This commit is contained in:
@ -38,20 +38,23 @@ See something wack? File an issue. Got something to share? Make a pull request.
<P><I>Click to jump to...
<A HREF="#contact">#contact</A>,
<A HREF="#gallery">#gallery</A>,
<A HREF="#kinlist">#kinlist</A>,
<A HREF="#extensions">#extensions</A>,
<A HREF="#privacy">#privacy</A>,
<A HREF="#services">#services</A>,
<A HREF="#praise">#praise</A>,
<A HREF="#control">#control</A>,
<A HREF="#playground">#playground</A>,
<A HREF="#zelda">#zelda</A>,
<A HREF="#htmlbeliefs">#htmlbeliefs</A>,
<A HREF="#now">#now</A>,
<A HREF="#harmful">#harmful</A>,
<A HREF="#playground">#playground</A>,
<A HREF="#praise">#praise</A>,
<A HREF="#services">#services</A>,
<A HREF="#trinitisms">#trinitisms</A>,
<A HREF="#zelda">#zelda</A>;
<A HREF="#extensions">#extensions</A>,
<A HREF="#htmlbeliefs">#htmlbeliefs</A>,
<A HREF="#kinlist">#kinlist</A>,
<A HREF="#now">#now</A>,
<A HREF="#privacy">#privacy</A>,
<A HREF="#stickers">#stickers</A>
@ -75,76 +78,51 @@ See something wack? File an issue. Got something to share? Make a pull request.
<HR ALIGN="left" SIZE="1" WIDTH="25%" />
<H3 ID="kinlist"><A HREF="#kinlist">Here's my kinlist</A></H3>
<H4>updated 2021-05-04</H4>
<P>I should say that what I mean by "kin" is just that I identify with, or have a kinship with, these characters.
I don't believe I <I>am</I> these characters.
I've heard that's a thing.
<LI>ANARCHY Stocking</LI>
<LI>CALL Annalee</LI>
<LI>Dr. Strangelove</LI>
<LI>The Han Solo Angry Bird from Angry Birds Star Wars specifically. Not Han Solo himself.</LI>
<LI>IKARI Shinji</LI>
<LI>My friend Lily (who is a real person, but is cool and I aspire to be more like her)</LI>
<LI>SHAN Ling</LI>
<H3 ID="control"><A HREF="#control">Set site theme</A></H3>
<SMALL>The following inputs use JavaScript to change this page's stylesheet:<BR /></SMALL>
<INPUT ONCLICK="sheet = window.setStyling('/css/blank.css);" TYPE="button" VALUE="notheme" />
<INPUT ONCLICK="sheet = window.setStyling('/css/givemerights.css');" TYPE="button" VALUE="givemerights" />
<INPUT ONCLICK="sheet = window.setStyling('/css/windowsclassic.css');" TYPE="button" VALUE="windowsclassic" />
<BR />This input lets you summon an external stylesheet.
For instance, you can enter in "/css/windowsclassic.css" to manually use that theme rather than pushing a button. (<I>update as of 2021-04-05: CSS has been moved to /css/</I>).
Any stylesheet from any on-line source will work.
<B>Be careful because there's surely someone out there that will inject a virus into a stylesheet and get some poor sap to plug that in here.</B>
<BR /></SMALL>
<INPUT ID="customSheet" TYPE="text" VALUE="custom" />
<INPUT ONCLICK="sheet = window.setStyling(document.getElementById('customSheet').value);" TYPE="button" VALUE="apply" />
<SMALL><BR />The following button manipulates the site cookie. This setting is the only use of cookies anywhere on this website.<BR /></SMALL>
<INPUT ONCLICK="window.setCookie('sheet', sheet, 365);" TYPE="button" VALUE="save theme settings" />
<SMALL><BR />The following button would change the alignment of <I>this page's</I> text if it worked.<BR /></SMALL>
<INPUT ONCLICK="document.querySelector('STYLE').innerhtml = 'body { text-align: right; }';" TYPE="button" VALUE="right" />
<HR ALIGN="left" SIZE="1" WIDTH="25%" />
<H3 ID="extensions"><A HREF="#extensions">Browser extensions I use</A></H3>
<H4>updated 2021-05-08</H4>
These are browser extensions I usually install and use.
These are Mozilla Firefox extensions that work in the latest versions of Mozilla Firefox.
If you use Google Chrome, <A HREF="/shitlist#alphabet">please stop</A>.
