
This commit is contained in:
dtb 2023-02-08 20:31:03 -05:00
parent 5b8e914783
commit d5df24e20d

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@ -37,6 +37,150 @@ __NAVIGATION__
If you had ghosts in your blood cocaine would totally work on getting
rid of the ghosts.
set -ex;mkdir -p blah;python -c "import os;os.chdir('blah')
with open('../$0', 'r') as f:
for day in f.read().split('\n\n\n'):
if day.split('\n')[0] == '#!/bin/sh':
'exit 0')+1:])+'\n';continue
elif day.split('\n')[0][:4] == '<!--': suffix=day;continue
with open(day.split('\n')[0]+'.html', 'x') as g:
";cd blah;for f in *.html;do #in glob we trust
test -z "$last" || sed -i "s,__NAVIGATION__,$nav<A HREF=\"$f\">\&gt;</A></P>," \
"$last";nav="<P>";test -z "$last"||nav="$nav<A HREF=\"$last\">\&lt;</A>"
nav="$nav<A HREF=\"index.html\">^</A>";last="$f";done
sed -i "s,__NAVIGATION__,$nav</P>," "$last";for f in *.html;do #e unibus puellam
fi="$(echo "$f" | cut -d . -f 1)";test "$fi" = "index" && continue
printf '<A HREF="/blah/%s.html">%s</A>\n' "$fi" "$fi"; done|sort -r|\
sed -e "1i<!DOCTYPE html><HTML><HEAD><TITLE>blah</TITLE></HEAD><BODY><PRE>\
<A HREF="..">..</A>" -e '$a</PRE></BODY></HTML>'>index.html
exit 0
That's the source code to this blog, in its entirety. My writing
process was simple:
- write the beginning and initial Python portion
- pass out
- wake up at 0600 not knowing who or where I am
- see this code and continue it
- pass out again
- wake up at 1700 knowing who but not where I am
- write most of the rest
- pass out again
- wake up half an hour later, finish
It's organized in sections though it doesn't appear to be organized
set -ex
mkdir -p blah
python -c "
import os
with open('../$0', 'r') as f:
for day in f.read().split('\n\n\n'):
if day.split('\n')[0] == '#!/bin/sh':
prefix = '\n'.join(
day.split('\n').index('exit 0')+1:
) + '\n'
elif day.split('\n')[0][:4] == '<!--':
suffix = day
with open(day.split('\n')[0]+'.html', 'x') as g:
g.write(prefix + day + '\n' + suffix)
This splits the blog into days, where each day is delimited by three
newlines. Every day is two lines apart.
A day that starts with the POSIX shell shebang is the /prefix/, which
is prepended to each day. It cuts off everything until after "exit 0", the end
of the script, and after that is the actual HTML prefix to each blah page.
A day that starts as an HTML comment is the /suffix/, appended to each
day. This obligates an HTML comment at the end of each post, the same comment,
so I just made it something sort of interesting yet sort of bog standard.
I explained this poorly but I spread the code out so it's a little
easier to read, I think it's pretty simple. git.sr.ht/~trinity/homepage/tree
/main/blog, you can see how it's laid out.
Each day, prefixed and suffixed, is output as its own [day].html to the
created blah/ directory.
cd blah
for f in *.html
test -z "$last" || sed -i \
-e "s,_NAVIGATION_,$nav<A HREF=\"$f\">\&gt;</A></P>," "$last"
test -z "$last" \
|| nav="$nav<A HREF=\"$last\">\&lt;</A>"
nav="$nav<A HREF=\"index.html\">^</A>"
sed -i "s,_NAVIGATION_,$nav</P>," "$last"
This replaces _NAVIGATION_ with an actual navigation bar. The actual
string has two underscores before and after NAVIGATION but this blog is held
together with shoelaces and bubble gum and I don't wanna fuck around and find
I don't know how this works, I let my fingers handle the flow.
(The secret is that I just run it in my head and adjust the
beginnings and ends until it runs in my head for two times
correctly. Then as long as state doesn't drift it's all good.
This is fucky and I don't know how to explain it and I don't
really know how it all goes about but you can do really
complex but really really tight program flow just by vibing
against it and letting your fingers tap tap tap, yknow?)
for f in *.html
fi="$(echo "$f" | cut -d . -f 1)"
test "$fi" = "index" \
&& continue
printf '<A HREF="/blah/%s.html">%s</A>\n' "$fi" "$fi"
done \
| sort -r \
| sed \
-e "1i\
<!DOCTYPE html><HTML><HEAD><TITLE>blah</TITLE></HEAD><BODY><PRE><A HREF="..">..</A>" \
-e '$a</PRE></BODY></HTML>' \
> index.html
exit 0
This takes all the files in blah/, builds an index, adds a prefix and
suffix to the stream, and outputs it all to blah/index.html in one go. This is
the simplest part of the script and I was worried it would be hard but it
wasn't really, it just required a little bit of embracing of UNIX piping.
["Streambreak"]: After experiencing a genocide, Ada Karina time travels
back to the past to prevent it from happening. However things start diverging
from plan when a soup-fueled arsonist grows from nuisance to idol to
geopolitical disaster.
["Antero"]: Tales from a future dystopia where the very formation of
memories is outlawed.
["Sponge"]: Olive Edgerton is an employee at an impossibly popular
burger joint, where every ingredient is grown or produced in-house.
["Saikokon"]: After an apocalypse, the last survivor is selected as an
exhibit at Saikokon, a conference for psychic time travelers.
["Pasture"]: Tales from after the end of the world.
2023-02-06 2023-02-06
2022年03月02日 2022年03月02日