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swap io struct for a file struct

This commit is contained in:
dtb 2024-01-18 21:22:53 -07:00
parent d46a189914
commit cc943d045e
1 changed files with 136 additions and 191 deletions

View File

@ -28,37 +28,24 @@
extern int errno;
/* mm(1) works similarly to dj(1) in that, fundamentally, they both take bytes
* from input and write them to output, but whereas dj(1)'s utility is in
* controlling the reads and writes themselves across an individual input file
* and individual output file - with regards to quantity of bytes read/written,
* buffering of reads and writes, and where in the input to read and where in
* the output to write - mm(1)'s utility is in handling arbitrary quantities of
* input files and writing to arbitrary quantities of output files, without
* the fine-grained control dj(1) offers. There are design decisions in mm(1)
* that are repeated from dj(1) (the same author wrote each utility's initial
* implementation) but, while dj(1)'s design is modeled around juggling text
* within buffers, mm(1)'s design is modeled around juggling open files. */
/* mm(1) can take arbitrary files but for the sake of resiliency it has a
* 10-file (for input and output independently) pre-allocated array and
* additional dynamically allocated lists of FILE pointers for when those
* arrays are full, with Io_ functions handling necessary operations on both
* the Io struct and its nested Io_ex struct. */
struct Io_ex{
size_t s;
FILE **files;
char **names;
/* This structure is how open files are tracked. */
struct Files{
size_t a; /* allocation */
size_t s; /* used size */
char *mode; /* file opening mode */
char **names; /* file names */
FILE **files; /* file pointers */
struct Io{
size_t s;
FILE *files[10];
char *names[10];
char *fmode;
struct Io_ex *ex;
/* How much to grow the allocation when it's saturated. */
/* How much to grow the allocation at program start. */
# define ALLOC_INITIAL 10
/* pre-allocated strings */
static char *program_name = "<no argv[0]>";
@ -68,196 +55,150 @@ static char *stderr_name = "<stderr>";
static char *(fmode[]) = { (char []){"rb"}, (char []){"rb+"} };
static char *wharsh = "wb";
/* Opens the file at the path s and puts it in the io struct, returning NULL if
* either the opening or the placement of the open FILE pointer fail. */
#define Io_fopen(io, s) Io_fappend((io), fopen((s), (io)->fmode), (s))
/* Grows the files allocations by ALLOC_INCREMENT. */
#define Files_grow(files) (\
(files->files = realloc(files->files, \
(files->a += ALLOC_INCREMENT) \
* sizeof *(files->files))) == NULL \
|| (files->names = realloc(files->names, \
files->a * sizeof *(files->names))) == NULL \
? NULL \
: files \
/* Destructs the io[2] used by main. */
#define terminate(io) do{ \
Io_destruct(&(io)[0]); \
Io_destruct(&(io)[1]); }while(0)
/* Opens the file at the path p and puts it in the files struct, returning NULL
* if either the opening or the placement of the open FILE pointer fail. */
#define Files_fopen(files, p) \
Files_fappend((files), fopen((p), (files)->mode), (p))
static struct Io *Io_initialize(struct Io *io, struct Io_ex *io_ex);
/* Destructs an io struct by closing its handled files and freeing its extended
* file and name arrays. Returns the destructed io. */
static struct Io *
Io_destruct(struct Io *io){
size_t i;
/* Destructs the files[2] used by main. */
#define terminate(files) do{ \
Files_destruct(&(files)[0]); \
Files_destruct(&(files)[1]); }while(0)
if(io->s == -1)
io->s = 0;
static struct Files *Files_initialize(struct Files *files);
/* Destructs a files struct by closing its files and freeing its files and
* names arrays. Returns the destructed files. */
static struct Files *
Files_destruct(struct Files *files){
int i;
for(i = 0; i < io->s; fclose(io->files[i++]));
for(i = 0; i < io->ex->s; fclose(io->ex->files[i++]));
for(i = 0; i < files->s; fclose(files->files[i++]));
return Io_initialize(io, io->ex);
return Files_initialize(files);
/* Adds the open FILE pointer for the file at the path s to the io struct,
/* Adds the open FILE pointer for the file at the path s to the files struct,
* returning the FILE if successful and NULL if not. */
static FILE *
Io_fappend(struct Io *io, FILE *f, char *s){
Files_fappend(struct Files *files, FILE *file, char *name){
if(f == NULL)
if(files->s == -1)
files->s = 0;
if(file == NULL || Files_grow(files) == NULL)
return NULL;
if(io->s == -1)
io->s = 0;
if(io->s >= (sizeof io->files) / (sizeof *io->files)){
