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This commit is contained in:
dtb 2023-11-03 00:52:18 -06:00
parent c9b9604253
commit eaf4037ac9
3 changed files with 125 additions and 38 deletions

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@ -1913,18 +1913,136 @@ Oh well.
<LI><A HREF="https://losttraindude.itch.io/zfrag">zFRAG</A></LI>
Because we can't have nice things, I'm sure somebody will probably send me a DMCA for a link here.
I'd like to first say - <B><I>DMCA the actual site, not my link</I></B>. Moron.
Then - you can use the contact information on the root of the site to contact me.
I'll get back to you within 24 hours or so.
If I don't, escalate the issue to the host of this site (this can also be found on the site root).
$ ldconfig -p
Oh, right. Hm.
https://pkgs.chimera-linux.org/packages > contents > "ldconfig"
ldconfig belongs to apk:musl-progs.
# apk fix musl-progs
fetch https://repo.chimera-linux.org/current/contrib/aarch64/APKINDEX.tar.gz
fetch https://repo.chimera-linux.org/current/main/aarch64/APKINDEX.tar.gz
(1/1) Reinstalling musl-progs (1.2.4-r4)
OK: 2623 MiB in 982 packages
# ls -l $(which ldconfig)
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 4 Nov 2 09:48 /bin/ldconfig -> true
# unlink /bin/ldconfig
# ls -l $(which ldconfig)
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 4 Nov 2 09:49 /bin/ldconfig -> true
Uh. I guess I'll ask OFTC#chimera-linux.
This being caused by a system upgrade would explain the initial timestamp of
yesterday at 1700, when probably I ran `# apk -U upgrade` out of habit. I can't
find much on the package browser or anything so I guess I'll just wait for
somepony to get back to me on IRC.
[09:52] sanchan: hey how come ldconfig is linked to true by musl-progs?
[09:53] sanchan: i think this happened after a recent update. i'm on aarch64
but a $ unlink /bin/ldconfig; doas apk fix musl-progs re-links
[10:17] q66: it's supposed to be, what else would it be
[10:18] q66: it always was too
[10:46] sanchan: i'm trying to get some rust stuff working and cargo is failing
to compile a C dependency for lack of -lgcc_s
[10:46] sanchan: i installed gcc-chimera or whatever it's called but still no
[10:47] q66: okay
[10:48] sanchan: ,/lib/libgcc_s.so.1 exists so it seems like an ldconfig issue,
online troubleshooting said ldconfig -p might tell me what's
going on
[10:49] sanchan: this isn't my area of expertise
[10:49] q66: i don't understand how you get to that conclusion
[10:49] q66: ldconfig isn't a thing with musl
[10:49] q66: libgcc_s isn't a thing with compiler-rt
[10:49] sanchan: blindly following troubleshooting guides
[10:49] sanchan: i see
[10:51] q66: glibc has a dynamic linker cache for library lookups, ldconfig
controls that cache
[10:51] q66: musl doesn't have a cache
[10:52] q66: that's why ldconfig is a symlink to true
[10:52] q66: so that when something hardcodes calling it, it's a noop
[10:54] sanchan: interesting
[10:55] sanchan: cargo must just not be checking the right dirs or something.
i'll play around with it
[10:55] sanchan: thank you!
[10:55] q66: <@q66> libgcc_s isn't a thing with compiler_rt
[10:55] q66: something hardcoding lgcc_s is wrong
[10:55] q66: it shouldn't be doing that
The Chimera Linux IRC channel is really valuable for figuring out system
weirdness but I always feel weird bugging the Professionals^TM for my awful
computer issues.
Rust tickles my brain so I'm gonna work on that instead of this.
Rust says: Package openssl was not found in the pkg-config search path.
I say: # apk add openssl-devel
And so it worked.
Rust says: = note: ld: error: unable to find library -lgcc_s
I say: Shit.
Okay, so this is an ld error (actually an error in that -lgcc_s shouldn't be
required but whatever).
fn jasima_get() -> Result<json::JsonValue> {
if let Ok(val) = if let Ok(val) = reqwest::blocking::get(jasima_remote()) {
let file = File::create(jasima_local());
} else if let Ok(val) = read_to_string(jasima_local()) {
} else {
} {
} else {
MARS: That should compile, but also, what the fuck is wrong with you?
I'm never going back to C.
Marcie checked out my cargo stuff and said "Hmm. Wack" or the equivalent dog
Burgered king; regiphagia.
Beat Mars at 2048. I feel accomplished. Also I got a job today.
I am just sort of here. I don't live here or anywhere else or anywhere in
particular and just come with my hosts when they do cool stuff and chip in
however I can in terms of housework or finances. This is a really pleasing
existence but I can't help thinking I can and should be doing more.
$ ld -L/usr/lib -lgcc_s
ld: error: unable to find library -lgcc_s
>A quick hack is to symlink libmagic.so.1 to libmagic.so
# ln -s /usr/lib/libgcc_s.so.1 /usr/lib/libgcc_s.so
# ^D
$ ld -L/usr/lib -lgcc_s
ld: warning: cannot find entry symbol _start; not setting start address
You're fucking shitting me.
We're all just chilling in Samsara.
Rabbit rabbit.

View File

@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
# this could potentially leave a user with two jasima.json files post config
# change but that's fine
if test -z "$JASIMA"
then test -n "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME" \
&& JASIMA="$XDG_CONFIG_HOME"/tokipona/jasima.json \
|| JASIMA="$HOME"/.tokipona/jasima.json
test -n "$JASIMA_URL" \
|| JASIMA_URL=https://linku.la/jasima/data.json

View File

@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
set -e
test -e toki_common \
&& . ./toki_common \
|| . toki_common
test -n "$2" \
&& printf 'Usage: %s (lipu nimi)\n' >&2 \
&& exit 64 \
|| true # syexits(3) EX_USAGE
test -n "$1" \
&& JASIMA_URL="$1"
mkdir -p "$(dirname "$JASIMA")"
curl "$JASIMA_URL" -o "$JASIMA"