
This commit is contained in:
dtb 2024-06-06 00:17:03 -06:00
parent 2b83a13c96
commit 8fdbd1fd03

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@ -525,6 +525,164 @@ pre { /* DRY who? */
} }
: more shit i wrote at work
my name is clown Jesus and I'm here to say
honk honk God and have a blessed day
(boom - de - yada)
it seems every story about a team is
rife with abuse
and between all the members X
when a lion
has a thorn stuck in its paw
and I can't help but get it off
and it's delighted
and it thanks me for the job
and I just laugh and say no prob
but I wake up
(I wonder)
what is real
'cuz when you treat the world with kindness
and you're numb to the surprises
and you're functional regardless
(it) doesn't matter
when a neighbor
needs some help carrying groceries
up the stairs, you say no worries
but you fall
and when you look the next day
and the bruises, they still remain
guess it happened
(I wonder)
what is real
'cuz when the world can't stop you dancing
even when the rain's on your skin
and you don't know but you're not worrying
time is acting up
up into the stratosphere
melting away
ticking the years until I meet my fate
time is all messed up
I saw it in a vision that I had in an alleyway
rattling guns
the gunfire reflected on the wall I was looking up
when I met you
thought I loved you
how do I tell you that I think it's a mistake
'cause I saw you
in the courtyard
trying to stop your gun's angled shake
fuck your "just say no"
I'll just say yes
for a miracle of chemistry
how could I not accept?
my brain really wants it
and god my soul needs it
gotta be depressed
if I do not agree
I'll go take a rest
from the rodeo
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
foun tain HI- C ~~tastes~~
as hol low as ~~my po ems~~;
~~a po em~~
this haiku
~~so sweet but no taste~~
sweet but no flavor
: the story so far (2021)
Season 1: bootstraps
Episode 1: "moving on"
Trinity moves out of its parents' house. Tensions rise in the kitchen.
Episode 2: "Halloween 2021"
Trinity works Halloween while everything goes wrong around it.
Episode 3: "alone again, naturally"
Trinity gets its room ready for New Year's Eve.
: the story so far (2022)
Season 2: rat racing
Episode 01: "make up"
Trinity starts looking for other jobs.
Episode 02: "four raging cats"
Trinity starts working part time at [...] and struggles with the job.
Episode 03: "car seat headrest"
Trinity and Usagi go to a concert.
Episode 04: "week of two concerts"
Trinity and [...] struggle to find the energy to attend two concerts in
the same week.
Episode 05: "full time"
Trinity quits a job.
Episode 06: "time off"
Trinity and Usagi struggle to get the time off to go to a show. Trinity
gets an offer for a farming job in Presque Isle.
Episode 07: "the great falls balloon festival"
Trinity goes on HRT. Usagi quits their job. Trinity goes to a festival.
Trinity starts a blog.
Episode 08: "driver's education"
Trinity goes to Driver's Ed. It starts trying to get its old job back
but finds out there's been a change in leadership. [...] invites
Trinity over to watch television.
Episode 09: "two week notice"
Trinity hands in its two week notice.
Episode 10: "sleepless in lewiston"
Trinity juggles night Driver's Ed and morning employment.
Episode 11: "revenge"
Trinity quits its job and struggles to find its footing with the old
Episode 12: "trinity did not kill the queen of england"
[...], Usagi, Trinity, and [...] see My Chemical Romance. The queen of
England dies and they celebrate.
Episode 13: "nineteen"
Trinity celebrates its birthday.
Episode 14: "film noir"
Trinity tries to fill its prescription.
Episode 15: "Halloween 2022"
Trinity celebrates Halloween but things don't go according to plan.
Episode 16: "frozen"
Trinity finds another place to put the trash after the ground is too
frozen to dig.
Episode 17: "sewage"
The toilet backs up.
Episode 18: "finger"
Trinity shaves off its fingertip, writes for Tebibyte Media, and wants
to die.
/blah/2024-05-16.html /blah/2024-05-16.html
I forgot my phone today. Oh well. I've decided I'm done smoking weed at work I forgot my phone today. Oh well. I've decided I'm done smoking weed at work