if((io->ex->files = realloc(io->ex->files,
(sizeof *(io->ex->files))
* ++io->ex->s))
|| (io->ex->names = realloc(io->ex->names,
(sizeof *(io->ex->names))
* io->ex->s))
== NULL)
return NULL;
io->ex->names[io->ex->s] = s;
return io->ex->files[io->ex->s++] = f;
io->names[io->s] = s;
return io->files[io->s++] = f;
files->names[files->s] = name;
return files->files[files->s++] = file;
/* Returns the first index within io->files of the given FILE pointer f. If f
* isn't within io->files but is within io->ex->files, returns the sum of io->s
* and the index of the FILE pointer in io->ex->files. If f is within neither
* io->files or io->ex->files, returns -1. */
/* Returns the first index within files->files of the given FILE pointer f. If
* f isn't within files->files, returns -1. */
static int
Io_fileindex(struct Io *io, FILE *f){
Files_fileindex(struct Files *files, FILE *f){
size_t i;
for(i = 0; i < io->s; ++i)
if(io->files[i] == f)
for(i = 0; i < files->s; ++i)
if(files->files[i] == f)
return i;
for(i = 0; i < io->ex->s; ++i)
if(io->ex->files[i] == f)
return i + io->s;
return -1;
/* Returns the corresponding file name in the io struct to the FILE pointer f,
* or NULL if f is NULL or isn't in io->files or io->ex->files. */
/* Returns the corresponding file name in the files struct to the FILE pointer
* f, or NULL if f is NULL or isn't in files->files. */
static char *
Io_filename(struct Io *io, FILE *f){
Files_filename(struct Files *files, FILE *f){
int i;
return (f == NULL || (i = Io_fileindex(io, f)) == -1)
return (f == NULL || (i = Files_fileindex(files, f)) == -1)
: (i < io->s - 1)
? io->names[i]
: io->ex->names[i - io->s];
: files->names[i];
static struct Io *Io_fremove(struct Io *io, FILE *f);
static FILE *Io_nextfile(struct Io *io, FILE *f);
/* Prints c to all io->files, returning c. If a stream can't be written, a
static struct Files *Files_fremove(struct Files *files, FILE *f);
static FILE *Files_nextfile(struct Files *files, FILE *f);
/* Prints c to all files, returning c. If a stream can't be written, a
* message is printed to standard error and the stream is closed and removed
* from io. If no stream can be written, returns EOF. */
* from files. If no stream can be written, returns EOF. */
static int
Io_fputc(struct Io *io, int c){
Io_fputc(struct Files *files, int c){
FILE *f;
FILE *lf;
char *ln;
f = NULL;
lf = NULL;
for(f = NULL; (f = Io_nextfile(io, f)) != NULL;){
for(f = NULL; (f = Files_nextfile(files, f)) != NULL;){
if(lf != NULL){
if(fclose(lf) == EOF)
fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s: %s\n",
program_name, ln, strerror(errno));
if(Io_fremove(io, lf)->s == 0)
if(Files_fremove(files, lf)->s == 0)
return EOF;
lf = NULL;
if(putc(c, f) == EOF)
ln = Io_filename(io, lf = f);
ln = Files_filename(files, lf = f);
return c;
/* Removes a given file pointer from the given io struct, returning NULL if the
* file was already absent from io and otherwise io. */
static struct Io *
Io_fremove(struct Io *io, FILE *f){
/* Removes a given file pointer f from the given files struct, returning NULL
* if the file was already absent from files and otherwise files. */
static struct Files *
Files_fremove(struct Files *files, FILE *f){
size_t i;
for(i = 0; i < io->s && io->files[i] != f; ++i);
if(io->files[i] == f){
for( ; i < io->s - 1; ++i){
io->files[i] = io->files[i + 1];
io->names[i] = io->names[i + 1];
if(io->ex->s > 0){
io->files[io->s] = io->ex->files[0];
io->names[io->s] = io->ex->names[0];
return io;
i = 0;
for(i = 0; i < io->ex->s && io->ex->files[i] != f; ++i);
if(io->ex->files[i] != f)
return NULL;
if((i = Files_fileindex(files, f)) == -1)
return NULL;
for( ; i < io->ex->s - 1; ++i){
io->ex->files[i] = io->ex->files[i + 1];
io->ex->names[i] = io->ex->names[i + 1];
for(; i < files->s - 1; ++i){
files->files[i] = files->files[i + 1];
files->names[i] = files->names[i + 1];
return io;
return files;
/* Initializes the members of the given io and io_ex structs (including setting
* io->ex to io_ex) and returns io. */
static struct Io *
Io_initialize(struct Io *io, struct Io_ex *io_ex){
/* Initializes the members of the given files struct and returns files. */
static struct Files *
Files_initialize(struct Files *files){
io->s = 0;
io->ex = io_ex;
io->ex->s = 0;
io->ex->files = NULL;
io->ex->names = NULL;
files->a = 0;
files->s = 0;
files->files = NULL;
files->names = NULL;
return io;
return files;
/* Returns the first file in io if f is NULL, NULL if the file is the last in
