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dtb 2023-10-04 23:29:34 -04:00
parent b6841e13a2
commit b71bf427b7
1 changed files with 168 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -1928,6 +1928,174 @@ If I don't, escalate the issue to the host of this site (this can also be found
2023-09-28 I woke up a little after midnight at my workplace to my coworkers
finishing close. I put my backpack on and scooted out and down the hill to find
the old lookout point one of my former roommates had mentioned once.
The path was blocked by three boulders placed so as to prevent automobile
through-traffic. I walked by them and up the hill through the path. The
streetlight faded behind me and soon I was alone among the dark silence save
for the chatter of the crickets and varied twig-snapping of unseen nocturnal
creatures, the friends of Nowhere, Maine.
I came to a pile of strewn trash among, if it had been warmer, which would have
been flies I suppose and bits of nastiness that are begotten by nastiness.
Hoping this was the only bit decrepid in this desolation I walked further. It
was cold and I was tired so when I saw the needles and blood I made no reaction
even after my slow realization of what had happened there.
It was not a place of honor, there was nothing to be had or found there, and
had I known better I would have fled immediately to avoid the fate that had
befallen what was left of whomever that had found ruin among the brush and
uncaring wilderness. This was the fate of the addict when they find an
apathetic owner of a chainsaw and these were the pieces that, should I chose to
indulge in mainlined drugs, will compose myself as well. Dogs or cats or foxes
or wolves had got to what was left but what had happened was apparent. The baby
stroller and diapers and formula pouches told the rest of the story. I stood
for a while comprehending this mess, processing without being able to process.
Nor it being safe to do so.
My grandmother has no sympathy for addicts though even she wishes they'd get
better and supports the free dispersal of naloxone for those that need it. She
doesn't see why an addict should redose rather than purchase warmth or water,
not to mention inhabit a crack shack rather than find work and hearth and life.
She's smart. She's never looked down drunkenly at an empty bottle or
experienced lethargic purple haze and stupefied daze that accompanies the
shortening of a rolled joint. She's never craved a cigarette like I have. She
couldn't imagine it. She couldn't imagine my knowing the feeling. She can't
answer my questions for her - how sober lukewarm shelter could compare to pure
happiness coursing through a vein, or how hydration could compare to not
needing to care about any need, physical or emotional. Perhaps money can't buy
one love, but there are things a person enjoys more. At least at first.
I've been through the downward spiral slipping from shelter to smaller shelter
like a sieve, looking only for acceptance and a place to sleep and finding
scarce the former and only more expensive the latter while my pay doesn't
increase nearly as quickly as the cost to live. One shot would kill me years
later after hundreds more, perhaps not as directly the first as the last, but
the first would be my death all the same. I know this. The sound ice makes when
it hits water and feels the sharp difference in temperature accompanied by the
whoosh of butane and naked laugh of the crazed fiend hungry for more pleasure,
more solace, a hoard of catharsis never to be experienced, only kept like a rat
keeps food for winter, and the drawing in of the needle and the flick and snap
of the glass and rubber band and push of it in and the mind out and let the
reason bleed out of you in transparent drool and snot and let the eyes droop
and heart swell with unearned passion. As much as it would be my comfort then
it is my recurring nightmare now. And it's not inevitable, because I will make
it out of this hell before it chains me and loses the key.
Hyperlinks relating to moulage
Hyperlinks relating to CrowPi2 programming
everything sucks so fucking hard
So. Roommates got evicted. Seeing the writing on the wall I packed my shit up
and left. Now that my repack's done I am now comfortably contained in a
backpack with strapped on sleeping bag and scooter on my shoulder. Where to go
next, though, was complicated.
2023-09-26 I got out of work and went back to my roommates. They were squatting
and for lack of space elsewhere I slept in the kitchen in my clothes and jacket
next to the litter box. The cats kept staring at me. It smelled like shit and
piss and the cats would paw at the litter to toss it on me. I got an hour of
sleep and went to work early.
2023-09-27 I got out of work and scooted up the street to a Dollar Tree around
which I scooted and found a nice clear area behind a railing next to a parking
lot. At work I had debated leaving the scooter. It's weight and something else
to carry. Eventually I just brought it though and it lay next to me in the
I laid out my sleeping bag, opened a book on my tablet, and silently and
comfortably if a little bit chilly read Hulk comics until I heard a distant
You mother fuck!
I looked up but I couldn't see the source.
Get out of here!
Perhaps it was voices. Perhaps it was a trick of the air. I laid back down. I
was wearing all black and my bivy was green against the olive brush. They
couldn't see me.
I see you out there! If you're still there I'm going to fucking kill you!
Night had by this time fallen. I sat up and got out my telescope.
At work I had also considered leaving it behind.
Two camoflouged cameras against the walls and two doors. The second one opened
and then closed. I was visible and I had probably been made. I began to pack my
stuff, quickly. Then the SUV arrived. Black, big, and it circled the parking
lot like a cat about to pounce on me. It's at this point I strap my sleeping
bag on halfway and with a glance at my former spot I got on my scooter and
sped. It started following me.
I scooted for a cliff, jumped off my scooter and jumped down onto the wet grass
sliding to a stop. I took the time to strap the rest of my sleeping bag on and
then from that ledge jumped down and scooted down a side street. Left. Right.
Left. Right. Left onto Lisbon St and eventually I was back at work.
[10:46 PM] trinity: outran an suv on a kick scooter
[10:46 PM] trinity: i am so swag
[11:03 PM] [..1]: i read that in your voice and it made me smile
[11:05 PM] [..2]: gayass
I was huffing and puffing and tuned my UV-5R to the county dispatch but there
was nothing, city dispatch is encrypted and I don't wanna bother figuring it
out so I assume whoever was after me was not police.
post meta coital meta cigarette
pixelated bodies having meta sex
meta kids meta hacking both our meta eyes
peeping meta Toms in the same meta lie
01 "It's pretty nice." Nice didn't begin to cut it. In fact, it was the
most beautiful wax sculpture I had ever seen. It depicted a life-sized nude
woman with intricate detail: hair so fine you could trace individual strands
down to their split ends, make out the scoring of her flesh and the lines in
her palms - including wrinkling that on the animate would indicate lack of
moisture. "Why the injury?"
3: Is your dog nice?
?: All dogs are nice.
3: Like. Can I pet your dog?
?: That's up to the dog.
horizontal six letters; poly pollinators