<LI><I>For Firefox and TOR Browser</I></LI><UL>
<LI><A HREF="">uBlock Origin</A></LI>
<LI><A HREF="">User-Agent Switcher</A></LI>
<LI><I>For just Firefox</I></LI><UL>
<LI><A HREF="">Amazon Container</A></LI>
<LI><A HREF="">Facebook Container</A></LI>
<LI><A HREF="">Google Container</A></LI>
<LI><A HREF="">Reddit Container</A></LI>
<LI><A HREF="">ClearURLs</A></LI>
<LI><A HREF="">Google Analytics Blocker</A></LI>
<LI><A HREF="">Image Search Options</A></LI>
<LI><A HREF="">Shinigami Eyes</A></LI>
<LI><A HREF="">SingleFile</A></LI>
<LI><A HREF="">Violentmonkey</A></LI>
<LI><A HREF="">Wayback Machine</A></LI>
<H5>Other Art</H5><UL>
<LI><A HREF="">Emma Tebibyte's recommended Firefox extensions</A> (sourced for entries on this list)</LI>
<H3 ID="playground"><A HREF="#playground">JavaScript playground</A></H3>
<INPUT ID="text" TYPE="text" VALUE="text" />
<INPUT ONCLICK="document.getElementById('text').value = document.getElementById('text').value.toLowerCase()" TYPE="button" VALUE=".toLowerCase()" />
<INPUT ONCLICK="document.getElementById('text').value = document.getElementById('text').value.toUpperCase()" TYPE="button" VALUE=".toUpperCase()" />
<INPUT ONCLICK="document.title = document.getElementById('text').value" TYPE="button" VALUE="set document title" />
<HR ALIGN="left" SIZE="1" WIDTH="25%" />
<H3 ID="privacy"><A HREF="#privacy">Site privacy policy:</A></H3>
<H4>updated 2021-03-14</H4>
This site uses Cloudflare for DNS but shouldn't have any Cloudflare tracking or anything like that.
There's no proxying. Nor do I (currently) log visitor IP addresses - <I>this may change</I>.
I like knowing from where my visitors are. But I don't know if I'd ever really do something invasive like that.
The only cookie used in this site is to establish the user's preference when it comes to the site theme.
This can be set using the control panel on the site index and isn't set at all until "save theme settings" is clicked.
If you never save the settings there will be no cookies on this site.
But if there are there's nothing I can do about that unless I borked the JS.
|||| is served through GitHub Pages as a static site.
You see the same code I do. No JavaScript is minified or obfuscated.
You're free to plaigarize, pilfer, copy, whatever of this website you'd like, just don't put my name on something I didn't say.
Seriously. The code is yours. Take all the JS without crediting me. Hotlink the CSS. It's yours. You're free.
<H3 ID="harmful"><A HREF="#harmful">Software I hate</A></H3>
<H4>Amount of times I have had issues with PulseAudio</H4>
<P>As of 2021-05-06: <B>1</B></P>
<H4>Amount of times I have had issues with SystemD</H4>
<P>As of 2021-05-06: <B>0</B> (I don't use SystemD)</P>
<HR ALIGN="left" SIZE="1" WIDTH="25%" />
<H3 ID="praise"><A HREF="#praise">Praise for's bold approach to the web</A></H3>
<LI><CODE>[2021-03-27T04:44+0400] 🛸UFO🛸: I wanna hug trinity</CODE></LI>
<LI>"<A HREF="">my computer is making mustard gases</A>" ~ <I>a happy site visitor</I></LI>
<HR ALIGN="left" SIZE="1" WIDTH="25%" />
@ -193,48 +171,72 @@ On most of these I have had profiles in the past, but they are since deleted.
<HR ALIGN="left" SIZE="1" WIDTH="25%" />
<H3 ID="praise"><A HREF="#praise">Praise for's bold approach to the web</A></H3>
<H3 ID="trinitisms"><A HREF="#trinitisms">Trinitisms</A></H3>
<P>"<A HREF="">my computer is making mustard gases</A>" ~ <I>a happy site visitor</I></P>
<P><I><B>ism</B> - A distinctive doctrine, system, or theory.</I> (From the American Heritage(R) Dictionary of the English Language, 5th ed, <A HREF="">according to Wordnik</A>.)</P>
<HR ALIGN="left" SIZE="1" WIDTH="25%" />
<P>Trinitisms are decrees I make or terms I coin with no necessary reason. Or terms I use often that people don't know. Trinitisms marked with <CODE>ID</CODE> are <I>independent drivel</I> - if I didn't come up with them first, I at least came up with them independently of anyone else, or believe I did.</P>
<P><I>Trinitism</I> when not used as a proper noun can refer to any given person's own trinitisms.</P>
<H3 ID="control"><A HREF="#control">Set site theme</A></H3>
<SMALL>The following inputs use JavaScript to change this page's stylesheet:<BR /></SMALL>
<INPUT ONCLICK="sheet = window.setStyling('/css/blank.css);" TYPE="button" VALUE="notheme" />
<INPUT ONCLICK="sheet = window.setStyling('/css/givemerights.css');" TYPE="button" VALUE="givemerights" />
<INPUT ONCLICK="sheet = window.setStyling('/css/windowsclassic.css');" TYPE="button" VALUE="windowsclassic" />
<BR />This input lets you summon an external stylesheet.
