Add measurement stage

This commit is contained in:
Sasha Koshka 2024-09-10 11:20:08 -04:00
parent 569defdb36
commit 37554dd719
2 changed files with 115 additions and 0 deletions

measure.go Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
package typeset
import ""
import ""
func measure (tokens []token, face font.Face) {
var lastRune rune
for index, token := range tokens {
var x fixed.Int26_6
for index, runl := range token.runes {
advance, ok := face.GlyphAdvance(
if !ok { advance = tofuAdvance(face) }
advance += face.Kern(lastRune,
runl.x = x
x += advance
lastRune =
token.runes[index] = runl
token.width = x
tokens[index] = token
const tofuStandinRune = 'M'
const fallbackTofuAdvance = 16
const fallbackTofuWidth = 14
const fallbackTofuAscend = 16
func tofuAdvance (face font.Face) fixed.Int26_6 {
if advance, ok := face.GlyphAdvance(tofuStandinRune); ok {
return advance
} else {
return fallbackTofuAdvance
func tofuBounds (face font.Face) (fixed.Rectangle26_6, fixed.Int26_6) {
if bounds, advance, ok := face.GlyphBounds(tofuStandinRune); ok {
return bounds, advance
} else {
return fixed.R(0, -fallbackTofuAscend, fallbackTofuWidth, 0),

measure_test.go Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
package typeset
import "testing"
import ""
import ""
const basicfontFace7x13advance = 7
func tkw (kind tokenKind, value string, width fixed.Int26_6) token {
tok := tk(kind, value)
tok.width = width
for index, runl := range tok.runes {
runl.x = fixed.I(basicfontFace7x13advance * index)
tok.runes[index] = runl
return tok
func TestMeasure (test *testing.T) {
// ---- processing ----
tokens := []token {
tk(tokenKindWord, "hello"),
tk(tokenKindSpace, " "),
tk(tokenKindWord, "\rworld!"),
tk(tokenKindLineBreak, "\n"),
tk(tokenKindWord, "foo"),
tk(tokenKindLineBreak, "\n"),
tk(tokenKindLineBreak, "\r\n"),
tk(tokenKindWord, "bar"),
tk(tokenKindTab, "\t"),
tk(tokenKindWord, "baz"),
tk(tokenKindTab, "\t\t"),
tk(tokenKindWord, "something"),
measure(tokens, basicfont.Face7x13)
// ---- correct data ----
correctTokens := []token {
tkw(tokenKindWord, "hello", fixed.I(35)),
tkw(tokenKindSpace, " ", fixed.I( 7)),
tkw(tokenKindWord, "\rworld!", fixed.I(49)),
tkw(tokenKindLineBreak, "\n", fixed.I( 7)),
tkw(tokenKindWord, "foo", fixed.I(21)),
tkw(tokenKindLineBreak, "\n", fixed.I( 7)),
tkw(tokenKindLineBreak, "\r\n", fixed.I(14)),
tkw(tokenKindWord, "bar", fixed.I(21)),
tkw(tokenKindTab, "\t", fixed.I( 7)),
tkw(tokenKindWord, "baz", fixed.I(21)),
tkw(tokenKindTab, "\t\t", fixed.I(14)),
tkw(tokenKindWord, "something", fixed.I(63)),
// ---- testing ----
if len(tokens) != len(correctTokens) {
test.Logf("len(tokens) != len(correctTokens): %d, %d", len(tokens), len(correctTokens))
logTokens(test, tokens)
logTokens(test, correctTokens)
if !compareTokens(tokens, correctTokens) {
test.Log("tokens != correctTokens:")
logTokens(test, tokens)
logTokens(test, correctTokens)