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Sasha Koshka 34bf3038ac Replaced tomo.Image with tomo.Canvas and tomo.Pattern
This is the first step in transitioning the API over to the new
design. The new tomo.Canvas interface gives drawing functions
direct access to data buffers and eliminates overhead associated
with calling functions for every pixel.

The entire artist package will be remade around this.
2023-01-14 01:54:57 -05:00

200 lines
7.2 KiB

package tomo
import "image"
import "errors"
// ParentHooks is a struct that contains callbacks that let child elements send
// information to their parent element without the child element knowing
// anything about the parent element or containing any reference to it. When a
// parent element adopts a child element, it must set these callbacks.
type ParentHooks struct {
// Draw is called when a part of the child element's surface is updated.
// The updated region will be passed to the callback as a sub-image.
Draw func (region Canvas)
// MinimumSizeChange is called when the child element's minimum width
// and/or height changes. When this function is called, the element will
// have already been resized and there is no need to send it a resize
// event.
MinimumSizeChange func (width, height int)
// SelectabilityChange is called when the chid element becomes
// selectable or non-selectable.
SelectabilityChange func (selectable bool)
// SelectionRequest is called when the child element element wants
// itself to be selected. If the parent element chooses to grant the
// request, it must send the child element a selection event and return
// true.
SelectionRequest func () (granted bool)
// RunDraw runs the Draw hook if it is not nil. If it is nil, it does nothing.
func (hooks ParentHooks) RunDraw (region Canvas) {
if hooks.Draw != nil {
// RunMinimumSizeChange runs the MinimumSizeChange hook if it is not nil. If it
// is nil, it does nothing.
func (hooks ParentHooks) RunMinimumSizeChange (width, height int) {
if hooks.MinimumSizeChange != nil {
hooks.MinimumSizeChange(width, height)
// RunSelectionRequest runs the SelectionRequest hook if it is not nil. If it is
// nil, it does nothing.
func (hooks ParentHooks) RunSelectionRequest () (granted bool) {
if hooks.SelectionRequest != nil {
granted = hooks.SelectionRequest()
// RunSelectabilityChange runs the SelectionRequest hook if it is not nil. If it
// is nil, it does nothing.
func (hooks ParentHooks) RunSelectabilityChange (selectable bool) {
if hooks.SelectabilityChange != nil {
// Element represents a basic on-screen object.
type Element interface {
// Element must implement the Canvas interface. Elements should start
// out with a completely blank buffer, and only allocate memory and draw
// on it for the first time when sent an EventResize event.
// Handle handles an event, propagating it to children if necessary.
Handle (event Event)
// Selectable returns whether this element can be selected. If this
// element contains other selectable elements, it must return true.
Selectable () (selectable bool)
// Selected returns whether or not this element is currently selected.
// This will always return false if it is not selectable.
Selected () (selected bool)
// If this element contains other elements, and one is selected, this
// method will advance the selection in the specified direction. If
// the element contains selectable elements but none of them are
// selected, it will select the first selectable element. If there are
// no more children to be selected in the specified direction, the
// element will return false. If the selection could be advanced, it
// will return true. If the element contains no selectable child
// elements, it will always return false.
AdvanceSelection (direction int) (ok bool)
// SetParentHooks gives the element callbacks that let it send
// information to its parent element without it knowing anything about
// the parent element or containing any reference to it. When a parent
// element adopts a child element, it must set these callbacks.
SetParentHooks (callbacks ParentHooks)
// MinimumSize specifies the minimum amount of pixels this element's
// width and height may be set to. If the element is given a resize
// event with dimensions smaller than this, it will use its minimum
// instead of the offending dimension(s).
MinimumSize () (width, height int)
// Window represents a top-level container generated by the currently running
// backend. It can contain a single element. It is hidden by default, and must
// be explicitly shown with the Show() method. If it contains no element, it
// displays a black (or transprent) background.
type Window interface {
// Adopt sets the root element of the window. There can only be one of
// these at one time.
Adopt (child Element)
// Child returns the root element of the window.
Child () (child Element)
// SetTitle sets the title that appears on the window's title bar. This
// method might have no effect with some backends.
SetTitle (title string)
// SetIcon taks in a list different sizes of the same icon and selects
// the best one to display on the window title bar, dock, or whatever is
// applicable for the given backend. This method might have no effect
// for some backends.
SetIcon (sizes []image.Image)
// Show shows the window. The window starts off hidden, so this must be
// called after initial setup to make sure it is visible.
Show ()
// Hide hides the window.
Hide ()
// Close closes the window.
Close ()
// OnClose specifies a function to be called when the window is closed.
OnClose (func ())
// LayoutEntry associates an element with layout and positioning information so
// it can be arranged by a Layout.
type LayoutEntry struct {
Position image.Point
Expand bool
// Layout is capable of arranging elements within a container. It is also able
// to determine the minimum amount of room it needs to do so.
type Layout interface {
// Arrange takes in a slice of entries and a bounding width and height,
// and changes the position of the entiries in the slice so that they
// are properly laid out. The given width and height should not be less
// than what is returned by MinimumSize.
Arrange (entries []LayoutEntry, width, height int)
// MinimumSize returns the minimum width and height that the layout
// needs to properly arrange the given slice of layout entries.
MinimumSize (entries []LayoutEntry) (width, height int)
var backend Backend
// Run initializes a backend, calls the callback function, and begins the event
// loop in that order. This function does not return until Stop() is called, or
// the backend experiences a fatal error.
func Run (callback func ()) (err error) {
backend, err = instantiateBackend()
if callback != nil { callback() }
err = backend.Run()
backend = nil
// Stop gracefully stops the event loop and shuts the backend down. Call this
// before closing your application.
func Stop () {
if backend != nil { backend.Stop() }
// Do executes the specified callback within the main thread as soon as
// possible. This function can be safely called from other threads.
func Do (callback func ()) {
// NewWindow creates a new window using the current backend, and returns it as a
// Window. If the window could not be created, an error is returned explaining
// why. If this function is called without a running backend, an error is
// returned as well.
func NewWindow (width, height int) (window Window, err error) {
if backend == nil {
err = errors.New("no backend is running.")
window, err = backend.NewWindow(width, height)