For instance, you can enter in "/css/windowsclassic.css" to manually use that theme rather than pushing a button. (<I>update as of 2021-04-05: CSS has been moved to /css/</I>).
Any stylesheet from any on-line source will work.
<B>Be careful because there's surely someone out there that will inject a virus into a stylesheet and get some poor sap to plug that in here.</B>
<BR /></SMALL>
<INPUT ID="customSheet" TYPE="text" VALUE="custom" />
<INPUT ONCLICK="sheet = window.setStyling(document.getElementById('customSheet').value);" TYPE="button" VALUE="apply" />
<SMALL><BR />The following button manipulates the site cookie. This setting is the only use of cookies anywhere on this website.<BR /></SMALL>
<INPUT ONCLICK="window.setCookie('sheet', sheet, 365);" TYPE="button" VALUE="save theme settings" />
<SMALL><BR />The following button would change the alignment of <I>this page's</I> text if it worked.<BR /></SMALL>
<INPUT ONCLICK="document.querySelector('STYLE').innerhtml = 'body { text-align: right; }';" TYPE="button" VALUE="right" />
<HR ALIGN="left" SIZE="1" WIDTH="25%" />
<H3 ID="playground"><A HREF="#playground">JavaScript playground</A></H3>
<INPUT ID="text" TYPE="text" VALUE="text" />
<INPUT ONCLICK="document.getElementById('text').value = document.getElementById('text').value.toLowerCase()" TYPE="button" VALUE=".toLowerCase()" />
<INPUT ONCLICK="document.getElementById('text').value = document.getElementById('text').value.toUpperCase()" TYPE="button" VALUE=".toUpperCase()" />
<INPUT ONCLICK="document.title = document.getElementById('text').value" TYPE="button" VALUE="set document title" />
"Disc" refers to optical and physically impressive media, such as compact discs or phonograph discs, and "disk" is for magnetic media, such as floppy disks or hard disks; there are however exceptions and edge cases.
<B>catfella</B> - the non-gender-specific form of "catboy" or "catgirl".
Coined 2020-08-11 when referring to my friend Socks.
Also in use (though not a Trinitism): <I>nyanbinary</I>.
The continents shall be separated as follows: North America, South America, Eurasia, Africa, India, the middle-East, and Oceania.
Though I hope someone important finds individual terms for each America and has a better name for the middle-East if each region's residents generally agree with me that the current naming kind of sucks.
<LI><B>39</B> - "Thank you." In Japanese the word for 3 is "san" and the word for 9 is normally "kyuu" so 39 is pronounced "sankyuu".</LI>
<LI>Antarctica is cool, both literally and figuratively.</LI>
<HR ALIGN="left" SIZE="1" WIDTH="25%" />
<H3 ID="zelda"><A HREF="#zelda">Play the Zelda theme song in your terminal</A></H3>
<A HREF="">
curl | sudo sh
<HR ALIGN="left" SIZE="1" WIDTH="25%" />
<H3 ID="extensions"><A HREF="#extensions">Browser extensions I use</A></H3>
<H4>updated 2021-05-08</H4>
These are browser extensions I usually install and use.
These are Mozilla Firefox extensions that work in the latest versions of Mozilla Firefox.
If you use Google Chrome, <A HREF="/shitlist#alphabet">please stop</A>.
<LI><I>For Firefox and TOR Browser</I></LI><UL>
<LI><A HREF="">uBlock Origin</A></LI>
<LI><A HREF="">User-Agent Switcher</A></LI>
<LI><I>For just Firefox</I></LI><UL>
<LI><A HREF="">Amazon Container</A></LI>
<LI><A HREF="">Facebook Container</A></LI>
<LI><A HREF="">Google Container</A></LI>
<LI><A HREF="">Reddit Container</A></LI>
<LI><A HREF="">ClearURLs</A></LI>
<LI><A HREF="">Google Analytics Blocker</A></LI>
<LI><A HREF="">Image Search Options</A></LI>
<LI><A HREF="">Shinigami Eyes</A></LI>
<LI><A HREF="">SingleFile</A></LI>
<LI><A HREF="">Violentmonkey</A></LI>
<LI><A HREF="">Wayback Machine</A></LI>
<H5>Other Art</H5><UL>
<LI><A HREF="">Emma Tebibyte's recommended Firefox extensions</A> (sourced for entries on this list)</LI>
<HR ALIGN="left" SIZE="1" WIDTH="25%" />
@ -282,6 +284,25 @@ No minification of any site code ever. If your site takes a long time to load yo
<HR ALIGN="left" SIZE="1" WIDTH="25%" />
<H3 ID="kinlist"><A HREF="#kinlist">Here's my kinlist</A></H3>
<H4>updated 2021-05-04</H4>
<P>I should say that what I mean by "kin" is just that I identify with, or have a kinship with, these characters.