* or absent from io, or the file after f in io. */
/* Returns the first file in files if f is NULL, NULL if the file is the last
* in or absent from files, or the file after f in files. */
static FILE *
Io_nextfile(struct Io *io, FILE *f){
Files_nextfile(struct Files *files, FILE *f){
int i;
return (f == NULL)
? io->files[0]
: ((i = Io_fileindex(io, f)) == -1
|| i == io->s + io->ex->s - 1)
? files->files[0]
: ((i = Files_fileindex(files, f)) == -1 || i == files->s - 1)
: (i < io->s - 1)
? io->files[i + 1]
: io->ex->files[i - io->s + 1];
/* Stops stdio from buffering io. Returns io. */
static struct Io *
Io_unbuffer(struct Io *io){
size_t i;
for(i = 0; i < io->s; setvbuf(io->files[i++], NULL, _IONBF, 0));
for(i = 0; i < io->ex->s; setvbuf(io->ex->files[i++], NULL,_IONBF, 0));
return io;
: files->files[i + 1];
/* Prints a diagnostic message based on errno and returns an exit status
@ -284,8 +225,7 @@ usage(char *s){
int main(int argc, char *argv[]){
int c;
size_t i;
struct Io io[2]; /* {read, write} */
struct Io_ex io_ex[2];
struct Files files[2]; /* {read, write} */
int s; /* scratch variable */
/* The simple invocation (without given arguments) requires no memory
@ -299,98 +239,103 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]){
return 0;
/* Initializes the io structs with their default values, standard input
* and standard output. Both io->s are set to -1, a special value
* indicating that they're at their defaults and that their FILE
/* Initializes the files structs with their default values, standard
* input and standard output. Both files->s are set to -1, a special
* value indicating that they're at their defaults and that their FILE
* pointers won't need to be closed. If an input or an output is
* specified these initial values will be overwritten, so to, say, use
* mm(1) equivalently to tee(1p), -o - will need to be specified before
* additional files to ensure standard output is still written. */
for(i = 0; i < 2; ++i){
Io_initialize(&io[i], &io_ex[i])->fmode = fmode[i];
Io_fappend(&io[i], i == 0 ? stdin : stdout,
Files_initialize(&files[i])->mode = fmode[i];
Files_fappend(&files[i], i == 0 ? stdin : stdout,
i == 0 ? stdin_name : stdout_name);
io[i].s = -1;
files[i].s = -1;
s = 0; /* Refers to whether or not io will be unbuffered. */
s = 0; /* Refers to whether or not files will be unbuffered. */
while((c = getopt(argc, argv, "aehi:no:u")) != -1)
case 'a': /* "rb+" -> "ab" */
io[1].fmode[0] = 'a';
io[1].fmode[2] = '\0';
files[1].mode[0] = 'a';
files[1].mode[2] = '\0';
case 'e':
if(Io_fappend(&io[1], stderr, stderr_name) != NULL)
if(Files_fappend(&files[1], stderr, stderr_name)
!= NULL)
return oserr(argv[0], "-e");
case 'i': case 'o':
if(optarg[0] == '-' && optarg[1] == '\0'){
/* "-" */
if(Io_fappend(&io[c == 'o'],
if(Files_fappend(&files[c == 'o'],
c == 'i' ? stdin : stdout,
c == 'i'
? stdin_name
: stdout_name) != NULL)
return oserr(argv[0], optarg);
}else if(Io_fopen(&io[c == 'o'], optarg)
}else if(Files_fopen(&files[c == 'o'], optarg)
!= NULL)
/* does not exist, so try to create it */
if(c == 'o' && errno == ENOENT){
io[1].fmode = wharsh;
if(Io_fopen(&io[1], optarg) != NULL){
io[1].fmode = fmode[1];
files[1].mode = wharsh;
if(Files_fopen(&files[1], optarg) != NULL){
files[1].mode = fmode[1];
return oserr(argv[0], optarg);;
case 'n':
if(signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN) != SIG_ERR)
return oserr(argv[0], "-n");
case 'u':
s = 1;
return usage(argv[0]);
/* Unbuffer files. */
if(s){ for( i = 0;
i < files[0].s;
setvbuf(files[0].files[i++], NULL, _IONBF, 0));
for( i = 0;
i < files[1].s;
setvbuf(files[1].files[i++], NULL, _IONBF, 0));
if(io[0].s == -1)
io[0].s = 1;
if(io[1].s == -1)
io[1].s = 1;
if(files[0].s == -1)
files[0].s = 1;
if(files[1].s == -1)
files[1].s = 1;
/* Refers to the amount of outputs prior to writing; Io_fputc will
* remove any to which it can't write. */
s = io[1].s;
s = files[1].s;
for(i = 0; i < io[0].s; ++i){
while((c = getc(io[0].files[i])) != EOF)
if(Io_fputc(&io[1], c) == EOF){ /* notebook's full */
/* Actual program loop. */
for(i = 0; i < files[0].s; ++i)
while((c = getc(files[0].files[i])) != EOF)
if(Io_fputc(&files[1], c) == EOF){
terminate(files); /* notebook's full */
return 1;
/* Reflects whether (s==0) or not (s==1) the full length of the inputs
* could be written to all outputs, which is the return value for main
* to maintain feature parity with tee(1p). */
s = io[1].s != s;
s = files[1].s != s;
return s;