Height)
dot.X = 0
return dot.Y.Round()
2023-01-17 22:38:58 -07:00
// PositionOf returns the position of the character at the specified index
// relative to the baseline.
func (drawer *TextDrawer) PositionOf (index int) (position image.Point) {
if !drawer.layoutClean { drawer.recalculate() }
index ++
for _, word := range drawer.layout {
position = word.position
for _, character := range word.text {
index --
position.X = word.position.X + character.x
if index < 1 { return }
for _, character := range word.whitespace {
index --
position.X = word.position.X + character.x
if index < 1 { return }
// Length returns the amount of runes in the drawer's text.
func (drawer *TextDrawer) Length () (length int) {
return len(drawer.runes)
2023-01-08 23:03:19 -07:00
func (drawer *TextDrawer) recalculate () {
drawer.layoutClean = true
drawer.layout = nil
drawer.layoutBounds = image.Rectangle { }
if drawer.runes == nil { return }
if drawer.face == nil { return }
metrics := drawer.face.Metrics()
dot := fixed.Point26_6 { 0, 0 }
index := 0
2023-01-17 22:38:58 -07:00
horizontalExtent := 0
currentCharacterX := fixed.Int26_6(0)
2023-01-08 23:03:19 -07:00
previousCharacter := rune(-1)
for index < len(drawer.runes) {
word := wordLayout { }
word.position.X = dot.X.Round()
word.position.Y = dot.Y.Round()
// process a word
2023-01-17 22:38:58 -07:00
currentCharacterX = 0
2023-01-08 23:03:19 -07:00
wordWidth := fixed.Int26_6(0)
for index < len(drawer.runes) && !unicode.IsSpace(drawer.runes[index]) {
character := drawer.runes[index]
_, advance, ok := drawer.face.GlyphBounds(character)
index ++
if !ok { continue }
word.text = append(word.text, characterLayout {
x: currentCharacterX.Round(),
character: character,
dot.X += advance
wordWidth += advance
currentCharacterX += advance
if dot.X.Round () > horizontalExtent {
horizontalExtent = dot.X.Round()
if previousCharacter >= 0 {
dot.X += drawer.face.Kern (
previousCharacter = character
word.width = wordWidth.Round()
// detect if the word that was just processed goes out of
// bounds, and if it does, wrap it
if drawer.wrap &&
word.width + word.position.X > drawer.width &&
word.position.X > 0 {
word.position.Y += metrics.Height.Round()
word.position.X = 0
dot.Y += metrics.Height
dot.X = wordWidth
2023-01-17 22:38:58 -07:00
// process whitespace, going onto a new line if there is a
2023-01-08 23:03:19 -07:00
// newline character
2023-01-17 22:38:58 -07:00
spaceWidth := fixed.Int26_6(0)
2023-01-08 23:03:19 -07:00
for index < len(drawer.runes) && unicode.IsSpace(drawer.runes[index]) {
character := drawer.runes[index]
2023-01-17 22:38:58 -07:00
_, advance, ok := drawer.face.GlyphBounds(character)
index ++
if !ok { continue }
word.whitespace = append(word.whitespace, characterLayout {
x: currentCharacterX.Round(),
character: character,
spaceWidth += advance
currentCharacterX += advance
2023-01-08 23:03:19 -07:00
if character == '\n' {
dot.Y += metrics.Height
dot.X = 0
word.breaksAfter ++
2023-01-17 22:38:58 -07:00
2023-01-08 23:03:19 -07:00
} else {
dot.X += advance
if previousCharacter >= 0 {
dot.X += drawer.face.Kern (
2023-01-17 22:38:58 -07:00
previousCharacter = character
2023-01-08 23:03:19 -07:00
2023-01-17 22:38:58 -07:00
word.spaceAfter = spaceWidth.Round()
2023-01-08 23:03:19 -07:00
// add the word to the layout
drawer.layout = append(drawer.layout, word)
2023-01-08 23:03:19 -07:00
// if there is a set maximum height, and we have crossed it,
// stop processing more words. and remove any words that have
// also crossed the line.
drawer.cut &&
(dot.Y - metrics.Ascent - metrics.Descent).Round() >
drawer.height {
index := len(drawer.layout) - 1;
index >= 0; index -- {
if drawer.layout[index].position.Y < dot.Y.Round() {
drawer.layout = drawer.layout[:index]
2023-01-17 22:38:58 -07:00
// add a little null to the last character
if len(drawer.layout) > 0 {
lastWord := &drawer.layout[len(drawer.layout) - 1]
lastWord.whitespace = append (
characterLayout {
x: currentCharacterX.Round(),
2023-01-08 23:03:19 -07:00
if drawer.wrap {
drawer.layoutBounds.Max.X = drawer.width
} else {
drawer.layoutBounds.Max.X = horizontalExtent
if drawer.cut {
drawer.layoutBounds.Min.Y = 0 - metrics.Ascent.Round()
drawer.layoutBounds.Max.Y = drawer.height - metrics.Ascent.Round()
} else {
drawer.layoutBounds.Min.Y = 0 - metrics.Ascent.Round()
drawer.layoutBounds.Max.Y = dot.Y.Round() + metrics.Descent.Round()
// TODO:
// for each line, calculate the bounds as if the words are left aligned,
// and then at the end of the process go through each line and re-align
// everything. this will make the process far simpler.