I don't believe I <I>am</I> these characters.
I've heard that's a thing.
<LI>ANARCHY Stocking</LI>
<LI>CALL Annalee</LI>
<LI>Dr. Strangelove</LI>
<LI>The Han Solo Angry Bird from Angry Birds Star Wars specifically. Not Han Solo himself.</LI>
<LI>IKARI Shinji</LI>
<LI>My friend Lily (who is a real person, but is cool and I aspire to be more like her)</LI>
<LI>SHAN Ling</LI>
<HR ALIGN="left" SIZE="1" WIDTH="25%" />
<H3 ID="now"><A HREF="#now">What I'm doing right now</A></H3>
<H4>updated 2021-05-08</H4>
@ -291,39 +312,23 @@ No minification of any site code ever. If your site takes a long time to load yo
<HR ALIGN="left" SIZE="1" WIDTH="25%" />
<H3 ID="harmful"><A HREF="#harmful">Software I hate</A></H3>
<H4>Amount of times I have had issues with Pulseaudio</H4>
<P>As of 2021-05-06: <B>1</B></P>
<H4>Amount of times I have had issues with SystemD</H4>
<P>As of 2021-05-06: <B>0</B> (I don't use SystemD)</P>
<HR ALIGN="left" SIZE="1" WIDTH="25%" />
<H3 ID="trinitisms"><A HREF="#trinitisms">Trinitisms</A></H3>
<P><I><B>ism</B> - A distinctive doctrine, system, or theory.</I> (From the American Heritage(R) Dictionary of the English Language, 5th ed, <A HREF="">according to Wordnik</A>.)</P>
<P>Trinitisms are decrees I make or terms I coin with no necessary reason. Or terms I use often that people don't know. Trinitisms marked with <CODE>ID</CODE> are <I>independent drivel</I> - if I didn't come up with them first, I at least came up with them independently of anyone else, or believe I did.</P>
<P><I>Trinitism</I> when not used as a proper noun can refer to any given person's own trinitisms.</P>
"Disc" refers to optical and physically impressive media, such as compact discs or phonograph discs, and "disk" is for magnetic media, such as floppy disks or hard disks; there are however exceptions and edge cases.
<B>catfella</B> - the non-gender-specific form of "catboy" or "catgirl".
Coined 2020-08-11 when referring to my friend Socks.
Also in use (though not a Trinitism): <I>nyanbinary</I>.
The continents shall be separated as follows: North America, South America, Eurasia, Africa, India, the middle-East, and Oceania.
Though I hope someone important finds individual terms for each America and has a better name for the middle-East if each region's residents generally agree with me that the current naming kind of sucks.
<LI><B>39</B> - "Thank you." In Japanese the word for 3 is "san" and the word for 9 is normally "kyuu" so 39 is pronounced "sankyuu".</LI>
<LI>Antarctica is cool, both literally and figuratively.</LI>
<H3 ID="privacy"><A HREF="#privacy">Site privacy policy:</A></H3>
<H4>updated 2021-03-14</H4>
This site uses Cloudflare for DNS but shouldn't have any Cloudflare tracking or anything like that.
There's no proxying. Nor do I (currently) log visitor IP addresses - <I>this may change</I>.
I like knowing from where my visitors are. But I don't know if I'd ever really do something invasive like that.
The only cookie used in this site is to establish the user's preference when it comes to the site theme.
This can be set using the control panel on the site index and isn't set at all until "save theme settings" is clicked.
If you never save the settings there will be no cookies on this site.
But if there are there's nothing I can do about that unless I borked the JS.
|||| is served through GitHub Pages as a static site.
You see the same code I do. No JavaScript is minified or obfuscated.
You're free to plaigarize, pilfer, copy, whatever of this website you'd like, just don't put my name on something I didn't say.
Seriously. The code is yours. Take all the JS without crediting me. Hotlink the CSS. It's yours. You're free.
<HR ALIGN="left" SIZE="1" WIDTH="25%" />
Reference in New Issue
Block a user