face-section #7

sashakoshka merged 12 commits from face-section into main 2022-08-24 04:57:15 +00:00
1 changed files with 29 additions and 0 deletions
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@ -353,3 +353,32 @@ func (section *EnumSection) ToString (indent int) (output string) {
} }
return return
} }
func (section *FaceSection) ToString (indent int) (output string) {
output += doIndent (
"face ",
section.permission.ToString(), " ",
section.name, ":",
section.inherits, "\n")
for _, name := range sortMapKeysAlphabetically(section.behaviors) {
behavior := section.behaviors[name]
output += behavior.ToString(indent + 1)
func (behavior *FaceBehavior) ToString (indent int) (output string) {
output += doIndent(indent, behavior.name, "\n")
for _, inputItem := range behavior.inputs {
output += doIndent(indent, "> ", inputItem.ToString(), "\n")
for _, outputItem := range behavior.outputs {
output += doIndent(indent, "< ", outputItem.ToString(), "\n")